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Thread: Gundam Seed Destiny Final Plus

  1. #21
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Plus

    Someone just summarize this shit so I don't have to download it.

  2. #22

    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Plus

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    Someone just summarize this shit so I don't have to download it.
    No chance Terra, it is your duty as true Gundam fan to bear this pain of flashbacks [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  3. #23
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?

    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Plus


    There better be at least one Yzak scene in it, then.

  4. #24
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Plus

    ... I love Gundam... but once I heard that Lacus is in the new 10 minute part I decided to skip the long DL. Episodes 49 and 50 are the only GSD episodes that survived my purge of crappy anime (also the Battle of Crete, and Episodes 1 and 8 are still there).

    Originally posted by: Illrenmazou
    Here's the spoiler from a Gunpla forums
    You need a login to get to that spoiler... And, I'm feeling might lazy right now...

    Nope, not DLing this monster. Sick of Fukuda and the travesty that is GSD. Space on hard drive must be kept for decent anime.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  5. #25

    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Plus

    I Dont know if u watched it already Terra, but yes, Izak has screen time, but he doesnt talk.

    Athrun and Meyring
    Kira and Lacus
    Shinn and Lunamaria

    It looks like Lacus is given the position of Chairwoman of PLANT and Cagalli continues being Orb's Representative.

    Athrun Introduces Kira to Shinn as Freedom's Pilot. And maybe I'll post some screenshots in a while. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

    Screenshot 01
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    Screenshot 21
    Screenshot 22

    I Hope this is of Use to you Terra [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img].

  6. #26

    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Plus

    I will give them credit for trying to make ending of GSD a little better.
    As unortodox it might sound, i am starting to feel that GSD might be saved by ... compilation movies
    If they cut out those flashbacks, insert new animation to explain story it will save Destiny.
    It won't make it a perfect Gundam show, no. But it will turn flawed Gundam series into something a bit more enjoyable. Provided that someone else directs and writes scripts...
    We can always hope

  7. #27

    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Plus

    the new opening, playing to "vestige"

    Final Plus:

    Screencaps shown here are for footage not seen in Phase 50. There's enough new scenes to make a separate episode.

    Seems like they redubbed the dialogue. Each character's delivery is different from Phase 50, and it's more obvious when Shinn and Rey cried. The voices of some of the grunts making announcements in the background were changed. They even changed some of the lines. Some of the flashback in Phase 50 that were done in toned down colors are now in full color.

    There's a lot more battle scenes, between the Gundams, the grunt suits, and ships. Messiah's shield now covers the top and bottom sides, compared to Phase 50 where they were open. There's new, non-stock footage of Archangel, Eternal, and Minerva attacking and evading throughout.

    Destiny throws its boomerangs at Freedom, which dives to evade. Freedom fires its combined rifle at Destiny. Legend launches its DRAGOONs at Freedom, and Kira gets a Newtype flash, just in time to deflect the shots with both of his beam shields. Justice fires all of its beam guns at Legend. Athrun asks for an update from the Orb fleet. ZAFT suits converge on Archangel, but they're all shot down by Akatsuki's DRAGOONs. We see Orb and EA suits duking it out with ZAFT. Impulse and a squadron of ZAKUs attack the Eternal, but the Dom Troopers annihilate the ZAKUs. When Kira orders the Archangel and Justice to head for Requiem, his dialogue is longer, and he ends it with "That's an order". We also see reactions from the Clyne faction.

    As Athrun heads for Requiem, he encounters a couple of ZAKUs. Justice does a Freedom by flying fast between the suits and chopping their heads off.

    When Lacus senses Kira in distress, she hasn't gone SEED yet. There's also more intese DRAGOON action between Freedom and Legend.

    We see all three Izumo class ships fire broadsides at Nazcas. They then show the second relay station being positioned to where the first one used to be.

    There's a long scene of Dullindal contemplating on why his plan is best for humanity while being taunted by a phantom Rau.

