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Thread: The Bitching Thread

  1. #401
    Nah, I only pierced my skin enough to bleed.

  2. #402
    ANBU Captain aznimperialx's Avatar
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    up your mutha's ass
    Kraco: lol, i do tend to go way off and have run on sentences but just wanted tell you guys a story

    Oh heres one i guess...

    Me and my dad were talking about college and stuffs... I was like dad, i think i want to go to a filming school. He was like what? Why waste your time. You just should be a begger.
    What a JACKASS.

    And the other day i was like, When i graduate highschool, i think i want to rest up a year before going to college, to like get some job and stuff.
    He fucking gives me a cold stare and i couldn't tell if it was his drunk face or poker face
    "If you do that, You are out of this house, I don't want to see you if you do, get out"
    What a JACKASS

    Who's father is like mine? Give me some stories

  3. #403
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    I think you have Asian Parent Syndrome, aznimperialx.

  4. #404
    ANBU Captain aznimperialx's Avatar
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    up your mutha's ass
    LMAO that site is funny XanBcoo, i've seen that kinda of stuff that parents do to their children...however im the complete damn opposite of that

    1.playing trumpet, playing bass soon. ( nothing classical about that )
    2. I don't study math, i see it, i memorize it, i ace it
    3. fuck extra classes, i have enough throughout the day
    4. Only took one strandazied test, was a test to get into this really "excellent school" dad was pushing me and i never wanted to go, just did it too see how smart i was
    and indeed i was smart
    5. I've seen many asian couples here in New York.

    Some stuff are true...
    1. i tell my pops I got an 97 on a test, he goes Oh but not a 100
    2.he'd chop me up if i was to get jiggly with a girl (believes im too young wtf)
    3. He never talked about family honor...hmm
    4.He always wishing i could do better and stuff...But i say i can't because he's my dad

  5. #405
    Genin drims's Avatar
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    F**k Latin and english 12, they give too much f***ing home work..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Made by IFHTT
    “Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth; and God has placed in the human heart a desire to know the truth—in a word, to know himself—so that, by knowing and loving God, men and women may also come to the fullness of truth about themselves.” Pope John Paul II

  6. #406
    Hey, anzimperialx, I think he just cares Hey arent you also 14 years old? Of course you shouldnt be having sex with girls!

  7. #407
    Quote Originally Posted by aznimperialx
    3. He never talked about family honor...hmm
    Family honor? What's that

  8. #408
    ANBU Captain aznimperialx's Avatar
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    up your mutha's ass
    My dad is the biggest homo...

    just yesterday i was talking about getting the guitar/bass and i was like Come on, let me get it on the site, then he goes NO, i don't trust the internet, fucking old man and his outdated shit. He's like Get it at a store.
    So i find one, and me and my friends are talking/planning to go there. And he gets home now and i ask him for money, he goes Why don't you go with your mother, i said i don't want to, going with friends who play. Then he goes Well Maybe the site is cheaper (WTF). And then he says like OK heres what you do, Go to print out the guitar you like and print it out then you go to the store and compare it, Then whatevers cheaper buy it.
    I start to get mad and i say YO not everything is the same price and I Can't FEEL which guitar fits me on the site. And i tell him to go fuck away get out and shit.

    I don't fucking care about getting whatever is cheap. Its not like its going to be cheaper by 100 bucks. And i aint waiting on no fucking internet to ship. And now i probably have to break the plans because he most likely bitch about me yelling and not giving me money.

  9. #409
    Well Today I am going to bitch about who ever left me the neg rep saying "How's that going to help" to a post I previously made in this thread in which I stated, "I'd snap that bitch in half". I don't care about the neg rep itself, but the reason behind it. I don't recall this being the "Give legitimate answers to people's problems" thread. So whom ever it was, and you know who you are, you've earned a big fuck you. I'm happy now.

