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Thread: One Piece 247

  1. #1
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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  2. #2
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    One Piece 247

    What the hell this place is completely deserted.

    Whats the policy on creating the new threads about Gerusama subbed episodes. I would prefer if we only had one thread to talk about all the new released episodes by Gerusama. Only 6 posts in the last thread, "One Piece 246". Even that was stretching it (el_boss posted 4 times).

    Now lets talk about the episode.......

    Not much action. This episode made me cry. Its about time for Ussop to get rid of that ship.

    Califa looks good in black. I want to see those kicks again.

  3. #3
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    One Piece 247

    Well, this is my first discussion thread since "taking the plunge" and just skipping to all the Geru eps. So there's, like, so much I want to talk about, just not about this episode. There was alot of emotional stuff, but as far as things happening, very little went on this episode. It was still good stuff though.

    I can honestly say though that I'm not going to miss the Going Merry. I never liked that ship...I'm sure that's some kinda blasphemy, but I just didn't care for it.

  4. #4
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    One Piece 247

    @Jadugar: I made some suggestions "Rules for One Piece Forum" topic, but I didn't get any answers so I made these episode topics to see how much action they get. Not much would be the answer to that. Maybe it's better to have a "Water 7" topic or something of that nature, so we can discuss the entire arc.

    I never though that the ship was such an important part of the crew. I mean it's just their mode of transportation.

    I liked this ep. We finally got to know who/what the hell repaired the ship in skypiea. Usopp is starting to bother me a little though, he left his real nakama for a ship he knew was fucked. I know that's not the only reason he left, but he did make a big fuss about it.

    I'm starting to think that Franky is the one that will join them. Mostly bacause of his interaction with Usopp in this episode and I am quite sure that Usopp will return as well.

    Still no sign of Sanji.

  5. #5

    One Piece 247

    I'm gonna miss the going merry[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] This arc is very emotional[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] There should be a tears emoticon![img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif[/img]

  6. #6
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    One Piece 247

    Originally posted by: DarthEnder
    So there's, like, so much I want to talk about, just not about this episode. There was alot of emotional stuff, but as far as things happening, very little went on this episode. It was still good stuff though.
    I thought Oda would never top the Arabista arc but I was wrong. The plot, twists and action in the arc is just great. This is the first episode where very little has happened. I guess they wanted to show Ussop's love for Merry thats why they they needed one whole episode.

    I love the whole Water 7 arc so much. It has taken Op to another level and Luffy is showing signs of becoming the great pirate king.

    @ el_boss : I agree Ussop is very annoying sometimes.

  7. #7
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    One Piece 247

    I'm starting to feel a little that OP might not get a happy ending i.e. Luffy becomes pirate king and they all live happily ever after. Though it would be sort of anticlimatic it would be really cool if OP ended with the entire crew being annihilated, except for one person which is telling the story. Before the water 7 arc I would have said that this kind of think would be impossible. But after the events in water 7 I'm starting to think that this kind of ending could very well occur.

    Note: Lucchi is one of the coolest villains ever (when he isn't a cat). I see a new avatar in my near future.

  8. #8
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    One Piece 247

    Originally posted by: el_boss
    @Jadugar: I made some suggestions "Rules for One Piece Forum" topic, but I didn't get any answers so I made these episode topics to see how much action they get. Not much would be the answer to that. Maybe it's better to have a "Water 7" topic or something of that nature, so we can discuss the entire arc.
    That's probably the best way to do it until more people decide to skip. Hell, that's how the KF forums do it and they are a One Piece forums. Boss, why don't you just edit your first post in the 246 thread and rename it Water 7 Arc Discussion.

    As far as a sad ending, I don't think the events of W7 are going to be that big a deal overall. I don't for a second think that Usopp isn't going to be back with the crew before the arc is over and I even suspect Robin will be as well(because as I mentioned in the other thread I don't know how the Straw Hats could beat CP9 otherwise.)

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