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Thread: Bleach 61

  1. #201
    ANBU Captain aznimperialx's Avatar
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    Bleach 61

    Originally posted by: Ban Kai
    Originally posted by: masamuneehs
    I feel like Ichigo had to have gotten some of his powers from his mom. His dad has no abilities whatsoever, yet Ichigo, Karian and Suzu (his sisters) all have some kind of special relation with spirits.

    I'm also still one of those "Ichigo is some kind of reincarnation of Kaien Kukaku" believers. The similair appearances, attitudes, along with the fact that both are the only confirmed Hollow/Shinigami hybrids that we know of really make me think Ichigo and Kaien have some connection.

    How Urahara knows this (if he knows it), why Rukia was selected (if there is any special reason that it was her) to hide the Crumbling Treasure Ball in, how Aizen got that information are still all very mysterious to me.
    If his mother had a lot of spirit power then wouldn't she have kicked Grand Fisher's @$$? I mean even Ichigo with his crappy unknown named sword beat Grand Fisher. I think his mom would be able to if she knew about spirit world like that. I don't think she would have died so easily. And I don't think she saw that girl too, so yeah ~.~.
    she didn't see the girl, only saw ichigo

  2. #202

    Bleach 61

    Originally posted by: aznimperialx
    Originally posted by: Ban Kai
    Originally posted by: masamuneehs
    I feel like Ichigo had to have gotten some of his powers from his mom. His dad has no abilities whatsoever, yet Ichigo, Karian and Suzu (his sisters) all have some kind of special relation with spirits.

    I'm also still one of those "Ichigo is some kind of reincarnation of Kaien Kukaku" believers. The similair appearances, attitudes, along with the fact that both are the only confirmed Hollow/Shinigami hybrids that we know of really make me think Ichigo and Kaien have some connection.

    How Urahara knows this (if he knows it), why Rukia was selected (if there is any special reason that it was her) to hide the Crumbling Treasure Ball in, how Aizen got that information are still all very mysterious to me.
    If his mother had a lot of spirit power then wouldn't she have kicked Grand Fisher's @$$? I mean even Ichigo with his crappy unknown named sword beat Grand Fisher. I think his mom would be able to if she knew about spirit world like that. I don't think she would have died so easily. And I don't think she saw that girl too, so yeah ~.~.
    she didn't see the girl, only saw ichigo
    Yeah so if she didn't see the girl then she doesn't have high spirit power, so she couldn't have passed on any spirit power to Ichigo, and his sisters.

  3. #203
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Bleach 61

    Ichigo's spirit power doesnt have to derive from his parents... maybe he pulled it out of the wazoo...

  4. #204
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Bleach 61

    Originally posted by: anphorus
    I know that some people might think this isn't enough, but for me it is irrefutable proof that Ichigo had zangetsu since the very first episode. (Phew, that was a long one)
    The proof is that ichigo's sword after he returned to being a shinigami looked the same as it did when byakuya cut it in half. Since his return was using his own shinigami powers instead of rukia's yet still had the same sword (with same damage and everything), then that means his sword was based on his own powers even from the start.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  5. #205
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Bleach 61

    Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
    Rukia already had that faux body in episode one. this means that she got it before she met ichigo. didnt she disappear after ichigo fought with the hollow? she probably ran away to put the faux body in to appear in school the next day.
    Urahara is shown offering the Gigai to Rukia sitting in the street with her white robes on. This was obviously after she gave her shinigami powers to Ichigo. She didn't need a gigai when she came to earth
    Rukia did not disappear after Ichigo got his powers, she sat there and watched him kick the hollow's ass. Then the episode ended. I suppose she got the gigai in the time between episodes 1 and 2.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  6. #206

    Bleach 61

    GAD its not that hard, some people are born with more spirit power/shinigami power or w/e than others. assuming this isnt an anime show, and that ichigo hadnt gotten the ton of power, the story would be centered around some other individual somewhere else who was born powerfull instead
    some people are born strong, some fat, some retarded, ichigo just happened to be a wayne gretzkey shinigami

    now the other part.... theres no way to know if ichigo even has the hollow maker ball thingy, it may be in rukia, it may be in him, it may be in rukia but some of its "power" transferred to ichigo, even tho the object as a whole did not move at all

    ...and whats a wazoo?

  7. #207

    Bleach 61

    im pretty sure it would be in rukia still, as aizen is after rukia and not ichigo. If there was a possibility that the thing could transfer from one body to another, aizen would be after ichigo as well since he knew that rukia had give him her powers.

  8. #208

    Bleach 61

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    Originally posted by: Dezalanel
    Urahara gave Rukia the gigai after she gave her powers to Ichigo. She would not have it before that because the only reason your in a gigai is to recover your powers as a shinigami. Also people seem to think Rukia is still in the gigai, this is not the case when she went to SS she was taken out of it.
    Yikes, that's just flat out wrong. A gigai is described as a faux body, designed to simulate human bodies. If she was wearing that in the first episode, everyone would see her. Not to mention she wouldn't be able to turn into a butterfly or float all over the place and junk.
    Where did I say she was using the gigai all of episode 1??? I specifically said AFTER she gave her powers to Ichigo which is at end of episode 1. Thus as someone mentioned she recieved the gigai between episodes 1 and 2.

