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Thread: The Bitching Thread

  1. #341
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It had to suck big time from your point of view, Masa, but on the other hand it made an excellent, if cruel, story for the rest of us. So, it's not all bad.

  2. #342
    I have a rib that my four year old cousin broke about two years ago. It's completely healed, but it grew back odd, and now if I take too deep a breath, it hurts.


  3. #343
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    A four years old cousin broke your rib? Damn, must be a real handful of a cousin. Just be careful; once he's 10 years old, he could break you in two by accident...

  4. #344
    lol did you get beat up by your 4 year old cousin??

    But can't they fix that?? the odd thing.

  5. #345
    I let him jump on my back cause he did it quietly.

    And they probably could fix it, but meh, I hate surg. badly.

  6. #346
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    ouch, lefty that sounds like a real pain in the ass...

    i still have a bad knee from high school football that crim`ps up when i play sports sometimes...

    yeah, guess the moral of my story was: leave really fucking early for flights. didnīt mean to bitch so much... it was one of those (Dont blame others, blame yourself, or God...) moments.... and i really was the one who fucked up

    thnx kitkat for the hug

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  7. #347
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
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    if you find out tell me.....
    lefty... hope you be jumping and rolling around very soon.

    this fucking suck!!!!!!!!! plans got cancelled and i got SCREWED!!!... tonight was my night to blow off some steam and kick back a little before mid- terms, you know take the edge off and a break from studying and everyone had a hissy fit... son of a i am at home on a sat. night with nothing destructive to do....

    i do feel a little better.....huh.
    ---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------
    ________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________

    ________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.

  8. #348
    Awesome user with default custom title RedX1z's Avatar
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    @lefty: hope you'll be able to do your thing in no time.

    @dragonrage: a saturday night is a terrible thing to waste, but there'll be other saturdays where you'll get drunk and break stuff or whatever it is that you do.

    i go out with my mom and my brother to go to eat dinner with my mom's friend and her two daughters, i didn't think there'd be anything more to it then that, but there was. the oldest daughter didn't have anyone to go to the prom with and the two mom's were talking, then one thing lead to another and now i'm obligated to go to the high school prom with the oldest daughter who i really don't know or talked to during the whole meal or even outside in public, don't even know her name. the reason why i bitch about this is because i don't like the whole idea of proms and shit, didn't even go to mine before i graduated, so annoying with the planning and all. now, i have to make memories at a school i don't know and a girl who i really.. really.. don't know. what's so amazing about proms anyway?!
    Signature by Lucifus

    She knows what you did last summer..

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  9. #349
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
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    if you find out tell me.....
    @ultxdarkredx1: Nah i don't break anything. The plan was to chill a little go catch a movie and afterwards play alittle pool ( i am into pool these days). But some problems surfaced and they started arguing and well everything went to hell... At that point i did want to break something, but thats not who i am...The reason I was pissed is because since high school i have been working weekends and then after graduation got a job that required that i work weekends.... so had no time for myself between work and school.... I got stressed out and quit recently. Saturday was suppose to help me releave some of that stress but instead created more... Oh well such is life...

    i know what you mean about prom man, I didn't go to mines as well (thought it was a good waste of money lol). I feel your pain having to take someone that is not your choice in the first place. But you should talk to the girl, find out who she really is. If you still feel the way you do after getting to know her, be honest with her, tell her the truth. It might hurt her feeling, but i think it would be better than going with a total stranger and someone who doesn't want to be there in the first place. Who knows maybe she would feel the same way...

    I was wondering who brought it up, her not having anyone to go to prom with?

    Moms will be Moms, you think that is bad. There was a get together at a friend of the family's house and the moms were talking, next thing i know they were making wedding plans for me and a girl i didn't even know. Later my Mom told me that was the alcohol talking and that they weren't serious, but they sure fooled me.
    ---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------
    ________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________

    ________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.

  10. #350
    Awesome user with default custom title RedX1z's Avatar
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    @dragonrage: who brought it up? if i remember correctly it was mom's friend. funny thing is i think they were trying to make me pop the question yesterday and i don't think they were drunk. thing is i fear the pretty ones if i don't know them, that's also another reason why i'm really not liking this, if i knew her better and shit it'd be a different story, but we're going to the prom and i really don't know what she's going to do.. i fear pretty people.. at first, because 80% turn out to be a bitch..
    Signature by Lucifus

    She knows what you did last summer..

