Originally posted by: Assassin
i like how some ppl are still convinced that he repented, and was a changed man.
I can totally see how claiming to be innocent after murdering 4 ppl shows you've repented. And writing childrens book on top of taht, well that MUST mean hes a good person now.
But i dont think death was the answer. Not because 'we dont have the right to decide' or because 'we're the same as the murdere now' but because its an easy way out for the sons of bitches. At the very least, let them rot in prison for the rest of thier natural life. But even then, i dont think its enough. you get a bed, and 3 meals, and the ppl have to pay for it.
I say let the victims family members have a go at them. Let them torture the fucker to thier hearts content, and if he happens to die in the process, so be it. Having to pay for someones food and shelter, someone who's killed you son or daugter, thats not 'justice'.
ps: im sure theres gonna be a few ppl who think im barbaric, and inhumane and bla bla bla....but given the choice, 99% of humans would chose what i've said if this had happened to them.