  10. #410
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XanBcoo
    I think you have Asian Parent Syndrome, aznimperialx.
    haha i used to get hassled a lot by my parents too aznimpeialx but dont worry about it. my friends tell me that my parents are probably shamed to have such a son.

    things that make me an asian failure

    1) i play the saxophone and electric guitar, not a violin but i did please them by taking up the piano
    2) i play basketball, football and lacross all on sport teams instead of going to math clubs.
    3) i find something wrong with eating rice everyday 365 days. i mean comon, how many fucking things are you going to make with rice?!
    4) i date, yes i date instead of study.

    things that allow me to keep my family name
    1) my grades, even my parents cant argue with those grades
    2) i'm going to an ivy league college
    3) 1560 on SATs (i think, i may be off a bit)
    4) i learned math 4 years ahead yes that part is true.

    but my point of bitching here was...


    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  11. #411
    Quote Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
    haha i used to get hassled a lot by my parents too aznimpeialx but dont worry about it. my friends tell me that my parents are probably shamed to have such a son.

    things that make me an asian failure

    1) i play the saxophone and electric guitar, not a violin but i did please them by taking up the piano
    2) i play basketball, football and lacross all on sport teams instead of going to math clubs.
    3) i find something wrong with eating rice everyday 365 days. i mean comon, how many fucking things are you going to make with rice?!
    4) i date, yes i date instead of study.

    things that allow me to keep my family name
    1) my grades, even my parents cant argue with those grades
    2) i'm going to an ivy league college
    3) 1560 on SATs (i think, i may be off a bit)
    4) i learned math 4 years ahead yes that part is true.

    but my point of bitching here was...

    Hahaha good for you! I like how you're defying the stereo-typical view of asians. I do all of those things except:

    1.) I don't attend an Ivy League
    2.) I got 1430 on my SATs
    3.) I learned math 1 year ahead

  12. #412
    Quote Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
    4) i learned math 4 years ahead yes that part is true.
    Oh you sick bastard, you...

  13. #413
    nice sig BoC.

    Too bad they stopped making the anime.

    The manga is sick though

  14. #414
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BOARD_of_command
    Oh you sick bastard, you...
    eh, it didnt bother me THAT much, it allowed me to sleep through all my math classes.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  15. #415
    Quote Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
    but my point of bitching here was...

    LOL. I still haven't gotten mines too and i'm pretty pissed because of it. Fucking Game Crazy.

    Ovan, The Rebirth

  16. #416
    Quote Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
    3) 1560 on SATs (i think, i may be off a bit)
    Okay, its embarrasing to ask since every one here seems to know what it means but what is SATs?

  17. #417
    The SAT is an aptitude test that measures the knowledge one would accumulate throughout the span of grade school. Colleges set a minimum you have to achieve in order to be accepted to that college. Different colleges accept different numbers. A lot of colleges, provided your score is high enough for their standards, will grant you a scholarship and pay for your tuition to come to their college. 1560 is an excellent score as 1600 is the highest you can make, although I think there is a new SAT this year with 2400 as the top score.. Hope that explains it well enough .

  18. #418
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    Don't worry gr3atfull, you won't have to worry about SATs unless you want to go to university in the US.
    That's one test I'm glad I never had to deal with.

  19. #419
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    edit: lol i'll put this at the top so you guys dont need to scroll down. This might be repetitive because is pent so much time on my rant that 2 people beat me to post.

    Quote Originally Posted by AtHRunOwNZaLL
    LOL. I still haven't gotten mines too and i'm pretty pissed because of it. Fucking Game Crazy.
    yes but did they fuck up your order too? mine shipped out on the 29th, as a PRE-ORDER. it should've gotten to me on the 28th.