    ------------私はコピーX 及びSimca が空を征服することを信じる------------

  11. #351
    I hate when people yell in the house when I, or someone else is asleep. I hate waking up after only 90 minutes of sleep. Grr. This fucking blows.

  12. #352
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zidarri the Exile
    I hate when people yell in the house when I, or someone else is asleep. I hate waking up after only 90 minutes of sleep. Grr. This fucking blows.
    I feel your pain. I'm a chronic insomniac (I average about 3-4 hrs of sleep at most). It doesn't seem to matter when I go to sleep at night, I still wake up after 4 hours. I get to catch little naps at work and school (cause I'm fucking bored), but a half hour just doesn't help at all. I woke up today at 4am. For no reason. Goddamnit!

    And since we're talking old injuries..I have a plate holding my forearm bones together. Every once in a while my wrist clicks and bad weather makes it painful as all hell. I also had the bone that holds your achiles tendon straight at the back of my left heal. I snaped it in half and they had to remove the rest. It doesn't hurt, but I have a barely noticable limp and it sometimes slips when I walk up or down steps. The ankle was a HS football injury that I played through, which probably didn't help much. It was kinda weird having a bone floating loose in my ankle. Doctor said he was amazed I didn't complain about it, since apparently it tore the tendon a bit. Hurt like hell, but if I complained I would've been benched. And I had to be awake for all my surgeries (I had a bad reaction to anestetics, and woke up in one surgery), which was funny as hell when they had to drill 4 holes in my wrist and I got to watch. Man, that narcotic they used was great.
    Edit: I wonder how easily I could scan the x-rays in for you guys. think I still have the wrist one.

    "Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help."

  13. #353
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ero-Fan
    I feel your pain. I'm a chronic insomniac (I average about 3-4 hrs of sleep at most). It doesn't seem to matter when I go to sleep at night, I still wake up after 4 hours. I get to catch little naps at work and school (cause I'm fucking bored), but a half hour just doesn't help at all. I woke up today at 4am. For no reason. Goddamnit!
    Yeah, that shit happened to me to day too. I wake up at 4:44 thinking it's 7:44 and get ready to take a shower, but then noticed that it wasn't bright outside. So I go to check the clock and it's fucking 4:50.

    So I just go back to sleep and wake up 4 hours later.

    R.I.P Captain America.

  14. #354
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knives122
    Yeah, that shit happened to me to day too. I wake up at 4:44 thinking it's 7:44 and get ready to take a shower, but then noticed that it wasn't bright outside. So I go to check the clock and it's fucking 4:50.

    So I just go back to sleep and wake up 4 hours later.
    I wish I could go back to sleep. Even if I was capable of it, I had to leave for work at 6:15 anyways, so I just got up and got ready anyway. I just took a long shower and left no hot water for anybody. Serves them right for being able to sleep.

    Edit: @ Below- Yeah. It gets worse and then I finally crash. Usually 2-3 weeks of sleeplessness (is this even a word?) followed by almost a full day of sleep. Good way to kill a Sunday when no football is on. But sucks if I had plans and I sleep through em.
    Last edited by Ero-Fan; Mon, 03-27-2006 at 01:28 PM.

    "Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help."

  15. #355
    I wish I could avg 4 hours. I am not an insomniac, because sometimes I get up to 10 hours of sleep every day. But.... usually, I get anywhere from 30-120 minuts. IT SUCKS ASS.

    I feel like shit 24/7, I work my ass off, I deal with stupid people, and then I come home, try to sleep, end up giving up after four hours of . . . boredom. Seriously, I lay in my bed, not being able to sleep, no matter how tired I am. I can only sleep when I pass out. I have absolutly no control.

