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Thread: Naruto Technology

  1. #21
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Naruto Technology

    Who cares about the semantics? Hopefully we all know the difference between a heat seeking missile and an arrow RIGHT?

    Pretty much any anime that involves samurais or ninjas with guns or cannons, the people with guns and cannons tend to rank among the deadliest opponents.
    I mean, a rich guy with a gatling gun managed to take out 4 of the best out of Aoshi's clan in Kenshin, am I right?

    If heat seeking missiles and firearms existed in the naruto world, then ninjas would end up borderline obsolete.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  2. #22

    Naruto Technology

    I was just showing that the word "missile" doesn't neccesarily mean to do with explosive missiles.

    The actual point I'm trying to make is that it's entirly possible that there could be a whole range of jutsu's (or even just one) which turn needles, kunai and other weapons into heat seekers. Just as how the konoha ninjas had heard about the technique used when controlling puppets, its possible that Heat Seeking Missile-no-jutsu could be one of the things that was learned in ninja school.

    This is just a possiblity anyways, I think it was most likely just a mistake or a plot whole, but it's fun to theorise on what could've been meant

  3. #23
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Naruto Technology

    Originally posted by: The Heretic Azazel
    Don't throw that dictionary crap at me, words mean what I want them to mean, and an arrow is not a missile.

    If you guys want guns in Naruto so bad, read the pilot chapter. You'll be missing ninjas.
    Anphorus doesn't want guns in Naruto and neither does anybody else. Read his post and look at the definitions he bolded. Funny enough, words don't actually mean what YOU want them to mean. A "Missle" is just another term for a projectile, so it's possible when he said "heat seeking missile" he didn't mean the kind you are familiar with, rather, a projectile that seeks out a target. Edit: Anphorus posted while I was typing this.

    In any case, AssertnFailure is right, obviously heat seeking missiles or firearms don't exist in the Naruto universe. I also checked 2 translations of the manga (one being Viz's, the other Inane), and neither use "heat seeking missles" as a translation for the needles. In one, he states they are controlled by his chakra, and the other he states "They are like missles (read "projectiles") that have locked on to your signature". It was just a dumb translation.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  4. #24
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Naruto Technology

    I'm not trying to discount "heat seeking projectiles", i'm trying to discount "heat seeking projectiles that level everything within a proximity".

    I have no problem with kunais that follow ninjas around. We've already seen needles that did it, sound waves that did it, sand that did it.....
    Besides, the whole discussion is about technology vs jutsu, not jutsu simulating technology.

    Xanbcoo: If you are going to refer to "missiles" as projectiles, then his needles werent LIKE missiles, they WERE missiles. To say "like" is to make a comparison to something that it's similiar to but ISN'T.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  5. #25

    Naruto Technology

    Originally posted by: The Heretic Azazel
    Don't throw that dictionary crap at me, words mean what I want them to mean, and an arrow is not a missile.
    So you live in a totally different world from us where communication with others is not needed and language can only be understood by you

  6. #26

    Naruto Technology

    The translation for the heatsinking missile I got was from Shonen Jump and I pretty sure that there translation is authentic. Also this disscussion is good this technology thing has kinda bothered me a bit when I watched the episodes, now I can sleep at night.

  7. #27
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Naruto Technology

    If that's the American shonen jump, then I beg to differ. Unless I'm mistaken, the american version would use viz's translations.

    And we all know how well VIZ is with translating the naruto manga.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  8. #28

    Naruto Technology

    Well maybe but I am talking about the manga not that crappy american subbed anime.

  9. #29
    Awesome user with default custom title The Heretic Azazel's Avatar
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    Naruto Technology

    Originally posted by: heero
    Originally posted by: The Heretic Azazel
    Don't throw that dictionary crap at me, words mean what I want them to mean, and an arrow is not a missile.
    So you live in a totally different world from us where communication with others is not needed and language can only be understood by you

    I would be THRILLED if I didn't have to communicate with other people. They're all shit anyhow.

    Xan you're arguing semantics, it's a moot point, things are as we interpret them, so don't get angry.
    "They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin

  10. #30
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Naruto Technology

    Ok, i just re-watched episode 34. There was no mention of any heat seeking missiles. Sevyfez must have been talking about the crappy american manga translations by Viz.

  11. #31

    Naruto Technology

    Lol ya sorry

  12. #32

    Naruto Technology

    Originally posted by: sevyfez
    Well the fact that they do know what missiles are, it would only be logic to use them sense they are far more advance than any justsu I have seen. Also saying that weapons like missiles are usless and that swords and shurikens are far more effictive is ridiculous! Eventually they will run out of chakra and you can only make so many clones! Also what the hell is a shuriken gonna do to a missile! Missiles blow up things from far distances!

