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Thread: next?

  1. #1


    well, am also a anime person, and someone from manga told me what would happen later, so i decided, hey im gona start reading manga, and now that i'm all caught up, i made this thread so that some of us could predict what would happen next or way in the future. mabey i skipped a chapter or something, but someone told me zangetsu was evil, and that ichigo was gona end up getting a new zanpaktou that was gona b like a whole new revolation. i really hope its like a lightning zanpaktou, but neways, wut do u guys think is gona happen soon?

  2. #2
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    zangetsu kills rukia in soul society and she is reborn as the same person on earth, that's how we know he's evil. but at the same time, rukia and ichigo live happily ever after as humans.

    you didn't skip a chapter.

  3. #3
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Originally posted by: death-wing
    someone told me zangetsu was evil, and that ichigo was gona end up getting a new zanpaktou that was gona b like a whole new revolation. i really hope its like a lightning zanpaktou, but neways, wut do u guys think is gona happen soon?
    that someone was wishing real hard that he was part of the creative team behind bleach. aren't we all glad that wish didn't come true?

  4. #4


    We all are glad...

    i think they will fight and than they kill aizen. After they did that, there will be a great suprise. A new enimy will appear.Tthey will defeat him too...maybe 1-2 arcs more and every evil is defeated and bleach has ended

  5. #5
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    that sounds pretty ..lame?

  6. #6


    Definitely yes...maybe because im lacking in creativity

  7. #7
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    No no, Zangetsu was in fact Byakuya who was the secret lovechild of Aizen and Yoruichi and he killed Ichigo so Ichigo was reborn in soul society and became the head chef of the finest resturant in soul society then he went on an adventures to cook the best noodles ever.

  8. #8


    Originally posted by: PSJ
    No no, Zangetsu was in fact Byakuya who was the secret lovechild of Aizen and Yoruichi and he killed Ichigo so Ichigo was reborn in soul society and became the head chef of the finest resturant in soul society then he went on an adventures to cook the best noodles ever.
    Somehow that sounds like an HK movie I ordered, the last part at least, God of Cookery.

  9. #9


    But honestly Zangetsu seems a little to decribe it...suspicious maybe

  10. #10
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Originally posted by: PSJ
    No no, Zangetsu was in fact Byakuya who was the secret lovechild of Aizen and Yoruichi and he killed Ichigo so Ichigo was reborn in soul society and became the head chef of the finest resturant in soul society then he went on an adventures to cook the best noodles ever.
    reminds me of that 3-word story game from not too long ago [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  11. #11
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    the noodles part sold me.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  12. #12


    Hmmmm, theory to the about:

    Everyone who is anyone will reach a new power plateau in response to the threat of the Arrancars (is that the right name??) and Ichigo will grow the most, narrowly defeating them one after another untill he confronts Aizen and LOSES, only to be saved by Rukia again, this time costing her life...he gets really mad, turns Half-Hollow and rips Aizen's ass into 4 peices then goes crazy trying to regain control and vows never to be a Shinigami again.

  13. #13


    Hmm...Ichigo's mother is really the STRONGEST hollow there is, she is not really dead. She is actually pulling the ropes. Aizen is Ichigo older brother. Aizen rebels against his mother because he is jealous of Ichigo. They fought, Ichigo beat the crap out of Aizen. He then fought his mother. His mother almost killed him, but instead his Dad got in the way. Ichigo got really mad and then turn Super Hollow, defeated his Mom. Couldn't kill his own mother though. So he walked away after saying "Mother, it doesn't have to be this way. Let's us all live in peace as peace would allow it".

    Damn I am good. Hehe

  14. #14
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Originally posted by: mage
    that sounds pretty ..lame?
    And yet totally correct. It's called the Shounen Formula and there's yet to be a show that's deviated from it.

    It's correctness comes from it's vagueness.

  15. #15
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Originally posted by: BleachWater
    Hmm...Ichigo's mother is really the STRONGEST hollow there is, she is not really dead. She is actually pulling the ropes. Aizen is Ichigo older brother. Aizen rebels against his mother because he is jealous of Ichigo. They fought, Ichigo beat the crap out of Aizen. He then fought his mother. His mother almost killed him, but instead his Dad got in the way. Ichigo got really mad and then turn Super Hollow, defeated his Mom. Couldn't kill his own mother though. So he walked away after saying "Mother, it doesn't have to be this way. Let's us all live in peace as peace would allow it".

    Damn I am good. Hehe
    i dunno about the rest of it but the idea of ichigo's mother having some hollow connection is pretty believable. I would think along the lines of her being a vizard or something

  16. #16


    Originally posted by: PSJ
    No no, Zangetsu was in fact Byakuya who was the secret lovechild of Aizen and Yoruichi and he killed Ichigo so Ichigo was reborn in soul society and became the head chef of the finest resturant in soul society then he went on an adventures to cook the best noodles ever.
    I say it should be ramen and he should get naruto over
    THEN, completely kick naruto's butt.. or something like that..

    <avoids another bleach/naruto discussion and does NOT want to know who'd win the upcoming battle>

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