I got them from another forum which talks about tokusattsu and modelling. Will post more when I find them.![]()
I got them from another forum which talks about tokusattsu and modelling. Will post more when I find them.![]()
"Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。
Well guys, heres a definate confirm:
I pray its good...
For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.
It will be good just think of the short astray ova's eveyone wants a series now people will mostly get the same feeling from these short eps as well. They will probably like then an want a series personaly im happy i want more seed mecha im a huge fan of the seed line of model kits.
Buster and Duel!?!? Does that mean the Dearka and Yzak are in it too?!?! I hope so!
Hey people. Don't download [A-Raws_G-Distro]_Gundam_SEED Eternity_PHASE-00_[DVD_DivX5]_[B103BDEC].avi
This is fake.![]()
It contains SEED After Phase OVA actually.
Another Strike Noir lineart in Hi-res
Sweet deal on the strike noir stuff im gonna see if i can have my friend read some of it to see if it says anything about the VPS Armor maybe it has more striker packs.That and any other interesting info.
EDIT: Stargazer info:
Boasts more than six new mecha, two of which are affiliated with ZAFT, one from DSSD, and two from the Alliance's Phantom Pain (the Strike Noir itself is listed with Orb). The kit description says that the Noir Striker backpack can change into a flight form. The Strike Noir comes with beam swords, listed as its main armament, and a small rocket anchor.
Who is DSSD from pictures iv seen looks like a sepreate faction anyone know?
Last edited by Meehlimo; Mon, 04-03-2006 at 04:11 PM.
i pray it's not the same person who wrote up destiny.Originally Posted by Phoenix20578
is it just me or does that thing seriously resemble sand rock custom?Originally Posted by Illrenmazou
Signature by Lucifus
She knows what you did last summer..
------------私はコピーX 及びSimca が空を征服することを信じる------------
lol where do u see sandrockcustom in there?
i swear if you picture that gundam in purple, you'll see it as well..
the resemblence with those things that look like heat shotels and the machine gun on it's side, also the body design minus those wing like things on it's back and you have sand rock custom..
Signature by Lucifus
She knows what you did last summer..
------------私はコピーX 及びSimca が空を征服することを信じる------------
already posted this, as far as the staff goes, but here it is again:Originally Posted by UltxDarkRedX1
I also don't see Fukuda's name anywhere in the cast... will go and look for some quick info on the Director and etc...
SEED Stargazer cast
Director - Susumu Nishiwazu - past roles (Storyboard, Gundam SEED Destiny -uh oh...-), (Storyboard, Inuyasha -....-) Also was a storyboard and episode director for Fushigi Yuugi
My take: if he wrote the storyboard for GSD he can't be that good. That or he was an absolute bitch to Fukuda and his wife, which is equally distressing...
Script: Shigeru Morita- Ups, he did write the scripts for some of the better Blood+ episodes.
Maybes - Scenario for Gundam SEED ... doesn't really tell us what he did though...
Downs - Script for GSD.... now that is pretty scary, although I couldn't find what parts of the script he wrote for GSD (there were several script writers for GSD)
Character Design - one of the Character Animation Directors from GSD
Mech Design: Kunio Okawara - this guy has been doing Mecha Designs since Gundam first started.... cant really complain with that tho we dont know which mechs he designed
i don't really know much on Gundam designs, so I don't see many similarities except for slight color scheme from Deathscythe
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
Come to think of it, it does sorta resemble SandRock. The weapons, the mecha color and possibly even the whole design. The GSD people could've based Strike Noir on SandRock, just like they did with Freedom and the uhhh Gundam Evole one?
I can understand people complaining about GSD, but my main problem with it was that the main characters at the beginning of the anime were dull (ie: Shinn), and Athrun acted like a pansy throughout the whole series until the final few episodes.
I honestly have no idea how they could add more interesting content with a third series, but regardless of the content they do come up with, I hope they stick with a main character and don't switch half way through the series. If the fans in Japan want Kira and company, then give them Kira throughout the series; don't change the plot midway through.
