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Thread: Naruto Technology

  1. #41

    Naruto Technology

    Kishimoto said something about never bringing guns into Naruto.. because you can't dodge them or something-something lol

    Naruto has computers (kabuto was on one when talking to Kimimaru), TV's (There's one in Sasuke's room) camara's, blah blah... I think the thing that kinda threw me off was watching the movie, where there were trains and movie theaters.. o_O

    Well I guess I shouldn't be surprised about the movie theaters part.. since Ichi Ichi Romance became a movie long ago.. ^_^;

    Anyway... I think life is pretty "advanced" outside the hidden villages, but in the hidden villages is kinda primitive
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  2. #42
    If I could change my name
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    Naruto Technology

    Originally posted by: sevyfez
    Arrows are atually considred a missile type not excatly like a missile.
    does it matter? it means nothing to what we are talking bout

    Ok, well Animes in the past have always been like this (well I can't same all but you know what I'm talking about) if tech doesn't fit in to the main story line then it isn't given much thought also remember the Anime Law of Inverse Lethal Magnitude The destructive potential of a weapon is inversly proportional to its size and Small and cute will always overcome big and ugly. Also know as the A-Ko phenomenon.
    image fail!

  3. #43

    Naruto Technology

    Remember that they have wireless headset radios...that were used once by Team Kakashi.

  4. #44

    Naruto Technology

    I really don't see why people get so confused by the technology seen in naruto. It takes place in it's own setting that features contemporary technology. Reason why there are no guns is simply because they probably never really evolved the need for them. If people can summon fire balls, electricity, and animals just by using their hands there really is no need for any kind of fire arm. It's no supposed to take place during fueadal japan its it's own unique time period where magic coexists with technology and tactics.

  5. #45

    Naruto Technology

    hey heres one for you.

    In one of the early early eps, konohamaru and the gang fallow naruto in a box. It blows up and they say, I BELIVE, "Too much gunpowerd"

    Now why whould they have GUNpowder with no GUNS lol

  6. #46

    Naruto Technology

    In Japan (China?) gunpowder was developed wayyyyyy before guns. =P I think it was for fireworks..
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  7. #47

    Naruto Technology

    *shrugs* well they DO hav smoke bombs

    but still why is it called GUNpowered? lol

  8. #48
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Naruto Technology

    Simple. It's only called GUN powder in English. And of course, direct translation of gun powder in Japanese doens't have any connection to guns. And yeah, smoke bombs/smoke grenades do not make use of gun powder to create smoke screens too.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  9. #49

    Naruto Technology

    Well look at the FF games for example. The technology is advanced, but they are still using medieval weapons and armor and magic.

    Think of Naruto in a similar way.

  10. #50

    Naruto Technology

    Originally posted by: Divinity
    Well look at the FF games for example. The technology is advanced, but they are still using medieval weapons and armor and magic.

    Think of Naruto in a similar way.
    In the technologically advanced FF's they usually have some form of firearms.

  11. #51

    Naruto Technology

    well there was that gatling gun... well similar but it instead shot kuni from teh Naruto movie lol

  12. #52

    Naruto Technology

    Originally posted by: Divinity
    Well look at the FF games for example. The technology is advanced, but they are still using medieval weapons and armor and magic.
    If you watch Advent Children, you'll see why. Swords>>Guns.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] Plus they have magic too.

    I think it would work the same way in naruto, with so many powerful jutsus's there'd be no reason to invent guns. They'd probably be pretty useless against some Ninja anyway. Any decently powerful members of the Hyuuga clan for one. And Sharingan users too, they'd be able to see the bullets coming before they hit. And Naruto's ability to block attacks with chakra, and Gaara's sand defense. i could go on, but I think I've made the point.

  13. #53

    Naruto Technology

    Originally posted by:

    - Do you have any rules about what is definitely not allowed to be drawn in the
    "Naruto" world?

    Kishimoto: Firstly, projectile weapons such as guns aren't allowed. (The one exception
    is Inari's bowgun.) Guns aren't suited to ninja. Gunpowder is used in the anime,
    though I don't think it should be there. And, vehicles such as aeroplanes are
    not allowed. I try to restrain technology that can be used for war... For
    example, if missiles were in it, it'd be the end. (laughs)[quote]

    Interview thing. Reading the rest of the interview should clear a few things up..
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  14. #54

    Naruto Technology

    Originally posted by: anphorus
    Originally posted by: Divinity
    Well look at the FF games for example. The technology is advanced, but they are still using medieval weapons and armor and magic.
    If you watch Advent Children, you'll see why. Swords>>Guns.[img][/img] Plus they have magic too.

    I think it would work the same way in naruto, with so many powerful jutsus's there'd be no reason to invent guns. They'd probably be pretty useless against some Ninja anyway. Any decently powerful members of the Hyuuga clan for one. And Sharingan users too, they'd be able to see the bullets coming before they hit. And Naruto's ability to block attacks with chakra, and Gaara's sand defense. i could go on, but I think I've made the point.
    Yes that movie was the best! Let me say Tifa was looking good.

  15. #55

    Naruto Technology

    I also beleive in the movie sakura drops what seems to be a small bomb on the train or mountain or something.

  16. #56

    Naruto Technology

    An explosive note..?
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  17. #57

    Naruto Technology

    A bullet would easily kill any genin or chuunin that didnt have a demon inside them or an ultimate defense like Neji's.

  18. #58

    Naruto Technology

    No I dont believe it was an explosive note that was sasuke, i think sakura was on a high ridge and she dropped it on the train or on something...... lol let me check.

  19. #59

    Naruto Technology

    Ultimate defense or not, something moving at 1320 yards per second would penetrate that no problem. Notice that Kunai and shuriken are shown as moving very fast in the anime/manga. A bullet can't even be seen it moves so fast. I mean we could get into how chakra could effect it and whatnot, but I think a bullet fired from a gun (or several for that matter) would penetrate nejis ultimate defense, since it seems he is able to redirect the objects away from him by striking them, you can't do that to a bullet, its hot enough to melt your skin and too small =0

    **note the above is just how I interpret things, I don't think anyone is wrong about anything, since this is a discussion about imaginary worlds where laws of physics may or may not be the same.

    In case it hasnt been mentioned, Modern Technology would undoubtedly win, due to an anacronym that has allowed the United States to be the premier military power since the 1950's =0 I.C.B.M.

    So unless Kohona has a Strategic defense ABM system setup I think modern technology wins -0

  20. #60
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Naruto Technology

    Originally posted by: Sapphire
    Kishimoto said something about never bringing guns into Naruto.. because you can't dodge them or something-something lol

    Naruto has computers (kabuto was on one when talking to Kimimaru), TV's (There's one in Sasuke's room) camara's, blah blah... I think the thing that kinda threw me off was watching the movie, where there were trains and movie theaters.. o_O

    Well I guess I shouldn't be surprised about the movie theaters part.. since Ichi Ichi Romance became a movie long ago.. ^_^;

    Anyway... I think life is pretty "advanced" outside the hidden villages, but in the hidden villages is kinda primitive

    what i dont get is why the feudal lords houses are all...primitive.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

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