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Thread: School Rumble: 2nd Term

  1. #141
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    ehh your mom isn't so bad but yeah i get what you mean about the name putting you off. Oh and WF been releasing at a pretty decent rate since they got back so waiting for them isn't that much of a pain either. Btw Church that avatar is awesome.

  2. #142
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    As Honoko already said, Your Mom subs are fine so long as you are not archiving this series. They are decent enough to watch without any problems. Yes, the name threw me off too but the subs are easy to understand, the translation is ok, and the video quality is also fine. And, they are up to episode 16. They arent as horrible as say, Hell Fansubs.

  3. #143

  4. #144
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    Hm, I don't know if that's going to stop WannabeFansubs though. Didn't they continue subbing the first season, even though they were asked to stop by the company?

  5. #145
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kooshi
    Hm, I don't know if that's going to stop WannabeFansubs though. Didn't they continue subbing the first season, even though they were asked to stop by the company?
    Really? Such a thing happened? That's pretty badass.

    But let's hope this won't change anything. I have a feeling the commercial subs for this series will hardly reach 40% of the fansub quality. Technical reasons alone will matter a lot.

  6. #146
    Yeah, MFI asked a lot of major fansub groups during season 1 to stop, most stopped but a few (including WF) kept going.

    I also hope this doesn't change anything, considering I'm too poor right now and (mostly because) I can't wait that long till the commercial DVD's catch up...

    Btw, anyone know if Funimation has a trackrecord of oppsing fansubs?

  7. #147
    ANBU Captain Harima Kenji's Avatar
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    Knowing Funi, the 'stop subbing or we'll kill you' e-mail has already been sent...

    To my understanding Funimation is the most annoying of all companies when it comes to stopping subbers... I don't know if they've sued people, though..

  8. #148
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Funi has been asking people to stop first recently, Shinsen was doing about 3 series they picked up and asked politely, saying they'd sent S&D letters but decided to ask first, but in a nice way. Shinsen agreed and there was no harm done.

    WF completed the first season after being asked to stop by Media Factory repeatedly. They made themselves notoriously difficult to contact.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sun, 08-06-2006 at 09:31 PM.

  9. #149
    already out for almost a week but here's episode 17

  10. #150

  11. #151
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Funi has been asking people to stop first recently, Shinsen was doing about 3 series they picked up and asked politely, saying they'd sent S&D letters but decided to ask first, but in a nice way. Shinsen agreed and there was no harm done.

    WF completed the first season after being asked to stop by Media Factory repeatedly. They made themselves notoriously difficult to contact.
    Well, apprently WF did drop the series, or at least that's what they are implying...

  12. #152
    WF did stop, it's announced on their website. I don't think Your-mom is planning to stop, at least they aren't saying anything. Guess we'll just have to wait and buy the DVD's or wait for some altruistic soul to rip/encode thier DVD's...

  13. #153
    As far as I know, Your-Mom releases are jokesubs... so I'm confused on why some of you say that they have decent translations. Can someone please clarify?

  14. #154
    Well, this should answer some questions
    I haven't seen any of their work, so I can't comment.

  15. #155
    Damn it! I just might have to resort to watching a Your-Mom release. What next? Your-Dad?

  16. #156
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I guess it's Your-Mom now. I've never had a look at their translations before, though, but apparently they aren't jokesubs. It looks like they are done without an editor, so there are lots of typos and grammatical issues. But even that is better, for now, than waiting till next year or something for the DVDs to be released. And fortunately I'm not really a purist what comes to subs, anyway.

  17. #157
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Budweineken
    As far as I know, Your-Mom releases are jokesubs... so I'm confused on why some of you say that they have decent translations. Can someone please clarify?
    Whatever it is, Your-Dad releases are the joke subs while Your-Mom is decent and watchable. I've seen both and those were my observations.

  18. #158
    i will second honoko in that your-mom releases are definitely not jokesubs. the quality is actually really good and besides a few typos here and there, the translations are good.

  19. #159
    ANBU Captain Harima Kenji's Avatar
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    Too bad WF stopped, but I fully understand why they did it.
    I guess that untill the R1 DVDs are released I'm stuck with your-mom...
    I can only hope that Funi doesn't fudge up on the subs..

    I really don't understand that the translators of those companies don't know/care that people that are doing it for free are doing a better job then those that are being payed to do it..

    ATM there is 1 good thing about all of this.. I get to marathon 7 eps

  20. #160
    Well, the companies are in it for the money, but the fansubs are doing it because they want to and for the fans. The motives are different. As some have said, there's no soul in the DVD subs.

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