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Thread: Bleach 62

  1. #41

    Bleach 62

    Originally posted by: Kensee

    Anyone else find Tossen's logic a little off? " These eyes only see the path pathed with less blood or something like that ..... blah blah ... so whatever path I walk is justice" ... -_-
    This guy needs a drop kick then get his arse handed to him again by Kenpachi.
    am i the only one thinking tousen has lost on purpose and it also was in the masterplan of aizen.. Like getting deafeated by kenpachi then saying "ow i'm gotta get some medicene from that uber people that can revive dead people".. and then catching rukia without getting cought...

  2. #42

    Bleach 62

    Originally posted by: Fudgeman
    did it surprise anyone else that after aizen finger raped like 5 people he got taken hostage by 2, who werent even released or using bankai

    Edit=for the record, i knew aizen couldnt be so nice with his gigantic size, look at him, hes as big as zaraki
    I think that Aizen just knew his back-up was coming, so he decided not to do anything. I'm sure that Aizen could have annihilated both Yorichi and Soi Fong without breaking a sweat, he's already wasted Ice-Dragon-Hitsugaya with one slash, stopped Ichigo's bankai with one finger and caught Fox-dude's giant-hand-shikai attack.

    I like how Aizen's plan came off absolutely perfectly, he had planned for every possible complication, I'm sick of seeing villains who form huge complex plans and get beat by a team of unlikely heroes out for adventure. Love the symbolism of the hairstyle change and the glasses crushing, casting off the old guise of the Gotei 13 captain and finally embracing and announcing to the world his true self and all that.

    I've said it before, and I'm gonna keep saying it until the message is burned into the back of everyone's retinas: Aizen Sousuke is the man!

    Originally posted by: Kensee
    Is it me or in the flashback ... Aizen said he was the Vice-Captain? :[img][/img]un dun dunnnnn::
    K i'm done ... hooohaa merry holidays all.
    Well what did you expect, that he just showed up at the Gotei 13 recruitment office one day and was instantly promoted to captain? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] All of the captains must've been vice at one point.

    Concering Gin: I've always liked Gin, as a character. I loved how he just fired up his reiatsu and Team Good-guys were totally overwhelmed. I think that Gin's apparent inability to hurt Matsumoto will eventually be significant when time comes for the Final Showdown, because he didn't even try to do anything once Matsumoto caught him he just said "I'm captured" and gave up! He's obviously a lot more complex than he first appears.

    As much as I like the main characters, I'm secretely rooting for the bad team.

    Except Tousen, he's just a complete asshole.

  3. #43

    Bleach 62

    Originally posted by: anphorus
    As much as I like the main characters, I'm secretely rooting for the bad team.

    Except Tousen, he's just a complete asshole.
    same here
    but to symbolize hes not a captain shouldnt he throw off his white cloak? they look so damn cool but it does mean hes a captainand not a villain

    also back somewhere was aizen as a captain and foxface-gin as his vice captain, which suggested gin didnt murder aizen before we found out he was still alive

  4. #44
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Bleach 62

    in the manga it seemed like aizens hadou 90 spell would have been more dramatic. i was disappointed.

  5. #45
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Bleach 62

    Originally posted by: Fudgeman
    i think rukia needs a major buff, rewatching the episode i realized how weak she is compared to everyone else now. i bet someone from 4th squad could own her
    To be fair, that thing on her neck keeps her from doing anything power wise. And even that's just IF her powers have ever come back.

    Basically, we don't know how powerful Rukia is, because she hasn't had her powers since the first episode.

  6. #46

    Bleach 62

    Originally posted by: Fudgeman
    also back somewhere was aizen as a captain and foxface-gin as his vice captain, which suggested gin didnt murder aizen before we found out he was still alive
    Well, most people are killed by people who are close to them. If Gin was insane enough he could've done it. Or he could've just hated his captain, think about a more extreme version of the Byakuya- Renji relationship

  7. #47
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Bleach 62

    Next episode is in January? I CANT WAIT THAT LONG!!! Oh the humanity!

    Tousen = worst SS character. They tried to portray him as a badass, but I feel his motives come off as forced. He doesn't seem to have any direction, just a lackey.
    Gin = stupid in the past two episodes. Not lifting a finger to help Aizen all those times? Come on man! He did look sympathetic towards Matsumoto... I still want to hear that story...

    Byakuya's story was not what I expected at all. The whole Hisana being related to Rukia I sorta saw (i mean, they look exactly alike), but his vowing never to break the rules again... They should've done more backstory on his upbringing and parents, because I felt like his decision to just let Rukai get executed (rather than uphold the promise to Hisana) didn't fit at all with his character in this episode.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  8. #48
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Bleach 62

    So if Hisana and Rukia are sisters and they look alike maybe Ichigo and Kaien are brothers.

    Ichigo have a brother that died when he was too young to remember?

  9. #49

    Bleach 62

    Originally posted by: DarthEnder
    To be fair, that thing on her neck keeps her from doing anything power wise. And even that's just IF her powers have ever come back.

