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Thread: Bleach 61

  1. #81

    Bleach 61

    Since he wanted whomever had the hogyoku to become human, it wouldn't matter how strong they were...

  2. #82
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Bleach 61

    i don't think he planned on rukia getting untraceable gigai when he put it in her, but it just ended up that way.

  3. #83
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Bleach 61

    Originally posted by: The Heretic Azazel
    I would love to see this.

    Tousen: Aizen, you fool, you were tricked, justice...


    Yeah that's right.. i refuse to believe he has any sort of advantage over Aizen, blind or not
    Why not? Would it be safe to assume that the source of aizen's strength is his ability to make the enemy see whatever he wants them to see? Maybe when he caught ichigo's sword with his hand, it was actually ichigo slashing at a rock and not realizing it. We don't really know the limitations to aizen's strength yet, but if a character's speciality is illusion, then chances are everything that he's done up to this point is illusion-based.

    With the whole urahara and rukia thing. I find that really contrived that the very person that urahara hid the thing in also happens to be the same person that ends up needing his help later. Not only would she have to be in a situation where she needs to use a gigai, but she would've had to do something bad enough to want to avoid going back to SS.

    I'm curious if aizen knows that ichigo is part hollow or not. Did they mention anything about that in this ep?
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  4. #84

    Bleach 61

    Originally posted by: mage
    i don't think he planned on rukia getting untraceable gigai when he put it in her, but it just ended up that way.
    As far as we know, Urahara is the greatest inventor Soul Society had... I don't think he is stupid enough to know what his invention causes...

    Untraceable or not, by removing the spirit power, it wouldn't matter who the carrier was... Since anyone would get their asses kicked...

    Edit: Just re-read what you posted, and get what you mean... And yeah, I agree with you... He just used whatever soul was placed in front of him... Rukia was just there by coincidence...

  5. #85
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Bleach 61

    Originally posted by: masamuneehs
    EDIT: "Number 1" haha. They start playing it as Renji and Ichigo devise and start that plan. Then Aizen puts up a finger and it stops, dead silence. That made me chuckle. The dude even pwns the soundtrack!
    Word, I was like "HAH! DIE YOU CRAPPY SONG!"

  6. #86

    Bleach 61

    One question is do we know how long Urahara has been on earth? Same as Yorichi? 1000 years?

    Heres my mind numbing theory on Urahara's part.
    1) He created the hogyuko and thought "Oh shit, I cant destroy it, I gotta hide it. I can't keep it on me, that would be to obvious so I'll hide it on the first person I see (Rukia)"
    2) Gets himself banned from SS for the creation Gigia (or whatever reason), since he doesnt have the hogyuko on him SS doesn't care and lets him go
    3) Leaving the hogyuko in Rukia without his supervision is useless so he somehow gets Rukia assigned on to a mission on earth.
    4) Sets up the fight for Rukia to get owned to the point where she has to do something crazy to stay away from SS and need a Gigia afterwards
    5) Rukia is in the Gigia and slowly starts becoming Human to blend in with the rest of the world
    Now Aizen somehow figures all this out and knows that Urahara would send people to save Rukia. He probably does not have it factored how strong Ichigo is, because he goes on to say that they (the Ryoka) have done a far better destraction job then he originally thought possible. The whole Ichago + Hallow thing Aizen probably doesnt know about.

    Urahara probably deliberatly setup the situation for Ichigo to get the hallow abilities cause he knew he'd need them when he gets to SS to fight off Aizen or whatever he comes across. I wonder if Urahara really knows / suspects that Aizen is after his creation, or did Urahara just send Ichigo and crew to get back Rukia to be safe under his watchful eye.

    Interesting point is that Yorichi freaked out when she saw the Hallow mask on Ichigo (I think... its the ep when she flies him to the hidden cave when we first see her human form) so she obviously doesn't know whats going on with Ichigo. Question remains how much does Yorichi really know about whats happening.

    Lots of interesting stuff happening... so tempted to jump ahead with the manga

  7. #87
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    Bleach 61

    Originally posted by: Assassin

    And im assuming he was cast out shortly after developing the hogyoku, so why not just hide it within himself. Since he was being cast otu anyway, there would be no need to go thru the trouble of using that untracable gigai. He could've kept all his shinigami powers AND keep the hogyoku safe.

    Im certain he choose rukia for a reason. Its possible we'll have another major revelation later on in the anime, and we'll find out how rukia fits into all of this.
    Well obviouisly he thought he would need his powers for future encounters(which is why he didn't put it in Yoruichi also), so he decided to seal the Hou gyoku up and wait for a coincidece to come along (Im guessing when he sealed it up he made it undetectable), which just happened to be Rukia.

    R.I.P Captain America.

  8. #88
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Bleach 61

    I also feel like it was just 'fate/destiny/luck/fortune" that made Kuchiki Rukia get the Faux Body (gigai) that contained the Super Ball. Honeslty, she was the first Shinigami in a long time that had decided NOT to return to Soul Society, specially afraid that her giving her powers to Ichigo was a violation of rules. I just think he would have given it to anyone.

