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Thread: Gundam SEED 3rd series confirmed?

  1. #121
    YAY!!!! great story!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yzak <3333

    But one problem..... WHERE IS DEARKA!?!? Why does everyone forgets him?!?!?

  2. #122
    In a 1337 demonic voice he then exclaims: "Fools! I am the archdemon Zul'rok, Destroyer of Worlds! Prepare to die mortals!" And then proceeds to destroying everything in his path.

    On a more serious note, I don't really understand why so many people hate Kira so much. In my mind, the reason that Gundam SEED was so good is because the characters on both factions were well developed; Kira, Athrun, Lacus, Cagali, as well as Dearka and Yzak. (whereas, in alot of anime only the characters on the protaganist's side are developed well)

    Call me a Kira-fanboy or whatever, but without Kira, Gundam SEED would have been just another Gundam anime. (only about 20 times better than Gundam Wing)
    Last edited by cugginenter; Sun, 04-09-2006 at 01:00 PM.

  3. #123
    ANBU Mr Squiggles's Avatar
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    Yes, Kira was great in Gundam Seed, but in Destiny he had no personality whatsoever.

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  4. #124
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Squiggles
    Yes, Kira was great in Gundam Seed, but in Destiny he had no personality whatsoever.
    I agree with you. To tell you the thruth i like even more Shinn than Kira. Kira was like a robot, he just destroys and doesnt show his emotion. When Meer died, he didnt even feel sorry. When you looked at his face, it was like your fault, you chosed the evil side.
    However, Athrun was good in GSD, he showed his personality again.

  5. #125
    Chuunin Meehlimo's Avatar
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    Well in GSD i guess kira took the expression "actions speek louder than words" saying a bit to the extreme. And shin screaming like a lunatic yea that emotion for ya lol.

    Also some new info i found :
    Space nerd. DSSD is an organization whose primary goal is looking into development of Mars and beyond. It has a no affiliation with either the Earth Alliance or PLANT, therefore making it neutral. She doesn't pilot a mobile suit. She's also looking to leave footprints in the universe? (Can't think... at work...)

    Pilot for Phantom Pain. Originally a cowardly person, a self-possessed mask (persona) was "planted" on him (?).is a Phantom pain pilot, but he is not drugged up like the ones in Destiny but is still faithful to LOGOS."

    "Stargazer is a mobile suit built for space exploration."

    About Episodes::
    Part I and II are independent episodes.

    Will there be any characters from the TV series?
    "This one is complicated. It may be nice to have guest appearances and I thought about it. However those characters have a huge impression on fans from the previous series so it may divert too much attention from the main characters [of Stargazer].
    I think it would be interesting if Stargazer's technology can be the prototype that would be eventually be used in Destiny or Strike Freedom. Also from seeing IGLOO episode 1 there was this one scene that struck me, where a certain Red Zaku makes an appearance. People who know it would immediately think "It's Char!". That's something I think I'd want to see in Stargazer as well."

    Got all of that from animesuki forums
    Last edited by Meehlimo; Sun, 04-09-2006 at 06:02 PM.

  6. #126
    Quote Originally Posted by Meehlimo
    Will there be any characters from the TV series?
    "This one is complicated. It may be nice to have guest appearances and I thought about it. However those characters have a huge impression on fans from the previous series so it may divert too much attention from the main characters [of Stargazer].
    I think it would be interesting if Stargazer's technology can be the prototype that would be eventually be used in Destiny or Strike Freedom. Also from seeing IGLOO episode 1 there was this one scene that struck me, where a certain Red Zaku makes an appearance. People who know it would immediately think "It's Char!". That's something I think I'd want to see in Stargazer as well."

    Got all of that from animesuki forums
    It'd be cool if he had Heine's orange gouf make a special appearance.

    Ovan, The Rebirth

  7. #127
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Mr Squiggles WINS. Everyone else can go home. Best post ever.

    QUICKLY someone draw Zul'rok fanart!

  8. #128
    ANBU Mr Squiggles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terracosmo
    QUICKLY someone draw Zul'rok fanart!
    Well, I am currently working on a drawing of a fallen angel, which is pretty much what zul'rok would look like I guess. I could post it, but its not complete...

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  9. #129
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    tons of new info on Stargazer from the official website!:
    Deep Space Survey and Development Organization (DSSD) - A group founded to survey & develop regions beyond the orbit of Mars. The Earth Alliance, PLANT, and neutral powers cooperated in its establishment though it is neutral with regard to the Alliance & ZAFT and has special jurisdiction. The fundamental principle is "The advancement of frontiers": to transcend all countries, organizations, religions, and races, sending that doctrine from the human species out to the far-reaches of space.

    Phantom Pain - A special military force that answers to Logos, Blue Cosmos' supreme governing organization. The unit is a private army organized by Blue Cosmos. Blue Cosmos, thus far not getting the depended on military power from the Earth Alliance, formed the group as a way of directly embodying their personal intentions. Phantom Pain's parent organization is comprised of Alliance personnel & equipment. Notices issued from the Earth Alliance's upper echelon, in situations where goods and personnel are requested by Phantom Pain, are informal but are to be responded to without delay. With that assistance, Phanton Pain can take in provisions and furnishings wherever they go. But only Logos and representatives of Logos possess command authority over them. Even within the Alliance, only a tiny few of its leaders are aware of the particulars regarding Phantom Pain. As a private army, they aren't bound by the armistice treaty entered into by the Alliance and ZAFT. The treaty prohibits both the Alliance and ZAFT from having N-Jammer Cancellers, nuclear weapons, Mirage Colloid, loading ships with Phase Shift armor, and possessing nuclear-powered mobile suits but Phantom Pain disregards that and executes operations using ships that carry such things. And since they are funded behind the scenes by Blue Cosmos, the equipment they get is radical but extravagant.