    In Phase 50, they used stock footage of the old X10A Freedom evading a barrage from Legend. This time they correctly used Strike Freedom.

    They showed the lead Dom Trooper getting its leg blasted off, and they showed Dearka's ZAKU take a hit to the shoulder.

    Murusames strafe the shield protecting Requiem, to no avail. Then, all three Izumo class ships fire their Lohengrins at the shield, also in vain.

    When Shinn gets defeated by Athrun, his astral form flies off from Destiny's wreckage.

    Three Murusame pilots, probably the ones who defeated Chaos, engage and defeat three GOUFs.

    We see Murrue actually give the order to do a barrel roll to defeat the Minerva. After Minerva is shot, Athrun has a flashback of Talia before he rams his subflight lifter at the Minerva's engines.

    Messiah's shield was actually deployed when Kira's METEOR attacked. But one swipe from Kira's ginormous beam saber destroyed both the shield and the ring projecting it. We see Dullindal enraged when Kira and the Eternal make short work of the Messiah. And this time, we hear the screams of Messiah's crew as the command center explodes around Dullindal.

    The biggest change: Athrun goes after Kira inside Messiah. He lands right next to Freedom, and he encounters a guard who tried to mow him down with gunfire.

    After being swayed by Kira's speech, we see from Rey's point of view how his gunsights are centering on Dullindal.

    Athrun arrives just as Kira and Dullidal were about to fire at each other. After Dullindal is shot, Athrun walks in and becomes part of the scene.

    Before Rey goes to the Great Blue Yonder, he sees a fading vision of Rau.

    We see an escape pod from Minerva, with most of the known crew aboard. Missing is Youlan, the dark-skinned mechanic. His partner Vino is seen crying and clutching something.

    After the Messiah crashes, Lacus asks Meyrin to open a channel to the Gondwana. Lacus makes a speech, yadda-yadda, and soon all ships in the area begin firing their recall/withdraw flares.

    As Freedom and Justice speed off to the Eternal, Athrun looks down on the moon and breaks off. He lands in front of Shinn and Luna, and he extends Justice's hand towards them.

    Later, PLANT and Orb mend ties, and the Archangel and the Eternal arrive at PLANT. Shiho and Yzak flank Lacus on the bridge of the Eternal.

    Athrun, Meyrin, Luna and Shinn visit the memorial on Ongoro Island. Kira and Lacus joins them, and Athrun introduces Kira as Freedom's pilot to a shocked Shinn. Kira extends his hand to Shinn. Shinn grasps it, and then tears fall from his eyes when he realizes that he already met Kira on the same memorial before. Three couples part separately as the credits roll: Athrun and Meyrin, Kira and Lacus, and Shinn and Luna.

    After the credits roll, we see Cagalli leading the Ord Emirs to a meeting. We also see Lacus, escorted by Yzak and another ZAFT officer, march into a large room full of ZAFT personnel. She's either PLANT's new Defense Committee Chair or she went to a Clyne Faction meeting....

  8. #28

    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Plus

    Damn @GadGuard, u r freaking right, there are new scenes, i better watch it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]. THX.

    EDIT: Kira Finally uses his authority and gives an order to Marrue-San and Athrun around 09:50.

  9. #29
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Plus

    Originally posted by: SFreedomZGMFx20a
    Screenshot 22

    I Hope this is of Use to you Terra [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
    I'd think so [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  10. #30

    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Plus

    There are a lot of added scenes. This isn't really a recap episode, instead, it's more like an 'improved' remake of episdoe 50. Too bad it's not subbed yet, because I don't understand a lot of what they are saying.

  11. #31
    ANBU Captain aznimperialx's Avatar
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    up your mutha's ass

    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Plus

    Originally posted by: SFreedomZGMFx20a
    I Dont know if u watched it already Terra, but yes, Izak has screen time, but he doesnt talk.