    However. IF Rukia the actual Soul who became the Shinigami was the one Urahara placed the Hollow/Shinigami Ball inside of, then its an entirely different story, and especially makes me wonder what Byakya Kuchiki's story is... However, I'm just thiniking that it was all luck that Rukia got woven up in this crazy plot...

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  9. #89

    Bleach 61

    i think its too much of a coincedence that the "random" person he sealed the hogyouku in just happens to be in the area and loses her shinigami powers, requiring the aide of a gigai. Shit like that dosesnt happen in bleach.

    If anyhitng, this episode should make it obvious that the author of the manga is thinking like 50 episodes ahead. Im willing to bet that urahara somehow planned for rukia to end up in that situation. not necessarily having to transfer her powers, but be weakened enuff to ask him for a gigai.

  10. #90
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Bleach 61

    No, I was really saying mage was full of shit. He expressly stated that it was "clearly explained" where Ichigo got his hollow powers. It's not even "sorta explained" much less clearly. In fact, in the scene mage mentions its only "vaguely implied".

    Bascially, there's three possibilities I see for Ichigo's hollow powers at this point.

    1. He's the reincarnation of Kaien, who was merged with a hollow when he died. I don't buy this theory though.

    2. He escaped from the hole that transforms you into a hollow at the last moment, being halfway through the transformation, now he's half hollow. This is the theory I used to believe until the stuff revealed in todays episode. I think the hollow mask as he was climbing out of the hole is just a side effect of his true powers.

    3. Girl has half-deathgod/half-hollow power inside her. Girl gives her powers to guy. Now guy is half-deathgod/half-hollow. Makes pretty fucking good sense to me.
    Why not? Would it be safe to assume that the source of aizen's strength is his ability to make the enemy see whatever he wants them to see? Maybe when he caught ichigo's sword with his hand, it was actually ichigo slashing at a rock and not realizing it. We don't really know the limitations to aizen's strength yet, but if a character's speciality is illusion, then chances are everything that he's done up to this point is illusion-based.
    Problem with that is that Aizen himself has said his illusion only works on people who've seen him release his shikai. Ichigo hasn't seen that. Thus, Aizen catching his sword wasn't an illusion.

  11. #91
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Bleach 61

    I dunno.......after this episode, I'm beginning to think the whole point of that statement aizen made was that he could put all the captains and vice-captains under a big illusion without even them having to be in his presence, which is how he was able to fake his death without actually being there......

    NOT to imply that ichigo had any sort of advantage
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  12. #92

    Bleach 61

    Originally posted by: DarthEnder
    3. Girl has half-deathgod/half-hollow power inside her. Girl gives her powers to guy. Now guy is half-deathgod/half-hollow. Makes pretty fucking good sense to me.
    I think you're forgetting that the hogyuoku doesn't GIVE someone hollow powers. It can be USED to make that happen. Like aizen explained, urahara found a way to do it correctly by using the hogyouku, but he knew it was a dangerous creation so he hid it. Now, if the thing turned ppl into hollows soon as it entered them, urahara would'nt hide it in someoen. He would keep it safe someother way, or keep trying to destroy him.

    Not to mention, if rukia was half hollow like ichigo, her hollow side would've surfaced when she was about to die (at the execution grounds) in order to save her, just like ichigo's hollow side came up when his body gave out.

    There is absolutely nothing to even imply that rukia has hollow powers, whereas all evidence points towards urahara's pit as being the reason for ichigo's hollow nature.


    About ichigo being immune to aizens illusions.....technically, since we havent seen aizens shikai, we cant say for sure that he hasn't used it on ichigo, or anyone else. For all we know, he could use it while talking to you, and then stab himself in the neck, and you'd be part of that illusion.

  13. #93
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Bleach 61

    For the record, Urahara has interacted with the living world. During the first Don Kanonji encounter, he is approached by the police (and makes a funny getaway too). I can't remember if it's in the anime or not, but it's definitely in the manga. So he's been using a Gigai as well.

    Since Urahara hid the Hogyouku inside Rukia before she got her Gigai, that makes me think he was somehow behind the incident during the first episode.
    Im certain he choose rukia for a reason. Its possible we'll have another major revelation later on in the anime, and we'll find out how rukia fits into all of this.
    I agree with this.
    I dunno.......after this episode, I'm beginning to think the whole point of that statement aizen made was that he could put all the captains and vice-captains under a big illusion without even them having to be in his presence, which is how he was able to fake his death without actually being there......
    The impression I got was that Aizen, a long time ago, displayed his Shikai to all the other captains. He said this last episode. From then on, they would be under whatever illusion he wished them to be. Personally I don't think Ichigo was under any illusion when he was blocked by Aizen's finger, but we know that Renji has seen the Shikai before, so it's possible some of that fight was an illusion though. Who knows.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  14. #94

    Bleach 61

    Urahara could've put the hogyouku inside Rukia when he gave her the gigai...