    1. combining physical and spiritual energy to make fire come out of ur mouth, or a clone made out of water that is self-aware would be a tad bit more complicated then making a relatively simple missle.

    2. eventually u run out of bullets, and u can only have so many guns. except that chakra can be regained, bullets cant. and what i meant by melee weapons being better then guns was that, with thier speed, they could cut off ur arm before u pressed the trigger.

    3. missles dont blow stuff up from a distance. they have to actually collide with thier target (not counting missles that can be detonated remotely...thats a different story). also, a shuriken doesnt need to do anyhting against a missle. You can just do a high lvl fire jutsu, and the heat seeking missle will target the jutsu user instead. after that its just a matter of runnign away from teh city or whatever. As for non-heat seekign missles, a giant water cannon can easily take care of that.

  13. #33
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Naruto Technology

    ok. talk about overanalyzing ONE stupid poorly translated line said by some NOBODY in the show.

    Naruto technology? The biggest thing I've seen (featured in the Filler episodes nonetheless) is the use of large, battery operated lights. Powerful search lights of those sort are a total enemy of the ninja and covert operations. If I were in Naruto, a spotlight would be oneof my greatest foes. That, and the fact that they have televison seems to imply that information is spread quite quickly across the nations.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  14. #34
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Naruto Technology

    Originally posted by: mage
    Ok, i just re-watched episode 34. There was no mention of any heat seeking missiles. Sevyfez must have been talking about the crappy american manga translations by Viz.
    No, he wasn't. Viz's translation reads verbatim: "They are like missles that have locked on to your signature." I have the volume that was in, and nowhere does it state anything about "heat seeking missiles."

    Xanbcoo: If you are going to refer to "missiles" as projectiles, then his needles werent LIKE missiles, they WERE missiles. To say "like" is to make a comparison to something that it's similiar to but ISN'T.
    Well, the original poster said heat seeking missiles, so this supposed line (which I doubt exists) would have said they are like heat seeking missles. That's what I was referring to. They are missles, but they are like heat seeking missles. Quoting what I said earlier: "so it's possible when he said "heat seeking missile" he didn't mean the kind you are familiar with, rather, a projectile that seeks out a target." Or, as anphorus put it, Heat-Seeking-Missile-no-jutsu.

    btw, I'm not arguing for the hell of it, I'm just defending the points I made earlier.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  15. #35

    Naruto Technology

    Wow how naive are u that u think missiles are simple, I think you need to go outside and get some air or maybe take a break from anime a bit. Eventually chakra will run out and sense it seems that the ninjas cant use many jutsus without using up a lot of chakra. Also eventually the ninjas will get tired, it does not take a lot strength to pull a trigger and when I said far away I meant the ability to launch the missile from a long distance.

  16. #36
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Naruto Technology

    I'm liking where this is going. "Modern technology vs. Naruto" who would win? lol

    In any case, no one said missiles were simple:
    Missile: 1. An object or weapon that is fired, thrown, dropped, or otherwise projected at a target; a projectile.
    An object, meaning "any object." So it is correct to say the needles were missiles. But in the end, there was no translation that said "heat seeking missiles", so this argument is useless.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  17. #37

    Naruto Technology

    Originally posted by: XanBcoo
    I'm liking where this is going. "Modern technology vs. Naruto" who would win? lol

    In any case, no one said missiles were simple:
    Missile: 1. An object or weapon that is fired, thrown, dropped, or otherwise projected at a target; a projectile.
    An object, meaning "any object." So it is correct to say the needles were missiles. But in the end, there was no translation that said "heat seeking missiles", so this argument is useless.
    Yes it is a good disscussion but, who do u think would win Naruto's ninjutsu, genjutsu etc... or Modern technology, guns, missiles and other advance technology?
    I supose that it would be diffucult for modern tech to completly overwhelm jutsu's but I think after some good analyzation, and also dont forget about the chakra sealing device in the movie. If modern time could mass produce these ninjas would be annihilated!

  18. #38

    Naruto Technology

    They also have very small cordless headsets that are up to par with todays technology.

  19. #39

    Naruto Technology

    there were also computers in the room where kimmimaro was being kept before his fight with naruto and gaara.

  20. #40
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Naruto Technology

    The technology in Naruto is really very advanced. Remember in the movie they even have movie theaters and special effect crews. Railways and computers were also present.
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