    Athrun and Meyring

    OMFG, WTF FUCKING HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YOU GSD!

  12. #32

    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Plus

    i read this from wikipedia:

    Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny has been criticized by a number of people for being far too liberal in its homages to Zeta Gundam's storyline, endless uses of recycled animation (without the correct mobile suits being substituted in some cases), and the gradual "shafting" of the new ZAFT characters and complete elimination of the Earth Alliance characters in favor of the old cast in order to address perceived fan demand. Ironically, there has also been criticism of the old cast's portrayal, as some fans feel they were reduced to dull caricatures, lacking many of the traits that made them popular in the first place.

    The "overpowered" one-sidedness of many fights has also suffered frequent complaints, causing the series to suffer from unrealistic shifts in warfare believability in all but a few cases which created a distinct contrast to the battle choreography from the first series. This is particularly evident during the last battle, as Kira's Strike Freedom and Athrun's Infinite Justice remain almost untouched, while Shinn's Destiny and Rey's Legend are almost completely trashed. Another evidence of the "one-sidedness" is the "downpower" of Destroy Gundam. While the original Destroy destroyed half of Berlin and annihilated at least two major ZAFT task forces before being defeated with great difficulty by the combined efforts of Kira and Shinn, the five Destroy units defending Heaven's Base and the three defending the Daedalus lunar base are trashed in short order as if they're grunt MS.

    Much criticism is concentrated at director Mitsuo Fukuda for giving his wife, Chiaki Morosawa, too much creative control with the script, and caving into fan demand too easily, resulting in rocky and inconsistent storytelling. Animation director Yousuke Kabashima also critized Morosawa in his blog, for shifting the storyline on the fly and habitually turning in scripts late, and also implied that she only had her job as chief writer because she was Fukuda's wife (a suggestion echoed by many fans). Morosawa has also received heavy criticism from fans for abruptly writing Cagalli, previously a very important character, out of the story and ending her relationship with Athrun with no on-screen explanation and little reaction by any of the characters. This criticism was exacerbated by a post-series interview in which she gave explanations that many fans felt to be dubious at best. A target of particular scorn is her assertion that Athrun would need to be the leader of his own nation for their romance to resume, even though logically that would make a relationship more difficult (nations inherently have differing agendas, making a romance between their leaders an obvious conflict of interest). Further angering fans, she has also suggested that the near-last minute relationship formed between Shinn and Lunamaria under questionable circumstances is the truest form of romance seen in the show.

    In terms of mecha, focus was placed on newer units such as Strike Freedom, Infinite Justice, and Legend Gundams which are often cited as being little more than upgrades of their respective counterparts in the original Gundam SEED (Freedom, Justice, Providence) used as an excuse to reuse old animations. Other main units also prove to be derivative of old designs. For example, ZAKU series, GOUF Ignited and DOM Trooper are derivative of MS-06 Zaku II, MS-07 Gouf, and MS-09 Dom from the original Mobile Suit Gundam. Also, while the Akatsuki strongly resembles the Hyaku Shiki from Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, it also copies the "Fin Funnel Barrier" used by Amuro's Nu Gundam in Char's Counterattack. Strike Freedom has also been criticized by some as little more than a rehash of Amuro Ray's Hi-Nu Gundam. Impulse is almost identical to Strike in the original Gundam SEED in terms of the Striker packs vs. the Silhouette packs, combined with a core block system very similar to V Gundam from Mobile Suit Victory Gundam. The Destiny itself is known for a "mix" of everything - with its "Hikari no Tsubasa" (Wings of Light) taken from V2 Gundam from Mobile Suit Victory Gundam, the Palm Cannon being a derivative of "Shining Finger" from Mobile Fighter G Gundam; the 'Wings of Light' create afterimages, similar to the Gundam F91's ability when it dispenses built-up heat, from the movie of the same name; the Destiny also has the main weapons of the Sword Strike Gundam/Sword Impulse Gundam, and the Launcher Strike Gundam/Blast Impulse Gundam.