    Or do you know he did it before as a fact?

  15. #95

    Bleach 61

    Best part of the episode was fox face interupting Aizen mid speach, great way to end it, even though it's almost a sure thing the fox is gonna get his ass handed to him hard core.

  16. #96
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Bleach 61

    Originally posted by: Budweineken
    Urahara could've put the hogyouku inside Rukia when he gave her the gigai...

    Or do you know he did it before as a fact?
    Otherwise it would make no sence that Aizen said "By the time I found out about this, she was already gone".
    Originally posted by: Darknodin
    Aizen didn't know about the fact that all the captains received the message
    I think that Unohana is with the bad guys so it's all part of Aizen's plan. But we will have to see what she does to Hits and Hina. I'm thinking that she might just simply kill them or turn them into hollows like Kaien.

    What happens if Rukia dies? Does the hougyoku dissapear? If so: then it might have been Uraharas plan to get her killed in ep 1, but he didn't take in account that Ichi would be there. If not: then why doesn't Aizen just kill Rukia?

    How long do you think that Aizen has been in control? Were Byakuya and Renji sent to retrieve Rukia because of Aizen?

  17. #97
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Bleach 61

    Originally posted by: el_boss
    I think that Unohana is with the bad guys so it's all part of Aizen's plan. But we will have to see what she does to Hits and Hina. I'm thinking that she might just simply kill them or turn them into hollows like Kaien.
    That's hard to say. But no matter if she is with Aizen or not, Aizen wanted the crowd to gather at the execution grounds. Because if Unohana isn't with him, the least Aizen would have expected is Unohana informing everybody. And if she is with him, then she informed everybody because Aizen told her to.

    So, either way, it was Aizen's plan to get everybody there. Perhaps that has something to do with what he intends to do with Rukia. Perhaps killing her (body) will somehow set the hybrid free, and Aizen expects that monster to slaughter everybody, or something.

  18. #98
    Jounin Cal_kashi's Avatar
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    Bleach 61

    heres the way I see it. Sandal-hat developed this bad thing. and then a worse thing (the untracable gigai) that got him expelled.
    Rukia transfered her powers to ichigo and temporarily needed a gigai. Sandal hat saw this as an opportunity to hide the hogyouku and 2 facedly gave rukia the untracable gigai with teh hogyouku inside.
    Now, as soon as Aizen realized that Rukia was missing he knew that it could only be because she was in sandal-hats Gigai., which meant that sandal hat had probably put the hogyouku into her, because of the inherent safety in hiding something, in someone who happens to be untracable.
    Then, Aizen hatched his evil plan and followed through, as he had probably been searching for the hogyouku endlessly and put it all together when Rukia fell off the radar.
    When man invented the bicycle he reached the peak of his attainments. Here was a machine of precision and balance for the convenience of man. And (unlike subsequent inventions for man's convenience) the more he used it, the fitter his body became. Here, for once, was a product of man's brain that was entirely beneficial to those who used it, and of no harm or irritation to others. Progress should have stopped when man invented the bicycle. ~Elizabeth West, Hovel in theHills

  19. #99

    Bleach 61

    Originally posted by: el_boss
    I think that Unohana is with the bad guys so it's all part of Aizen's plan. But we will have to see what she does to Hits and Hina. I'm thinking that she might just simply kill them or turn them into hollows like Kaien.
    Why do you think that ?

    I mean, when Unohana discovered Aizen and Gin in front of Room 46, if she was with them, then Aizen wouldn't explain everything to her cause she would have already known, and her lieutnant wouldn't send a message to all the captains to say : "Everybody, let's kick Aizen ass, he is at Soukyokou"

    When Hitsugaya was slashed, there was nobody left watching them and Unohana won't have to behave like she didn't know anything if she was with them.

    Sorry, it may seem a little confuse but it's the best i can do for now

  20. #100
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Bleach 61

    Originally posted by: K.Kashier
    I mean, when Unohana discovered Aizen and Gin in front of Room 46, if she was with them, then Aizen wouldn't explain everything to her cause she would have already known, and her lieutnant wouldn't send a message to all the captains to say : "Everybody, let's kick Aizen ass, he is at Soukyokou"

    When Hitsugaya was slashed, there was nobody left watching them and Unohana won't have to behave like she didn't know anything if she was with them.
    They had to put up the act so that Kotetsu would inform everyone and it had to look/sound real.

    Also like Tousen, Unohana had an ability that could have revealed Aizen's true plan. The fact that she didn't tell anyone about the corpse doll makes her even more suspisious.

    And why did Unohana and Kotetsu happen to show up at the place where Aizen was, and again without telling anyone and without any back-up.

    This is what I wrote earlier regarding Unohana, I mean it's not rock-solid but it's enough to raise suspision.
    Originally posted by: el_boss
    She didn't get killed and they way she spoke in this ep was really wierd. Also she looks like she could be Aizen's sister or something, she also looks almost "too nice" just like him.

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