Originally posted by: darkmetal505
the battle scene was amazing though. Par with lord of the rings
You're kidding right? That was just about one of the lamest battles ever depicted in a movie.It was like 1 minute and nothing happened during that short time.

The whole battle was like: Attack!... Retreat!... Yay we won! <-(The battle actually went on about as long as it takes to read this sentence.)

The entire movie was way too short and everything went by too fast. It felt more like a summary than an actual full movie. I felt like they didn't take the time to let me get to know the characters so I just didn't give a shit what they did or what happened to them.

The music was just horrible. It sounded like they took the soundtrack of some generic Jerry Bruckheimer action movie and just copy/pasted it.

I would say that this movie is up against Harry Potter 4 for the title of worst adaption of the year.