    Quote Originally Posted by gr3atfull
    Okay, its embarrasing to ask since every one here seems to know what it means but what is SATs? you live in the US? if not you dont really need to worry about it but its

    but its really the Scholastic Assessment Test

    which is supposed to pretty much gauge a students ability and predict his/her future. of course not a single test can correctly judge a studen't ability yet, colleges have accepted this as an important standard for them to decide upon whether or not they will accept a student. basically, if you live in america you will be cramming these things into your head from about 9th gradeish.

    however in 9th grade you'll be studying for something called the PSATs which are preliminary SATs which will determine if you are deserving of a scholarship (in college eyes) yet once again i mentioned, this system is very unreliable and just this year a bunch of student's grades were fucked up during the SATs and its been all over the news (though not top priority news, for some reason they find talking about more soliders dead in Iraq "news") and for a long time, people have been aruging the fact that the SATs are shit and only recently have people begun to see why.

    well i hope that helped...but this bitching will be done for my younger brother here (i got 2)

    he has to take the SATs in 1-2 years (he's in 10th grade) but he's studying for the PSATs (which are generally taken in 10th grade) and they changed the whole SAT system (in fact, i took it during 2nd to last year of the "old" test) and now it includes 2 english sections and only 1 math section. Now lets see, who generally scored highest on the SATs? the asians. why? because of a 800 in math and constant drilling of vocab words into their heads for that 650-800 in english. Lets be honest, with the asian stereotypes, some are frequently true. Like the fact that we learn accelerated pace. So generally, asians scored high on the math section. THis enabled them already 50% of a good grade, and scrapping a 650 would be good enough for a 1450. now for some reason, some people look down on 1450, yet its a relatively high score. And it is enough to get you into an Ivy League college. But now, math only stands for 33.333(....and on and on)% of the SATs and english stands for 66.666(and on and on)%. This puts asians at a disadvantage.

    now why does "the college board" find knowledge of the english language including grammer and essay skills more important than math? i have no idea. I always thought of them as equals and i see no reason why math deserves to be bumped down like that. So now, a math genius (AKA an asian) scores 800 on his math section. woohpty doo. now if he scores 650 on both english sections (though not likely, no offense i'm talking about the average asian who's bad at english, but me being born here along with many others won't find this that bad) gets a 2100. Now then, 2100 a good score? i have no fucking idea. I knew for the old SATs that 1400 was a good score (relatively good) and thats the average of 100 points off each section. so a 2100 is about the same thing. However, this sudden change will allow younger students to adapt, but now the older ones who they decided to change the rules in when they had no chance to study for the new one. Now by changing the test while my brother is in 9th grade, gives him 1 year to study for the a whole bulk of the test which most students used to have a lot more time to study for. and to top it off, he has to study 2 english sections at once (nobody here is really worried about his math) and so thanks to this, (now i'm about to relate it to me and why i bitch about it because to be honest, i dont really care about my brother THAT much, i'm done with the test, i got lucky) but now i recieve calls at 1:00am from either my parents or my brother ASKING FOR HELP. now how the hell would i know how to handle this? i never took that part of the test, they've even gone as far as sending me 5 essays for me to check over in which i sent them back saying they were fine without reading them. I have no time for this shit and i dont want to take the SATs all over again. And to make matters worse i had 1 year for tutoring at high wages of $80 an hour (lets face it, when you get 1560 people are begging you to teach them) but now, my knowledge is like ancient history...completely worthless.

    and now, i end my rant rather badly.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  20. #420
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    Hehe, I had to respond to your rant. As a disclaimer, I really know absolutely nothing about SAT's or what's on them. So all I have to offer is speculation.

    To start, I'd like to say that every single job I have applied for so far has had as one of it's core requirements "Good communication skills". I'd say that employers weight this even more highly than technical skills, and I'm in a field that's about as math-y and abstract as it gets, without going into pure research. At this point, you may think that academics are the be-all and end-all of success, but really they don't mean much. People skills, networking, and being able to write well and express yourself eloquently are the key to getting a good job. I'd say that the changes in the SAT's are a natural reflection of that, putting more emphasis on communication and less on math.

    My thesis project this year was to build a robot. Interestingly enough, the people who did the best in the class were not the top students, the ones who get the highest marks, but they were the average students, the ones who never really stand out. So, don't take SAT scores too seriously. Academics are a good measure of how much knowledge you can cram into your brain and regurgitate, but what really matters is being able to apply that knowledge and being creative in how you apply it.

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