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Thread: Bleach 61

  1. #21

    Bleach 61

    Originally posted by: AGiath
    Okey, i've been reading these forums for a while now and i want to ask something so i though, i'd resigter...

    Why did Aizen have to fake his death?
    I mein Gin and Tousen din't... I don't see the use of it, beacause the Vice-Captain of the 4th team could send that info to anyone immidiatly
    So fot the secret he dind't do it... I mean, i know that he'll blow his "cover" immidiatly...
    Is it only for Kira and Hitsugaya to set up against eathother?

    And why is he so strong? I mean he hasn't got that Hollow-Shinigami thing jet. (Although Ichigo seems to have it)

    Why why why?
    Omg what a plot change... [img][/img]
    He faked his death in case any one could suspect him of any suspicions. So he made himself look dead and asked Gin to the oh so obvious culprit. He conned Hitsugaya, who is the least trusting of Aizen as Hitsugaya is the youngest captain and Aizen hasn't work his charm of him yet. And tries to kill him too, the first Captain casualty.


    This was my first impression. Then I thought, wait, he did try to destroy the Hogyuku. Its like Einstein invented the E-MC square theory but by the time he realised his knowledge could be turned into Atomic bombs his knowledge was already spread far and wide for everyone to produce weapons of mass destruction.

    Well, at least now we have a good idea of why Urahara was kicked out of Soul Society. If he was branded a traitor and hunted by Soul Society (at no small instigation from Aizen) it would make sense for Yoruichi to know about it, being Secret Mobile Corps commander and escape Soul Society with him.

    Very very good episode. Next episode we will see just how many Captans can Aizen stand up to. Hitsugaya may be powerful but the least experienced. The rest have been Captains for ages.

    I'm going to enjoy Byakuya's face when he realises the LAW he was following all along was Aizen. Now his conscience has nowhere to hide him, he blindly followed orders without questioning them and as a result, almost killed his own sister.

  2. #22

    Bleach 61

    Well for one thing. I think the captains would stand a better chance at fighting Aizen when they're at full health. The past buncha episodes were seeing all the strong captains having a big fight of some sort and now they're half dead with barely any strength to continue fighting and against Aizen?! Aizen is prolly not as strong as people think he is because everyone's weak. I ain't doubting he is naturally strong but Ichigo's Bankai must've been at like 20% since he just had a fight with Byakuya.

    Man oh man, I can't wait to see the next episode, That idiotic fox ruined Aizen's story [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] I hope he dies for interupting the story, I don't like him much to begin with. I wanna see Kenpachi against Aizen and hopefully Kenpachi will know the name of his damn soul slayer by then. If he does, he'll be super uber strong too.

    So nearly everything in this episode was explained in a nutshell...well until that dumb fox came in.
    I don't care who I have to fight!
    If he rips my arms off, I'll kick him to death!
    If he rips my legs off, I'll bite him to death!
    If he rips my head off, I'll stare him to death!
    And if he gouges out my eyes, I'll curse him from beyond the grave!

  3. #23

    Bleach 61

    Compared to Tosen, I like Komamura better.

    Tosen is prejudiced. If someone doesn't suit his ideals, aka Zaraki, he will kill that person without a thought about that guy's point of view.

    Komamura is not prejudiced, just a loyal soldier. And Zaraki respected him for being a good fighter, with absolutely no regard for his face. And that's what makes Zaraki a great character. Sure he likes to fight, but he gets as much fun NOT killing the target in the end so that they can have another duel another day.

    That Tosen spouting crap, I must kill you with my justice smacks of narrow mindedness.

    It was so cool to see a larger than life Komamura appear, screaming for Aizen's blood. God, for a minute, I thought he used his Bankai. but i guess they exagerated his size since he is the biggest size among the captains anyway, taller and bulkier than even Zaraki.

  4. #24

    Bleach 61

    Originally posted by: Konohamaru
    Well for one thing. I think the captains would stand a better chance at fighting Aizen when they're at full health. The past buncha episodes were seeing all the strong captains having a big fight of some sort and now they're half dead with barely any strength to continue fighting and against Aizen?!
    Yep, Hitsugaya was half dead when he challenged Aizen... You have a keen eye...

  5. #25
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Bleach 61

    At least Hitsugaya was half witless when he attacked Aizen. He made the very classic mistake of allowing the bad guy to provoke him to a heedless rage.

  6. #26

    Bleach 61

    This episode was cool, nice to see what Urahara was up to all this time

    Signature by Lucifus

  7. #27

    Bleach 61

    Originally posted by: Enderz
    Aizen is after the ball right, but didnt rukia give her power to ichigo so the ball should be in ichigos body
    No, the "ball" is inside the gigai (faux body) that Urahara gave to Rukia after she had already given Ichigo her powers.

  8. #28
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    Bleach 61

    Good episode. That cliffhanger at the end was annoying though.

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  9. #29

    Bleach 61

    Originally posted by: Konohamaru

    Man oh man, I can't wait to see the next episode, That idiotic fox ruined Aizen's story [img][/img] I hope he dies for interupting the story, I don't like him much to begin with. I wanna see Kenpachi against Aizen and hopefully Kenpachi will know the name of his damn soul slayer by then. If he does, he'll be super uber strong too.

    So nearly everything in this episode was explained in a nutshell...well until that dumb fox came in.
    He had told everything when the fox arrived. last line was something like " i immediately went to room 46"
    and after that we know the story.

  10. #30
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    Bleach 61

    I haven't seen this ep, but when Aizen was explaining 'the entire story line' did they show any hollows?

    R.I.P Captain America.