    Tensions also exist between long time fans (most of whom favour UC) and the more recent SEED fans, due to the older fans being unhappy with how many past ideas reappear in the series to the point they go far beyond an homage. A common complaint from these older fans is the fact that most of the newly introduced ZAFT units were little more than recycled Zeon suits from the original Mobile Suit Gundam. Their criticism is unsubtantiated on one level: saying that the Impulse is a rip-off of the Strike is like saying Zeta Gundam's RX-178 Gundam Mark II is a rip-off of the original Gundam's RX-78-2 Gundam. In some rare extreme cases, both sides have been known to resort to insults and childish attacks. However, these cases are the exception and most fans can happily accept other's interests for the same courtesy.

    Many fans were also disappointed with the ending of Destiny, as two clip shows in the final ten episodes hurt the pacing and led to the final episodes being more rushed then they would have been otherwise. Some have suggested that this ties in with Kabashima's report of Morosawa submitting scripts past their deadlines, and that the clip shows were used not to save money (the usual purpose of such episodes) but to make up for Morosawa's tardiness. Some have also suggested that the excessive number of clip shows (as well as the overuse of recycled animation) was a result of the show's budget being squandered on a total of 4 opening, 4 ending, and 2 insert themes, all by highly-paid musicians, and on hiring famous seiyuu even for minor roles.

    Perhaps the largest source of controversy the series has to offer is who, exactly, the protagonist supposed to be. It was made fairly clear from the beginning that Shinn Asuka was supposed to be the main character, with Athrun Zala playing a large supporting role. However some feel the inclusion of Kira Yamato and members of the old Archangel crew from Gundam SEED limited the character development that Shinn and Athrun should have seen in an attempt to balance the series between three characters. Despite claims by the director, some fans treat his comments as nonsense (as they treated the comments by the writer on romance), especially since it was clear near the end that Kira was portrayed as the good guy (despite his alleged "straying from justice") while Shinn was portrayed as someone who had become a frantic (despite claim of his status as the protagonist) for a wrong causes (due to the villianous portrayal of Durandal). Some fans feel that it is due to this division of attention that Shinn Asuka's character did not dramatically change. Many feel this is in poor contrast to previous Gundam protagonists such as Amuro Ray and Kamille Bidan, who were solo protagonists that started as less than desirable characters but matured into better people as their stories progressed.

  13. #33

    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Plus

    Oops sorry. I forgot that the forums allow only members.
    Thanks to Gadguard for posting it anyways.

  14. #34
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain

    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Plus

    yeah, i broke down and Downloaded it... Oh, trust me, it's been deleted now that i've watched it...
    I'm going to gollow Gadguard's posts, since that's such an excellent breakdown of the Final Plus.

    Originally posted by: Gadguard
    Messiah's shield was actually deployed when Kira's METEOR attacked. But one swipe from Kira's ginormous beam saber destroyed both the shield and the ring projecting it. We see Dullindal enraged when Kira and the Eternal make short work of the Messiah. And this time, we hear the screams of Messiah's crew as the command center explodes around Dullindal.
    boo, another reason to hate Kira. What kind of defense shield can't take on a friggin Beam Saber?!?! Overpowered protagonist makes the bad guy's cool-looking fortress like like a bunch of TinkerToys...

    Originally posted by: Gadguard
    The biggest change: Athrun goes after Kira inside Messiah. He lands right next to Freedom, and he encounters a guard who tried to mow him down with gunfire.

    Athrun arrives just as Kira and Dullidal were about to fire at each other. After Dullindal is shot, Athrun walks in and becomes part of the scene.
    I thought this was sorta weird. ...Wasn't Athrun supposed to be taking down the Requiem base on the moon? Guess he made pretty good time, destroying it and getting back to support Kira...

    It sorta sucks that Dullindal and Athrun never get any more dialogue towards the end of GSD. I always thought their conversations, especially earlier in the series, were some good exchanges. Why have Athrun there at all?

