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Thread: Bleach 62

  1. #61

    Bleach 62

    It's funny that I had a sigh of relief when I saw that there was a 2 week hiatus istead of fillers. Fillers scare the life out of me.

    Aizen and Gin, especially Gin, are the coolest bad guys ever. But the blind guy seems gay. Not sure what it is, but if I saw him in a bar, I'd be watching my back pocket.

    Wasn't the guy (store-owner) who had Kon and helped Ichigo train early on know about this soul thing. Is this the person that Aizen was talking about? I had a hard time following considering I can't remember all the names. He seems to have quite the reputation. Did they not say he was banished or something? So what's in that diamond? Looks like that thing that "creates" Kon. Is that another soul that was created specifically for fighting? A half-soul/half-hollow crazy fighting machine? That would rock.

    This hellish world also poses some mysteries as we haven't seen much of it since the start of the series. Who controls it? There seems to be something pulling all the strings. Moreso than this Aizen posse. Can't wait for next episode even if it is a while off.

  2. #62

    Bleach 62

    im not even gunna answer that, watch the version with subtitles, not the raw nub...

  3. #63
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Bleach 62

    Tousen is the very definition of "rebel without a cause"
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  4. #64
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Bleach 62

    @V: I'm not trying to be condecending now but it seems like you haven't seen the last couple of episodes. You can find answers to most of your questions in the the previus discussions and some in the Ichigo hollow thread?

    But a brief summary (taken from the Ichigo hollow thread)
    -Urahara (the shop manager) creates hougyou tries to destroy it but fails so he seals it inside Rukia.
    -Urahara gets exiled for creating a gigai (faux body) that's untraceable and drains spirit power instead of restoring it.
    -skip a few days/months/years however long it was since then
    -Rukia is wounded by Hollow
    -Rukia transfers powers to Ichigo
    -Ichigo wins, runs off to check on family
    -Urahara comes up to a beat up Rukia, and asks if she needs/wants a gigai.
    -Rukia goes into said gigai, but unbeknownst to her, it slowly starts making her into a human. So that the location of the hougyoku will be lost forever.
    -Aizen finds out about the Hougyouku being inside Rukia.
    -Aizen makes it so that Byakuya and Renji are sent to retrieve Rukia and the wheels are set in motion.

  5. #65
    ANBU FrogKing's Avatar
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    Bleach 62

    Man I love using this pic (special thanks to Xan).
    Originally posted by: XanBcoo
    Currently watching: One Piece, Black Lagoon, Bleach, Death Note, Suzumiya Haruhi,
    The 12 Kingdoms, and Soukou no Strain (kinda)


  6. #66

    Bleach 62

    Originally posted by: DarthEnder
    To be fair, that thing on her neck keeps her from doing anything power wise. And even that's just IF her powers have ever come back.

    Basically, we don't know how powerful Rukia is, because she hasn't had her powers since the first episode.

    I believe she mentioned something about being a excellent user of demon magic at one of the starting episodes...

  7. #67
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Bleach 62

    she could use spells, she said that when fighting the hollow that ate the bird's mom. She said that even a simple spell like that had little effect or something.

  8. #68
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Bleach 62

    she could use spells, she said that when fighting the hollow that ate the bird's mom. She said that even a simple spell like that had little effect or something.

  9. #69

    Bleach 62

    Oooh...Double posts..

    Anyway..I may need to rewatch a few episodes to get back to you on that then.

  10. #70

    Bleach 62

    Byakuya mentions how his story is 15 years long. 15 years ago, Rukia was just a baby, putting her in the 15 - 16 range. But didn't she claim to be much much older in the first episode? Saying she was hundreds of years old or something?

    The back story of Byakuya was interesting. Explained it perfectly I thought. Even with the fight with Ichigo I still didn't totally get him.

    Also seems as if Gin wanted Masumto to go with him, as with the "Ah, if you didn't move away so soon..." But when he apologized to her... His face seemed so sincere. It was, freaky actually.

    I'm wondering what's up with Inoue's healing powers. I mean, the 4th Squad captian seems surprised by it for some reason.

    Aizen smashing the glasses and slicking the hair was pretty awesome. That line, "I will be the one to stand in heaven." So cool.

    Shame to hear Bleach will be on a two week hiatus, but can't wait for the hour long episode.

  11. #71

    Bleach 62

    Originally posted by: FrogKing

    @Kensee the Manga Prophet: The , "I laugh to all you guys who thought..." or the "for the record the argument went on waay too long" comments bug the shit out of me. First off, not all of us are incredibly wise and read the manga ahead of time to know what is going to happen in the anime, so no need to gloat in the anime forum. Second, I bet that you were just as surprised as we were that Byakuya actually had motives beyond being a simple rule stickler, so again no need to gloat. Just because you read the manga doesn't make you a superior intellect and all of us retarded cavemen. Sorry I am venting at you, I guess I am still bent at what somebody posted in another forum with a big spoiler just to show that he knew what we didn't.
    Thanks for the pics btw; its always nice to see how the anime differs from the manga.
    Haha well when I said " I laugh" I didnt mean that i was chuckling in the background cause I read ahead. I acutally like Bayaka a lot because he's quite the soldier. He's not the most phsyical person of all the capatinas, but hes very skill ful in magic spells, footwoork, and sword skill which makes him one of my top villans .. well he's considered good now, but before he was pretty badarse =D.

