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Thread: Gundam SEED 3rd series confirmed?

  1. #181
    Well there weren't really many new character in destiny that one could like. Basically you had to choose which bowl of shit you liked more..

  2. #182
    Quote Originally Posted by isso
    LoL, opinions differ, I for one and my friends with me liked Shinn a lot more then Kira, Kira is a non existing charachter, he's gthe good that always prevails, and the show lost in intrest when Kira survived Shinns total pwange of him to return (in an nwe GUNDAM) to pwan Shinn in the very end.

    He's so good and has no faults that it makes me hate him, we decied that Shinn had some likness to a know Starwars Charachter named Anakin!
    Shinn was more natural, of course you'd get pissed of at everything when you have expirienced the unique dramas that Shinn and Kira went through, But Kira went I'm Santa Claus and Shinn became what a normal person would have become.

    I hoped for Shinn since he was not mentally ill like Kira was, lol, nuff about this, I hope for a new Series in the Caliber of GS and GSD (and yes after epi 36 the series went downward until the very last episodes).
    Are you stupid or don't you know anything about phsychology? Shinn didn't become what any normal person would become. He had a twisted sense of justice. Throughout the whole series he thinks he is some kind of messiah, talk about having a god complex. He doesn't realize that what he is doing is the same as what Kira did to his family and he fails to see common logic. He thinks that by revenge everything will be better. He is a childish brat who can't see the bigger picture.

    He fell in love with a cyco because of his will to protect, and his will to protect comes out of his inabillity to protect those close to him. What more is there? Say anything about Shinn and I will show you why and how he is fucked up.

    Kira got that way because of Frey. She forced him to struggle with his emotions by pushing him. And yes, that's the true thing you say. Kira is not a person, he is a symbol, he is the "what if". He does not respond like everyone else because he is an evolved being. But how would someone like that react to certain circumstances? That is how you have to think. And actually, if you think like this, Kira acts and reacts very logical.

  3. #183
    @ Shinji Ikari

    No I'm not stupid, it seems popular to draw the conclusion that people are stupid when opinions differ, you are not better then an racist.

  4. #184

    re: shinn vs. kira...

    kira's main functionality in destiny was to accent and offset shinn's internal conflict, much like any classic literary dramatic foil. he showed the error in shinn's manner of thinking. without that, shinn would have seemed frighteningly two-dimensional.

    in many ways, it seemed that shinn was jealous of kira's rather zen-esque existence because he couldn't find a functional way to come to grips with his own personal emotional demons...

    destiny wasn't about kira growing emotionally or ascending to a higher level of understanding... that's what seed was for...

    shinn was a very human character in his inability to accept and move past his inner torments and regrets... he was the terminally flawed character that the average person could identify with... and in the end, he saw how kira had reached inner peace, hence their acceptance of one another in the end (in final plus, that is)

    by comparison, was amuro any different from shinn early on? no, he thought that he was the only one who could solve the problems of the war... and he was quickly put in his place by bright, which led to his desertion (with the gundam in his possession)... but in the end, he realized it wasn't about his own ego, it was about his loyalty to what was right. i think, in much the same way, shinn learned that very lesson.

    no one is a god. no one is perfect. part of being a whole and functional person is accepting the things in the past that you can't change and mourning them properly... in the end, shinn did that.

    neither shinn or kira would have been worth a damn in destiny without the other character to play off of... shinn needed kira to compete against and try to excell beyond and kira needed shinn to remind him of what he learned in seed. simple as that.

  5. #185
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    seriously though.. i think destiny was a stretch enough.. it was cool to see one of my favorite charactors brought back to life from his certain death and all but it made the story a little lame..maybe for the third series kira will find flay wandering the galaxy with amnesia and prostetic limbs... yeah... sounds like a winner.

  6. #186
    I dunno why but I loled at this:

    Sry about the hotlink, dont go to it, it doesnt work.
    Last edited by TheBladeChild; Tue, 12-04-2007 at 01:29 AM.
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