    Basically, we don't know how powerful Rukia is, because she hasn't had her powers since the first episode.
    the fact that rukia even HAD to transfer her powers makes her weak, ichigo had no training at all and he beat the same hollow, it wasnt very powerful.
    since she has the neck thing and even without it her powers still wouldnt come back, theres no way she could have gotten any stronger since day 1

    so to conclude, if rukia ever gets her powers back, which i suspect because the thing was removed from her, she will only be a strong as in ep 1, which was really weak to start with

    Originally posted by: Fudgeman
    the fact that rukia even HAD to transfer her powers makes her weak
    woah i sound liek sumone from bleach who is displeased with rukia

  10. #50
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Bleach 62

    I didn't find this anticlimatic at all. It finishes off the SS arc by giving an explanation to everything. Aizen kept owning everybody so it would probably keep up that way until he killed everyone unless he left. Which he did. Also, he is so incredibly awesome. The glasses-crushing scene is still one of my favorite moments in Bleach.

    Speaking of awesome, there is also Byakuya. When I read this in the manga, it sealed my Byakuya fandom [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  11. #51
    ANBU FrogKing's Avatar
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    Bleach 62

    Checked out this episode and thought it was good at parts and kinda a let down at other times. Byakuya back story, good. Aizen throwing away his former SS trinkets, good. Bad guys 'beam-me-up-Scotty' exit, letdown. None of the Captains getting a good shot at Aizne, letdown. All-in-all I was still very entertained by the Soi Fong/Yoruichi/Shiba entrance! Love those ladies!
    @Darth: like the Kaien/Ichigo connection. It is the only one that makes sense now.
    @Kensee the Manga Prophet: The , "I laugh to all you guys who thought..." or the "for the record the argument went on waay too long" comments bug the shit out of me. First off, not all of us are incredibly wise and read the manga ahead of time to know what is going to happen in the anime, so no need to gloat in the anime forum. Second, I bet that you were just as surprised as we were that Byakuya actually had motives beyond being a simple rule stickler, so again no need to gloat. Just because you read the manga doesn't make you a superior intellect and all of us retarded cavemen. Sorry I am venting at you, I guess I am still bent at what somebody posted in another forum with a big spoiler just to show that he knew what we didn't.
    Thanks for the pics btw; its always nice to see how the anime differs from the manga.
    @Jadugar: I was wrong. I thought for sure that Hinamori would bite the big one and that Hits would make it. I really wish she would die dammit! Her dead body surrounded by all the captains and vices would have made a nice ending. Also, the plot device formerly known as Unohana can die too.
    Lastly, Tousen is not the most likeable character right now, but I think that Komamura will pound the shit out of him and he'll see the error of his ways.
    January doesn't seem so bad to wait. Now I am wondering if there will be fillers shorty because this arc is almost over. Guess we'll have to wait till after the 10th.
    Currently watching: One Piece, Black Lagoon, Bleach, Death Note, Suzumiya Haruhi,
    The 12 Kingdoms, and Soukou no Strain (kinda)


  12. #52
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Bleach 62

    ahh byakuya's step in was great. aizen's plan was flawless. Gin's emotions for once were priceless.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  13. #53

    Bleach 62

    @ Fudgeman
    If you remember, Rukia got hurt because she ran in to take a hit for Ichigo, we never saw her do anything other than swing her sword around and use her body for shielding, so there's no way to know if she's got some goods or not, and also, Ichigo took her powers initially so something of her must have been contributerd to him before he got whipped by Byakuya.

    That reminds me, was that giant katana Ichigo used to have Rukia's Soul Slayer beeefeed up by Ichigo's power? Zangetsu didn't show up until after Byakuya killed the powers Rukia gave him, I wonder if Ichigo had trained more would Ichigo have eventually released Zangetsu or whatever Rukia's Soul Slayer is...

    Back on topic, Aizen is so pimp that even the hollows do what he wants, though I'd guess he might have had previous arrangements with them from all his weird experiments...Can't wait to find out, Please no fillers, or if theyre must be fillers...lets see some good fillers! Make up something about things we didn't see, Ichigo achieving Bankai, Aizen dominating people, or maybe send Ichigo and Rukia back to earth and let's seee if she's actually got any juice.

  14. #54
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Bleach 62

    How disappointing....I don't even look forward to the next bleach ep now.
    Bleach always struck me as a show with an unusually large amount of plot devices
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  15. #55

    Bleach 62

    the giant katana ichigo had was his own, its the same one as zangetsu, its just that ichigo doesnt control his spirit power well so zengetsu is always released. if he learned to supress his power it would look like it originally did

  16. #56

    Bleach 62

    Originally posted by: Kensee
    Is it me or in the flashback ... Aizen said he was the Vice-Captain? :[img][/img]un dun dunnnnn::
    now it makes me think Gin can only shikai and the only reason he became a captain is because of Aizen's hypnosis.

  17. #57
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Bleach 62

    @Yukimura: We discussed the Ichigo zanpaktou issue in the ep 61 discussion thread. I think you could find some useful info there.

    Why is everyone hating Tousen so much? I think he still is cool. I mean he's a total psykopath. He wants to deliver his justice to the world without any regard to what anyone else says/wants/thinks.

    I'm really psyked about seing the trio of evil as hollows. Wonder if Tousen's hollow-mask will be black.

  18. #58

    Bleach 62

    Is it me or has Rukia been VERY small since the failed execution? o.O

  19. #59

    Bleach 62

    lol its one of the side effects for shinigamis when they lost their powers for too long [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  20. #60
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Bleach 62

    Maybe the guys at "shinigami bodies 'R' us" gave her a smaller body just to mess with her.

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