    GSX-401FW Stargazer - Affilated with DSSD.

    GAT-X105E Strike Noir - A mobile suit specializing in close-range combat deployed by the Earth Alliance's 81st Independent Mobile Battalion (aka Phantom Pain). It's based on the X105 Strike and piloted by lieutenant junior grade Sven Cal Bayan. Integrated performance improvement measures on the unit were conducted by Actaeon Industries.

    Selene McGriff - 28-year-old female Coordinator. One of the engineering staff on the DSSD engineering development's GSX-401FW Stargazer Project. "Mankind must set out to space." Those words are Selene's guiding principle. As is the case with many DSSD staff, she was born and raised in space and her parents are also members. Bright but has a strong tendency to be somewhat egotistical. Once she decides what her goal is, she won't be happy until she achieves it and, that being the case, she won't choose a way of meeting her objectives without great effort. Strong-minded and unafraid of being criticized for her methods. Aggressive at times and, as a result, much of her nature is to disregard her partner's ideas though if someone tries that with her, she'll be reluctant and impassionate. Nevertheless, since the DSSD is an organization with a high ratio of eccentrics and freaks among the personnel, Selene hasn't especially changed.

    Sven Cal Bayan - 19-year-old male Natural. A lieutenant junior grade in the Earth Alliance's 81st Independent Mobile Battalion (Phantom Pain). Pilot of the mobile suit GAT-X105E Strike Noir. Part of a special combat MS platoon with another 2-3 people. Orphaned due to an incident when he was very young. Afterwards, he became affiliated with Phantom Pain as an elite combat member for Coordinator extermination warfare. What's the reason for his intense hatred of Coordinators...and what is the past of this cruel fighting machine?

    SEED Stargazer site

    DSSD being neutral? That doesn't make one lick of sense... if it's following the first war then they'd either have to be maintained by ZAFT at some point (being the ones close enough to supply them), struggling to maintain themselves (I see this as the clearest alternative. No nation would have continued funding this DSSD group amidst a gigantic war, especially when they don't know where the group stands on the war...) or just starting out after the last war ended... also hard to believe that all the nations would pool funds together for the DSSD (enough to give them a Gundam...) instead of focusing on rebuilding themselves after the war...

    A coordinator, who works for Logos, who hates coordinators...? Orphaned by a 'cruel event' sob backstory imminent.

    love interest between the DSSD girl and the Strike Noir pilot?
    Last edited by masamuneehs; Mon, 04-10-2006 at 03:50 AM.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  10. #130
    Chuunin Meehlimo's Avatar
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    It all sounds interesting to me i just really wanna see this stargazer mobile suit and the other 2 zaft gundams they have yet to show.

  11. #131
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    With 15x3 minutes of new material, amounting to about 2 regular Seed/Destiny episodes, I can't really get pumped. There's just way too little time. I have serious doubts on how they are going to handle development and fighting here and all, maybe there even won't be any development (hell Destiny had 50 episodes and there was none there so)...

    I wonder if a Auel cameo is too much to hope for...

  12. #132
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    yeah i was really wondering why it's going to be so short... seems to me that it's probably just another ploy to sell model kits with (hence the new Gundams) and that means they'll have to use a majority of the time to show off the Gundams in some kind of fight.

    i'm still optimistic, but that's just cuz I love Gundam and can only hope they show some signs of improvement after Destiny.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  13. #133
    Chuunin Meehlimo's Avatar
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    What im hoping for is a decent fight or 2. Like a real fight not I come out shoot off your right arm and the battles over I mean I want these suits to be trashed when the fights over like Terra said there were like no fights in destiny.
    And I reallllllly hope the characters aint terrible I have high hopes for this short bit.

    P.S about the model kits I honestly cant complain I want more models I have all the good ones and since there are no new series out at the moment all they keep doing is remaking old ones adding ver.2 exc gets kinda boring.

  14. #134
    Wow. It sure has been a while since I have been here. Thanks to my gaming period I am way behind on anime. I didn't even know about this. Well I'll check out all the datails in previous posts later. Good to hear that there will be more Gundam on the way. Though I don't know anything at the moment I am with meehlimo on this. There needs to be one serious fight. I am just recently getting my hands on the Zeta series and the fights that I have seen so far are awsome. Nothing like any of the Seed fights. If there were more of those in Seed and Destiny I think the series would have been a lot better.

  15. #135
    Chuunin Meehlimo's Avatar
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    heh yea them brutal zeta fights thats what made zeta so friggan great.

  16. #136
    Well at least there's one new thing - it will happen arround Mars. No other Gundam series has gone there i believe'.

  17. #137
    Chuunin Meehlimo's Avatar
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    oh god sick thought new seed series could be the zaft and earth or some new organization fighting over mars lol.

  18. #138


    I'm confused, does this new website that just went up on April 10th have information on the next Gundam SEED series, or is it just a 3 episode special?

  19. #139
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    cugginenter: The new website only has info on SEED Stargazer, the 3 episode deal that's mostly been talked about in this thread.

    i for one haven't heard anything about an actual 3rd SEED series

    edit to below: this is just a speculation topic. I think it got started when some false rumors started going around the internet about a new SEED series and once it was found that those rumors were indeed false it started turning into "I hope they do/don't do X Y Z in the 3rd series". Now that Stargazer has been confirmed it's basically turned into a speculation/teaser thread for that.
    Last edited by masamuneehs; Thu, 04-13-2006 at 05:58 AM.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  20. #140
    Oh, the thread title made me think there was a 3rd series in the works.

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