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  1. #1
    Xeno Genesis Xollence's Avatar
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    Williams executed

    He could've gotten life in prison if he plead guilty to the crimes. I don't think he should've been executed, but I hate how people are saying he made amends by making children's books against gangs and violence. Writing children's books doesn't make amends for killing 4 people and starting a gang that's killed so many. I hate how hollywood actors get involved in stuff like this. Most of them are so ignorant and just say stupid crap that makes things worse.

  2. #2

    Williams executed

    Originally posted by: XollenceI hate how hollywood actors get involved in stuff like this. Most of them are so ignorant and just say stupid crap that makes things worse.

    Oh shit, wait

  3. #3
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Williams executed

    Now all mankind needs to learn is to actually kill people before their crimes get 30 years old. What's up with that anyway?

  4. #4
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Williams executed

    The REAL question is this: Should people still be executed if they've honestly repented and are trying to make up for their sins?

    The guy's been in jail for a long time, maybe he honestly wanted to balance out his evil deeds over the rest of his life...

    It just seems sort of sad, that the person who is often executed might have been a reformed and decent person at the time they were killed.

    But, of course, you can't really make excuses like that, otherwise everyone starts feigning "I'm a good person now! Don't punish me!"

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  5. #5
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Williams executed

    Petition for Williams' clemency signed by various Hollywood actors.

    I guess it didn't do any good, and why should it have? Just because the man *seemed* to have repented, that doesn't mean he isn't responsible for the crimes he orinally committed.

    Personally I'm kinda pissed that he had so many people beleiving he was innocent: "After he was declared dead, his supporters shouted in unison: "The state of California just killed an innocent man," as they walked out of the chamber."

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  6. #6

    Williams executed

    Originally posted by: masamuneehs
    The guy's been in jail for a long time, maybe he honestly wanted to balance out his evil deeds over the rest of his life...
    He never admited wrong doing... How can he be an example of a reformed inmate?

  7. #7
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Williams executed

    Because he wrote children's books! OOOOOOO!

    As morally opposed as I am to the death penalty, I understand the arguments for it. I accept that it happened, and that he deserved punishment (maybe not that punishment), but I will never accept the concept. As far as paying for overpopulated prisons, I think The Heretic Azazel has a good point. A lot of people go to jail who may need not to, and then we turn around and complain how expensive it is to keep someone like Williams alive.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  8. #8
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Williams executed

    Originally posted by: Budweineken
    Originally posted by: masamuneehs
    The guy's been in jail for a long time, maybe he honestly wanted to balance out his evil deeds over the rest of his life...
    He never admited wrong doing... How can he be an example of a reformed inmate?
    No, he admitted wrong doing. He was a big gang member and everything.
    He just never admitted to the 4 specific murders in question.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  9. #9
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Williams executed

    i'm just against death penalty in general. life in prison w/o parole is a better alternative. the main reason why i don't like it is b/c that death is now on society's hands, which (unfortunately) we're all a part of, despite our rantings and ravings.

    as for that guy in particular, i don't think the reasons to keep him alive has any merit since it's obvious to me that he's not innocent of the crimes he had been accused of and "reformed" from his old ways doesn't change the facts. the reason why we should keep him alive is to show that as a society, we are more decent as a whole than the guilty individual. by killing him, society is no better than the murderer.

  10. #10
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Williams executed

    It's like, if I get a nobel peace prize, people are supposed to look the other way while I commit 4 murders.

    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  11. #11
    Awesome user with default custom title The Heretic Azazel's Avatar
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    Williams executed

    Holy shit, I don't know how many of you saw Al Sharpton trying to sing Williams' praises, but holy shit, he was making all these excuses about questionable trials and witnesses that couldn't be believed even though there was OVERWHELMING though not DNA) evidence to convict him.

    Fuck this waste of space, he got what he deserved but way too late. Taxpayers have still been paying the man's way through prison since '79 when he went to the pen.

    And why should anyone be unhappy? His death was ten times more honorable and leniant than the people he senselessly killed.
    "They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin

  12. #12
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Williams executed

    People insist to keep people alive in prison while complaining about the repercussions of paying taxes for these people.
    Once again, people = hypocrisy
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  13. #13

    Williams executed

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    People insist to keep people alive in prison while complaining about the repercussions of paying taxes for these people.
    Once again, people = hypocrisy
    Wuuutt, thats stupid. the jail in the usa costs 30-40 dollar a day. while here in holland it costs fucking 250 eury's a day. And people are still bitching about taxes.

  14. #14
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Williams executed

    theres no way of finding out if he really repented though

  15. #15

    Williams executed

    Im against execution of criminals. If the person obviously did something so bad that he deserves a fate worse than death, then why not keep him in prison? If he drops the soap just once, then he already will experience a pain worse than death. Hell, id rather be executed than spend 1 month in prison. Dont give criminals the easy way out. Unless their big and black. Then theres noone to ass rape them.

  16. #16
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Williams executed

    Originally posted by: Turkish-S
    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    People insist to keep people alive in prison while complaining about the repercussions of paying taxes for these people.
    Once again, people = hypocrisy
    Wuuutt, thats stupid. the jail in the usa costs 30-40 dollar a day. while here in holland it costs fucking 250 eury's a day. And people are still bitching about taxes.
    Wtf. Now THAT'S stupid. Do prisoners in holland get free manicures with their room and board?

    God #2: So says the guy not paying taxes.

    I don't like paying for something that provides no returns.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  17. #17
    Genin mr3vi1m0nk3y's Avatar
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    Williams executed

    there is no real easy solution to the US's prison problem. the prisons are overcrowded, and most ex-cons end up right back in the system after release. obviously the threat of prison isnt much of a deterrent when the criminal in question has been in and out of the system for most of his life. execution isnt much of a solution either cause we cant kill every criminal, that would just be insane and there is that whole pesky problem with human rights and all [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]. they need to have programs that allow prisoners to learn skills that will be useful in a legal job once they get out and to help pay for the cost of prison they should work in jail. another problem that prisoners would face once they leave is the sigma of being an ex-con. i doubt any employers would hire a guy how commited a strig of robberies. i dont see a solution for that problem though. as for execution i have mixed feelings about it. if a guy goes and rapes and murders a child he should be executed, that kind of scum shouldnt be allowed to live. but execution wouldnt erase their crimes, the victems would still feel the effects of their actions.

  18. #18
    Awesome user with default custom title The Heretic Azazel's Avatar
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    Williams executed

    Well the first thing we need to do to cut down the overpopulation is to quit locking up every single person with a petty drug possession charge
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  19. #19
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    Williams executed

    Originally posted by: The Heretic Azazel
    Well the first thing we need to do to cut down the overpopulation is to quit locking up every single person with a petty drug possession charge

    Hehe, I think rapist and child molestors should be eligible for the death penalty as well. That should help cut down on prison population problems.
    You kill an inocent, you should die the same way you killed your victim, if not a more painful death. And if you don't want the state responsible, allow inmates to kill each other.
    I'm pro-death penalty, in case you didn't figure it out for yourself. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

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  20. #20
    Awesome user with default custom title The Heretic Azazel's Avatar
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    Williams executed

    Seriously, don't even get me started on child molestation.

    The system in the U.S. makes me feel like I can go out and rape about 5 kids before I get caught, serve 4 months and be right back on the streets to do it again.
    "They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin

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