  11. #31

    Bleach 61

    yes.. but flahsback hollows

  12. #32

    Bleach 61

    Rukia did not gave this hollow thing to Ichigo, i think he achieved it himself when he was turning into a shinigami. And he faked his death to have the control in Soul Society being in this room 46.

  13. #33
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    Bleach 61

    @T-S: yeah I was talking about the flashback hollows, more or less the fact that Aizen was the reason for Kaiens death.

    R.I.P Captain America.

  14. #34
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Bleach 61

    it was clearly explained how ichigo got his hollow powers, it's not because of rukia.

  15. #35
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Bleach 61

    Awesome. Aizen is so fucking cool. And I love Mayuri's maskless look. I always thought that the ugly appearance was his real one, so it was a big surprise.

    I love how Aizen just completely rapes everything. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  16. #36
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Bleach 61

    it was clearly explained how ichigo got his hollow powers, it's not because of rukia.
    No it wasn't. You're full of shit.

    On the subject of Aizen faking his death, apparently Aizen thinks that there needed to be a captain dying for the other captains to all go around using their bankai's and shit. Remember, once Aizen was "dead" they were able to declare a state of war. This leads to a bunch on Captains rulling around soul society using lethal force against each other and the intruders. I'm guessing that's the kind of distraction he wanted. Nobody focusing on what was actually going on.

    In reality though its probably just because the writer wanted to take the readers by surprise as much as possible.

    I must be the only one that didn't think Mayuri was wearing some kind of mask. I just thought he was a freak, like the fox guy.

  17. #37

    Bleach 61

    Originally posted by: naruto22
    Its like Einstein invented the E-MC square theory but by the time he realised his knowledge could be turned into Atomic bombs his knowledge was already spread far and wide for everyone to produce weapons of mass destruction.
    um, i think ur seriously confused. His theory and his work on the manhattan project are 2 very different things.

    No it wasn't. You're full of shit.

    On the subject of Aizen faking his death, apparently Aizen thinks that there needed to be a captain dying for the other captains to all go around using their bankai's and shit. Remember, once Aizen was "dead" they were able to declare a state of war. This leads to a bunch on Captains rulling around soul society using lethal force against each other and the intruders. I'm guessing that's the kind of distraction he wanted. Nobody focusing on what was actually going on.

    In reality though its probably just because the writer wanted to take the readers by surprise as much as possible.

    I must be the only one that didn't think Mayuri was wearing some kind of mask. I just thought he was a freak, like the fox guy.
    ok, seriously darthender, calm down. recently alot of ur post have been rather aggressive. theres no need to be say hes full of shit just cuz u dont agree with him.

    and while were on that subject, hes not full of shit. Tell me how rukia could've given ichigo hollow powers? all she did was transfer her shinigami powers to him. He got hollow powers when bayakyua cut off this chain, and he nearly became a hollow. Dont u remember that training session he had with urahara, in that deep well. He was becoming a hollow, but managed to break free at the last second, which left him half way between shinigami and hollow.

    As for aizens death, the chaos of war was only a minor reason. once rukia was back, needed full control of events. the only way to do that was to kill the central 46 and take over thier position. Obviously he couldn't do that while pretending to be a captain, otherwise eveyone would wonder where the 5th captain went all of a sudden. That why he faked his death, so he could take himself outta the equation and be free to act independentely.

  18. #38
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Bleach 61

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    I always thought that the ugly appearance was his real one, so it was a big surprise.
    Yeah. I always wondered why he built himself a body that looked awful like that armor / mask he was wearing. But now it makes more sense, when it's apparent he has a normal body after all.

  19. #39
    Awesome user with default custom title The Heretic Azazel's Avatar
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    Bleach 61

    Originally posted by: naruto22
    Compared to Tosen, I like Komamura better.

    Tosen is prejudiced. If someone doesn't suit his ideals, aka Zaraki, he will kill that person without a thought about that guy's point of view.
    Tousen is easily the shittiest character in the entire show. Not only are his ideals dumb, he always looks like no one wanted to finish the effort of animating his black ass. Animation teams got no love for a brother.

    God, if every episode in the series ever is nothing but Aizen owning people left and right, I won't complain.
    "They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin

  20. #40
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Bleach 61

    Aizen kicks ass. I like how he pulls the "I'm a bad guy, but I can still act like I give two shits about my enemies" act (his fight with Renji, not trying to kill him. Saying he killed Hinamori out of pity) Heck the guy sounded almost sympathetic towards Rukia when he was explaining that she was just a tool for Urahara.

    Urahara. The second they said he was the inventor of the R&D Department of Soul Society I knew his role was going to be huge. Looks like the 'Ball', being both Hollow and Shinigami was too strong for just Urahara as a Shinigami to destroy on his own. At least Urahara's not on Aizen's side (i think...), or the whole thing would be totally stacked against Ichigo and crew... I love how Aizen knew how predictable Urahara's plan would be... but I'm wondering why Urahara didn't warn them specifically about Aizen before he sent them into SS...

    Mayuri does look way too young. I imagined him as an older Hojo-looking guy...

    The cliffhanger made me laugh out loud. I was just thinking "Damn, the episode should be over and Aizen's still in the middle of his speech" When Komomura came charging in and totally interupted him. I'll be surprised if the opening of the next episode isn't his Fox-head severed on the ground... just charging in like that... Aizen pwns all. Actually, on second thought, Komomura needs to fight Tousen. Which is too bad, cuz I couldn't give too shits less about those guys.

    We didn't see any real substance to the Yama-ji Vs. Shunsui/Ukitake fight. BOOO!!

    EDIT: "Number 1" haha. They start playing it as Renji and Ichigo devise and start that plan. Then Aizen puts up a finger and it stops, dead silence. That made me chuckle. The dude even pwns the soundtrack!

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