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Thread: Ichigo's hollow powers

  1. #41
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Ichigo's hollow powers

    Originally posted by: Jurojin
    Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait a minute. I need to bring something up.

    Rukia didn't get the Hogokkyou(spl) until *after* she transferred her powers to Ichigo (got sucked out of her, more like it [img][/img]).
    I'm afraid you've got it wrong my friend. This issue has already been discussed in the bleach 61 thread.

    The actual timeline:
    -Urahara creates hougyou tries to destroy it but fails so he seals it inside Rukia.
    -Urahara gets exiled for creating a gigai (faux body) that's untraceable and drains spirit power instead of restoring it.
    -skip a few days/months/years however long it was since then
    -Rukia is wounded by Hollow
    -Rukia transfers powers to Ichigo
    -Ichigo wins, runs off to check on family
    -Urahara comes up to a beat up Rukia, and asks if she needs/wants a faux body.
    -Rukia goes into said faux body, but unbeknownst to her, it slowly starts making her into a human spirit. So that the location of the hougyoku will be lost forever.
    -Aizen finds out about the Hougyouku being inside Rukia.
    -Aizen makes it so that Byakuya and Renji are sent to retrieve Rukia and the wheels are set in motion.

  2. #42
    ANBU FrogKing's Avatar
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    Ichigo's hollow powers

    ^Damn, I don't read the Manga and I read the first line...I thought that the first post by el_boss where to lay out theories and not from manga readers. Thanks for clearing it up...too bad I didn't really want to know that bad.
    Currently watching: One Piece, Black Lagoon, Bleach, Death Note, Suzumiya Haruhi,
    The 12 Kingdoms, and Soukou no Strain (kinda)


  3. #43

    Ichigo's hollow powers

    I watch anime up to ep 61, but got impatient. What i said was still A THEORY. A theory with more SUPPORT that's all. Even without read the manga I would still come up with that theory.

    btw, read manga, this is my first time reading manga, i hate comic-stuff period, but I am in love with the storyline of bleach thta's why i cant wait

  4. #44

    Ichigo's hollow powers

    Originally posted by: BleachWater
    it is a freakin spoiler

  5. #45

    Ichigo's hollow powers

    SORRY. OK, well we can just pretend all that I said IS THEORY. IT IS just my assumption those things are true, plus I didnt give out too much anyways. Let me find a way to delete my prev post.

    Again, sorry guys. I dont know how to delete but I put BIG warning and plenty of space for u guys to ignore. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] Forgive me this once, I am new, won't happen again.

    Read the rules before posting. User has been warned.

    GotWoot Moderator

  6. #46
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Ichigo's hollow powers

    I think Ichigo has awesome powers because he is the main character (or maybe because he has orange hair)....

  7. #47

    Ichigo's hollow powers

    BleachWater... just edit out your whole post... If not you'll find your time spent here very very short... Next time read the fucking rules...

  8. #48
    ANBU KoKo37's Avatar
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    Ichigo's hollow powers

    Originally posted by: BleachWater
    HOWEVER, it is not like you guys probably havent figure it out.
    i wont quote the rest but Anything from the manga is not allowed in the *Anime* section, if someone told you what would happen in the manga you wouldn't be too happy either -.-", this is basicly like saying before Aizen was reintroduced in the anime someone would go

    *This is a spoiler*

    ok now Aizen *is* alive in the manga so I think...
    and so on, anyways please delete it so no one else read's it, just edit your post and erase everything. Also how were we suppose to know he was that? i cant think Anyone would of guessed that and now i got another thing spoiled for me on the bleach anime fourms -.-". Anyways yah please delete that message and Fast.

  9. #49

    Ichigo's hollow powers

    please dont post spoilers even with warnings [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] i have a bad habit of scrolling down and reading a few lines just cuz im curius, and then since i know it all, i keep on going

    u just ruined my life

  10. #50

    Ichigo's hollow powers

    I am sorry guys. I tried to delete it but I think a mod delete it already.

    hehe SORRY SORRY. SORRY, I just thought that I didn't mind knowing a head, but I didn't think about you guys. Again sorry.

    Damn, I feel bad.

  11. #51

    Ichigo's hollow powers

    Ok, I will just give up in this forum. I will stop all posting and re-read all the rules. Thanks for the teaching guys.

  12. #52

    Ichigo's hollow powers

    bloody hell look whats happened here

    ok...uruhara intentionally made ichigo a hybrid

    ichigo's shinigami powers were awakened in the pit but he was also transforming into a hollow at the same time resulting in him becoming a perfect mix between the two, exactly what uruhara was aiming for

    it has nothing to do with rukias powers [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif[/img] come on guys

    as for theories on hes someone reincarnated and thats why hes got the powers, they are just so improbable they shouldnt be considered.

  13. #53
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Ichigo's hollow powers

    @Basey: I would't call Ichigo a perfect hybrid. I mean he can't control his hollow powers at all only surpress them.

    Originally posted by: FrogKing
    ^Damn, I don't read the Manga and I read the first line...I thought that the first post by el_boss where to lay out theories and not from manga readers. Thanks for clearing it up...too bad I didn't really want to know that bad
    Yes, that was the idea, just theories. Otherwise this topic would have been in the bleach manga thread. I don't know what happened in here but it seems like someone spoiled something big time (glad I was sleeping).

  14. #54
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Ichigo's hollow powers

    Well, now we know that the ball didn't pass to Ichigo from Rukia. So unless it simply leaked when she gave him her powers, that's not the origin of his Hollow powers.

  15. #55

    Ichigo's hollow powers

    as jadugar pointed out before, urahara put a barrier around hogyouku. there is absolutely no evidence to suggest that the barrier would, or that it even could break/leak. Until somsone provides concrete evidece of that being possible, i'll continue to say that the "rukia affected ichigo" is an idiotic theory.

  16. #56

    Ichigo's hollow powers

    how else could ichigo achieve hybrid hollow form? it had to leak, maybe urahara didnt know that transfering death god powers would also transfer some of the little ball thigns power? plus he didnt do anything to ichigo when he was in the pit. the only other explantation is ichigo did it of his own will, needless of the ball thing

    i wonder if ichigo can figure out how to call menos grandes to do that shield thing to him since hes half hollow...

  17. #57
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Ichigo's hollow powers

    Originally posted by: Fudgeman
    how else could ichigo achieve hybrid hollow form?
    Ichigo was half-transformed into a hollow in the pit.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  18. #58

    Ichigo's hollow powers

    duh, we know that, but the problem is what activated it inside the pit

  19. #59

    Ichigo's hollow powers

    I think his soul-chain being eaten away probably activted it. The ball-thingy's seal looked intact when Aizen removed it from Rukia.

  20. #60

    Ichigo's hollow powers

    Didn't Aizen said that there was only 1 way to get more power then a shinigami can get cuz shinigami powers have limits, so he found out that the only way to get more power then the limit is to become a hollow.
    Ichigo is always looking for more power to protect his friends etc,
    I think it has nothing to do with alot of his "ancesters" or any of those theories, probably ichigo was the first one who found out how to get to the next level, but he can only do it when he or his friends are in life danger.
    sounds pretty logically to me...
    so every shinigami can become a hollow once unlocked and knowing..

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