    Originally posted by: Gadguard
    We see an escape pod from Minerva, with most of the known crew aboard. Missing is Youlan, the dark-skinned mechanic. His partner Vino is seen crying and clutching something.
    This is what really really really pissed me off about the Final Plus. As if they could have made the victory any more lopsided (tons of ZAFT casualties, NO Lacus Faction casualities AT ALL!) they went and did... And they did it by killing (i'm assuming he's dead and Vino was clutching some remaining garmant of Youlan's or something like that) one of the nicest new characters in Destiny. The poor guy wasn't even a MS pilot!

    I loved those two (i'm a sucker for non-important side characters, especially non-combatants) and they always cracked me up or gave a real good idea of what an average ZAFT person might think about the events in the show.

    If Youlan died that is another reason that I cannot ever forgive the Lacus and the ArchAngel. Death to the Lacus Faction!

    Originally posted by: Gadguard
    Athrun, Meyrin, Luna and Shinn visit the memorial on Ongoro Island. Kira and Lacus joins them, and Athrun introduces Kira as Freedom's pilot to a shocked Shinn. Kira extends his hand to Shinn. Shinn grasps it, and then tears fall from his eyes when he realizes that he already met Kira on the same memorial before. Three couples part separately as the credits roll: Athrun and Meyrin, Kira and Lacus, and Shinn and Luna.

    After the credits roll, we see Cagalli leading the Ord Emirs to a meeting. We also see Lacus, escorted by Yzak and another ZAFT officer, march into a large room full of ZAFT personnel. She's either PLANT's new Defense Committee Chair or she went to a Clyne Faction meeting....
    crappy additional scenes... seriously. I always thought that initial meeting between Kira and Shinn was a setup for some sappy thing like this, and after thinking I was wrong (as it wasn't in GSD at all) they go and throw it into the Final Plus...

    They gave Lacus serious political power... Guess that means we're going to have to count on the EAF to make trouble in the 3rd SEED series. Ms. Goody-twoShoes is so fucking infallible and perfect... makes me sick...

    i am filled with rage.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  15. #35

    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Plus

    saiyaman's version is out too, it's only 387mb

    Ovan, The Rebirth

  16. #36

    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Plus

    I wonder when the subbers are going to sub this.

  17. #37
    Awesome user with default custom title RedX1z's Avatar
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    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Plus

    Originally posted by: SFreedomZGMFx20a
    I Dont know if u watched it already Terra, but yes, Izak has screen time, but he doesnt talk.

    Athrun and Meyring
    Kira and Lacus
    Shinn and Lunamaria

    It looks like Lacus is given the position of Chairwoman of PLANT and Cagalli continues being Orb's Representative.

    Athrun Introduces Kira to Shinn as Freedom's Pilot. And maybe I'll post some screenshots in a while. [img][/img]

    Screenshot 01
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    Screenshot 17
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    Screenshot 20

    Screenshot 21
    Screenshot 22

    I Hope this is of Use to you Terra [img][/img].
    seriously, nice screenshots, after looking at those, it makes me i'm going to download it..
    Signature by Lucifus

    She knows what you did last summer..

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  18. #38

    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Plus

    How can you guys miss this screenshot?

    Kira and Lacus

    Lacus is annoying.. but she is some nice eye candy [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] Most revealing scene of Lacus ever! Now we know Lacus is really a horny bitch despite all the rightous crap she says

  19. #39
    Awesome user with default custom title RedX1z's Avatar
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    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Plus

    i have things that can back that up, but i'd probably get warned for it..

    editkay, after watching this piece of shit, the sad thing is that the opening was the best part..
    Signature by Lucifus

    She knows what you did last summer..

    ------------私はコピーX 及びSimca が空を征服することを信じる------------

  20. #40

    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Plus

    SO gay Mwu and Maryue didn't really do shit

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