  16. #356
    Xeno Genesis Xollence's Avatar
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    30-120 mins? That's crazy. I can't even function properly with just 4 hours.

  17. #357
    Quote Originally Posted by Zidarri the Exile
    I wish I could avg 4 hours. I am not an insomniac, because sometimes I get up to 10 hours of sleep every day. But.... usually, I get anywhere from 30-120 minuts. IT SUCKS ASS.

    I feel like shit 24/7, I work my ass off, I deal with stupid people, and then I come home, try to sleep, end up giving up after four hours of . . . boredom. Seriously, I lay in my bed, not being able to sleep, no matter how tired I am. I can only sleep when I pass out. I have absolutly no control.

    whow thats not really healthy i think.. you should see the docter. and try some sleep pills

  18. #358
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UltxDarkRedX1
    @dragonrage: who brought it up? if i remember correctly it was mom's friend. funny thing is i think they were trying to make me pop the question yesterday and i don't think they were drunk. thing is i fear the pretty ones if i don't know them, that's also another reason why i'm really not liking this, if i knew her better and shit it'd be a different story, but we're going to the prom and i really don't know what she's going to do.. i fear pretty people.. at first, because 80% turn out to be a bitch..
    lol... 80% sound about right. But remember that there is the other 20%. You're not going to know which catogory she falls into unless you get to know her. I also think you should get to know her before prom, because if she is part of the 80%, its gonna be a looooonng ass night, and you might even get an ear full from your mom since it's her friend's daughter.... good luck

    @ Zidarri the exile.... i know what you mean man. Atleast when it come to the sleeping part, not the yelling part. I have been advised to do this:

    1: Set aside 8 hours of your day for sleep... not matter what you have to sleep.
    2: If you can't sleep, whatever the reason, exercise until you are dead tiried.

    It may not work the first couple days but eventually it will..
    If that don't work try sleepin pills (ASK YOUR DOCTOR), be advised that they are addictive and you have to set aside 8 hours of your day.

    @ Ero-fan don't know much about Insomiac but i offer the same advise to you... But you should really see a doctor about it man. Especially if you are studying because if you don't get enough sleep. Stuff on the pages start coming at you and you can't concentrate, i am sure you know this.

    About your injuries all I have to say is DAMN!..... sucks to be you... just kidding....
    Last edited by dragonrage; Mon, 03-27-2006 at 05:19 PM.
    ---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------
    ________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________

    ________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.

  19. #359
    Turkish - I've tried, sleeping pills don't work with me for some reason. At least not at a healthy dosage*sp*.

    One time, the doctor prescribed a general brand, and said it was really good. I took the two pills I was supposed to, and I actually felt more hyper. After I had been awake another 12 hours, I took 3 pills, even more hyper. I went back to the docter, and she prescribed a name brand, and rather then feel tired or hyper, I simply lost my desire to do anything. Yeah, me and pills = No-No.

    4 hours of sleep is plenty to function on. The brain can be stimulated for aprox. 13 days before it starts to get overworked. After that, it needs at least 10 hours of sleep to do another 13 days. Now, this isn't healthy on the body, and you'd feel like your balls just got smashed by Superman wielding a Sledgehammer. But, for me, who stays up anywhere from 10-50 hours before I sleep, an hour can rest my brain plenty, even if my body feels like shit.

  20. #360
    Xeno Genesis Xollence's Avatar
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    I hate all these people putting love poems and other depressing crap about love in their aim profiles. It's so sad how people don't have the balls to tell their friends they need someone to talk to and instead do this so that people feel sorry for them, especially after a break up. For example:

    "Love, is always the most complicated thing in the world. People would never know how to love someone, if they have never been hurted and never suffer in a relationship... You wont know how happy and fortune to be in love if you never fall a tear because of love... Love is all about journey of our life, we learn, we hurt and we cherish..."

    By the way a GUY wrote this. At least check your grammar when you're putting up sissy crap like this. Not only do you look like a drama queen looking for attention and sympathy, you also look like a total retard.

    rant over.

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