Riiiiiiiiiight lol i still dont see sandrock and freedom was based off of double x.
For me it was the opposite, in the beginning of the anime Shinn seemed like a great main character that would have alot of character development and he also had potential of being as "great" as Kira. Athrun was awesome in the beginning, he rejoined ZAFT and preached to Shinn about stuff, he was like a role model for Shinn. It would've been nice if Kira just continued sitting in his rocking chair doing nothing while Shinn and Athrun fought Dullindal or something, with maybe an appearance of Kira in Freedom fighting in the last episode. I didn't really like how Fukuda upgraded Justice and Freedom.Originally Posted by cugginenter
Ovan, The Rebirth
Well, my friend, you are in luck. For I know exactly what they could do:Originally Posted by cugginenter
First off, the content involving gundams has all been dried out. I swear in the last series we've had like 100 brand new gundams with incredible new powers pop up, and it's like "how many secret gundam production labs can you have?" No, this time it'll be different, we wont get new mechas, it'll be something else. Oh, and in this it turns out that Neo isn't Mwu but just an idiot who thinks he remembers stuff but actually doesn't, so in this Mwu's awesome epic final sacrifice still stands.
The story begins with Kira descending into the basement to go fetch some old things for Lacus (because he is so whipped). But as he searches through the stuff, he comes across a strange black chest. It's covered in strange runes that seem to have been drawn with blood, and keeping it closed is an enormous lock. Even more alarming are the facts that the chest is shaking around as if something is inside it, a very quiet but terrifying moan is emanating from it, and that the very shadows around the box seem to be shifting.
Kira, despite his so called "superior intelligence", doesn't pause to think that there is probably something ominous in the box and that opening it probably wouldn't be a good idea. So with his vaunted superior coordinator strength he breaks open the lock in one pull.
That's when a dark shadow jumps out of the box and straight into Kira's chest. Kira, being such a weak-willpowered ninny, is easilly defeated in a battle of wills. What used to be Kira then grows enourmously, to be as Big as 3 Freedoms stacked on top of each-other, Huge gray feathered wings sprout from his back, he grows fangs and claws, his hair grows long and turns gray, his eyes start glowing a bright evil blue, and finally his shirt gets conveniently ripped off to show off his rippling abs. In a 1337 demonic voice he then exclaims: "Fools! I am the archdemon Zul'rok, Destroyer of Worlds! Prepare to die mortals!" And then proceeds to destroying everything in his path.
Meanwhile, Cagali and the other world leaders are like "WTF???", and send a huge army to defeat the monster. All the ships and mobile suits and tanks and gundams converge on the one spot and all unleash a deadly volley onto the enemy. Zul'rok is effectively blown to bits, and the Orb/EAF/Zaft forces all cheer. However, just when they think they won, The fiend's Body reforms Alucard style, and from his eyes shoot an insane amount of lazer beams. In just moments, the entire combined army is utterly annihilated. And Zul'rok starts cackling maniacly at the situation.
Desperate, Cagali now turns to the only person badass enough to defeat the former Kira, that's right, you guessed it: Yzak! Aware of the situation, Yzak hops into his trusty Duel, and charges towards the demon. The two lock in a deadly and epic duel that lasts 3 whole years, and finnally Yzak emerges victorious.
However, what Yzak didnt realize was that although he had destroyed Kira's transformed body, the archdemon's spirit was still free, and it charges into Yzak so that it may posess him. But it underestimated Yzak's awesomeness, and The dazzling young man utterly crushes the fiend's mind. When that happened though, the demon was still inside him, so Yzak kept his own mind but gained the monster's powers. Now Yzak is even more badass than before (believe it or not)
Yzak then proceeds to taking over the world, and makes Lacus, Lunamaria, Meyrin, Frey (he can also raise the dead), Murrue, and Cagali his sex slaves.
Last edited by Mr Squiggles; Sun, 04-09-2006 at 04:13 AM.
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