  9. #209

    Bleach 61

    So much speculation ... tsk ...
    Next episode should clear up a lot of these questions but uhhh ... I'm pretty sure like many have said before, Ichigo had the power in him... rukia just kinda jiggled it open and Urahara opened the lid ... then his sword;s spirit shatterd the jar and bam ... bankai ichigo.

  10. #210
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Bleach 61

    ha.....i dunno.....i think you went and mod-edited all of the quotes of you saying it. Couldve sworn last time i checked you said she had the gigai before she left soul society in episode 1 [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  11. #211
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Bleach 61

    I think Deza has it right in reguards to the "giving your powers" thing. Rukia gave her powers to Ichigo. Over time, they were supposed to come back to her, and Ichigo was supposed to lose the ones she gave her.

    Of course she never god her powers back, so Ichigo never lost them till Byakuya took them from him.

  12. #212
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Bleach 61

    Originally posted by: DarthEnder
    Of course she never god her powers back, so Ichigo never lost them till Byakuya took them from him.
    I thought about that back in the episode where he does it. They were saying something about taking rukia's powers away from ichigo, so i was considering the posibility of rukia getting those powers back as a result.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  13. #213

    Bleach 61

    I don't think one affects the other...

    I think even if Ichigo didn't lose Rukia's powers, Rukia should've still recovered her powers if it wasn't for the special gigai...

  14. #214
    ANBU FrogKing's Avatar
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    Bleach 61

    Ok, to switch gears a bit. Speaking of Urahara, do we know who his assistants are? Is the main assistant Urahara's former Vice Captain? What about the two kids are they some kind of creation of his (kinda like the current 12th Captains creation)?
    Currently watching: One Piece, Black Lagoon, Bleach, Death Note, Suzumiya Haruhi,
    The 12 Kingdoms, and Soukou no Strain (kinda)


  15. #215
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Bleach 61

    Originally posted by: FrogKing
    Ok, to switch gears a bit. Speaking of Urahara, do we know who his assistants are? Is the main assistant Urahara's former Vice Captain? What about the two kids are they some kind of creation of his (kinda like the current 12th Captains creation)?
    I am not quite sure about Tessai (that's the Urahara shop assistant's name im pretty sure) being a Vice Captain... He does have knowledge of Demon Magic (from the training episodes) but we've never seen him carry anything that vaguely resembles a Zanpaktou. That doesn't exclude him from ever being a Shinigami, just makes it seem doubtful that he ever was...

    As for Jinta and the Pink girl.. Hmm.. I've always assummed that the Pink Girl waws a robot or artificial being of some sorts. The way she reacts to Hollows, spits out words like a robot and changes on a dime from a shy, timid girl into a hardcore Hollow exterminator always made me think she was a creation. That being said, even though Jinta shows signs of being human, much more than the girl, I'd suppose if she was not human, he'd also be not human.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  16. #216
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    Bleach 61

    @ Budweineken : Absolutely right.

    @ FrogKing : You should have posted your ideas in Bleach Manga.

  17. #217

    Bleach 61

    Tessai was probly some special army guy or sumthing who ran away with urahara, then im guessing the kid was just gifted, like the white haired captain kid except not so much, the girl is probly like frog king says, a creation

    for the gigai, theres no way ichigo can have it because rukia wasnt able to regain her powers, end of story

  18. #218
    ANBU FrogKing's Avatar
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    Bleach 61

    @Jadugar: Sorry, I haven't read the manga (yet) so I didn't post there. I always just wondered who they were and now with the whole gigai thing it seemed more relevant as to who they are/were.
    Currently watching: One Piece, Black Lagoon, Bleach, Death Note, Suzumiya Haruhi,
    The 12 Kingdoms, and Soukou no Strain (kinda)


  19. #219

    Bleach 61

    Originally posted by: Fudgeman
    Tessai was probly some special army guy or sumthing who ran away with urahara, then im guessing the kid was just gifted, like the white haired captain kid except not so much, the girl is probly like frog king says, a creation

    for the gigai, theres no way ichigo can have it because rukia wasnt able to regain her powers, end of story
    Yeppp, just like many others have said (about the gigai) anyhow bleach 62 raw is out .. go check it out.
    btw nice avatar!

  20. #220
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Bleach 61

    About Ururu (pink girl): When Ichigo was training with Urahara, the first test was to have Ururu attack Ichigo. I remember Urahara saying something like "she was designed as an anti-shinigami soul" or something...Remembering that, I too am starting to think she might be a creation of Uruhara's. As for his vice-captain, I don't really care.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

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