    I figured before I read something was up, but no no I never intended to portray the image that I am more intellegent or superior to anyone (no one is and should think that they are), so I apologized if you got that vibe off it. I'm just saying I felt bad for bayaka when I read it because I thought from the begining he was misunderstood (just in general, back from when we first saw a picture of the lady who looked like ruika .. that tiped me off big time that this guy had a lot of character development in play).

    ^_^ I try my best not to post any spoilers and stuff like that, I acutally get anxious to see how poeple will react to different scenes (trust me .. manga people STILL are anxious about how the anime will turn out because heck .. its animated =D). And yes .. Frogking .. you dont have to apologzie for venting =P its a Fourm, you got the right to speak what ya want n stuff.

    Note: yes you guys are allowed to reply to this with that LAST WEEK picture that keeps comming up since this is a reply to something that happend about 2 pages ago ^_^. Once again ... to conlcude, bayaka rockies, Aizen pwns, and Kepachi is sexy. Back to playing UT2k4 laterss all.

    Edit: Can you PM me what was the spoiler someone posted in the other thread was about? I didn't see anything like that.

  12. #72

    Bleach 62

    what made bayaka a villain? last i checked untill aizen was discovered ichigo was the villain breaking in the soul society

    i jsut realized, aizen said god nor angels came to heaven first or sumthing but isnt soul society heaven?

  13. #73
    Awesome user with default custom title RedX1z's Avatar
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    Bleach 62

    no one was ever a villain until they revealed aizen, everyone before that just had different point of views. ichigo and the others were enemies, because they broke into soul society and attacked the death gods. death gods were just their enemies, because they had no choice and they kept getting in their way.
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  14. #74
    Jounin Cal_kashi's Avatar
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    Bleach 62

    this is exciting.. we now have a super villian. an arch enemy even! awesome.
    When man invented the bicycle he reached the peak of his attainments. Here was a machine of precision and balance for the convenience of man. And (unlike subsequent inventions for man's convenience) the more he used it, the fitter his body became. Here, for once, was a product of man's brain that was entirely beneficial to those who used it, and of no harm or irritation to others. Progress should have stopped when man invented the bicycle. ~Elizabeth West, Hovel in theHills

  15. #75

    Bleach 62

    Originally posted by: Vegechan
    Byakuya mentions how his story is 15 years long. 15 years ago, Rukia was just a baby, putting her in the 15 - 16 range. But didn't she claim to be much much older in the first episode? Saying she was hundreds of years old or something?

    Wasnt it 15 years ago that his wife died, and they could've been togheter many years before that. That's just how i got it but

  16. #76

    Bleach 62

    Originally posted by: UltxDarkRedX1
    no one was ever a villain until they revealed aizen, everyone before that just had different point of views. ichigo and the others were enemies, because they broke into soul society and attacked the death gods. death gods were just their enemies, because they had no choice and they kept getting in their way.
    Yes what he said. At one poitn Bayaka and SS was SORT of viewed as villians seeing how Ichigo and gang were being opposed by them.
    But yes, now hes viewed as one of the good guys or at least not trying to stop Ichigo and crew.

    Originally posted by: Cal_kashi
    this is exciting.. we now have a super villian. an arch enemy even! awesome.
    Hrm ... does this mean a future battle with Foxface and Tossen will occur?

  17. #77
    Jounin Cal_kashi's Avatar
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    Bleach 62

    I doubt it, as soon as Aizwn is strong enough, I forsee him wither slaying tousen and GIn, or possibly experimenting with them to see what a captn/hollow looks like (before he try's it on himslef) in what way has he demonstrated that He won't jus tuse the two like he did SS in general
    When man invented the bicycle he reached the peak of his attainments. Here was a machine of precision and balance for the convenience of man. And (unlike subsequent inventions for man's convenience) the more he used it, the fitter his body became. Here, for once, was a product of man's brain that was entirely beneficial to those who used it, and of no harm or irritation to others. Progress should have stopped when man invented the bicycle. ~Elizabeth West, Hovel in theHills

  18. #78

    Bleach 62

    Originally posted by: Cal_kashi
    I doubt it, as soon as Aizwn is strong enough, I forsee him wither slaying tousen and GIn, or possibly experimenting with them to see what a captn/hollow looks like (before he try's it on himslef) in what way has he demonstrated that He won't jus tuse the two like he did SS in general
    That could be a good possiblility as well ... maybe he only wants Gin and Tossen there so they could be test subjects ... hrm.

    Edit: or .. maybe hes a lonely guy .. deep down inside.

  19. #79
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    Bleach 62

    i dont know if this is a spoiler, the episode was out so im not sure,
    ill tell it anyway.. tell me if its a spoiler:


    i think in the manga jindanbo or whatever his name is, defeated the other 3 gatekeepers? it did not show up in the anime right?

    Thanks shinta|hikari for the sig.

  20. #80

    Bleach 62

    Originally posted by: oyabin
    i dont know if this is a spoiler, the episode was out so im not sure,
    ill tell it anyway.. tell me if its a spoiler:


    i think in the manga jindanbo or whatever his name is, defeated the other 3 gatekeepers? it did not show up in the anime right?

    Yeah thats right (check the first page of this thread .. I posted the manga strips of that). Well It's not really a spoiler since the time period passed and nothing is really reveiled lol so you're good.

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