I heard that Vinnie Jones (who playes Juggernaut) is under contract for two more moives, which means that there will probably two more sequels. Hurrah!
I heard that Vinnie Jones (who playes Juggernaut) is under contract for two more moives, which means that there will probably two more sequels. Hurrah!
The 2 movies might be referring to the Wolverine or Magneto spinoffs though, and not an actual X-men movie.
"Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。
-pouts- I was hoping Kurt Wagner would be in X-3 =T_T= I like fuzzy blue elfs from Deutschland wonders why Allen Cumming didnt want to play him
X-3 was awesome. I don't know why people hated it so much.
I envy you. I wanted to go see it today, but my parents said no since I already went to the movies last week to see the Da Vinci Code. So, now I am downloading it and it is taking forever.
This movie was a lot better than I expected. I really liked how they worked in the Phoenix. That was a cool concept I think. Also, for anyone who hasn't seen it yet, stay after the credits for a short scene. Ah, Hollywood sentimentality...
Also, best line of the movie came when Shadowcat trappd the Juggernaut in the floor, and he replied:
"Don't you know who I am?"
"I'm the Juggernaut, bitch!"
<@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs
this movies sucked. Could have been much better, and the fight scenes were weak really really weak. Dude they screwed this movie up. I want my money back, fuck opening night.
___---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________
________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.
I agree with Dragon. Movie could have been a lot better. Archangle did pretty much nothing in this movie. It was pretty much "I'm Archangel, a popular mutant in the X-men series........kay bye!" I was really dissapointed in that. And of course, Gambit did not even make a cameo appereance. They made Shadowcat a main character here and they didn't even have Gambit as a cameo!? wtf?!
I was also wondering why my friends were having a fit of laughter after Juggernaut said "Do you know who I am? I'm the Juggernaut bitch!" I thought it was because the line was sort of lame. But then I found out that that line comes from an X-Men fandub that had Juggernaut say that line all the time. Did the director really thought everyone would get that?
Anyway, ending sucked also. So much for the saying "the last one is always the best one".
--------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________
I'm the Juggernaut, Bitch! source If you don't like it after the first minute or so (many of you won't) just turn it off.
Still haven't gone to see this bitch, I was supposed to go today with my family, but people kept coming over to my house and talking with my mom. FUCK!
play xmen the official movie game, its set between x2 and x3, it explains why he isnt in x2Originally Posted by uzumaki_naruto_03
I thought the fight scenes were pretty awesome. Seeing the mutant skirmish outside the place they kept Leech was great. Ian McKellen tossing flaming cars, Beast fighting like, well...a beast, and Wolverine slashing more faces than I could count. The action was fun to watch imo.Originally Posted by dragonrage
I was really afraid that the whole movie would just be random introduction of characters to please fans and show off special effects. There was some of that to a degree (like any scene in the mansion, or when Callisto, the fast girl, randomly zipped around), but the bulk of the movie was its story and action, which I thought were really really good. It was brave of them to pull some major cards by killing a few characters, but I think it worked and played out nicely in the end. That's just my opinion though.
And yeah, basically any movie willing to include an internet meme like the Juggernaut joke instantly earns my respect. I was a little disappointed that no one else around me got it. I was the only one clapping .
<@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs
-----------------------------**** SPOILER HEAVY ****---------------------------
Reasons, why i thought the movie sucked:
1. Wolverine was to cocky, his ego has grown ten full since the last movie. Yes he is badass, and one of my favorite characters., but he is savage in nature as well as brutal, not just cocky. The movie basically centered around him. 80 % of it was him and only him, which is not bad if there was more savagery, but i guess they did this to so that kids could watch it.
2. In X2 and in X3. Where was charles' telapathic ablities? He is considered one of the most powerful mutants in the world and yet the made him look like more of a cripple than he actually is. In X1 charles was badass, I mean he stopped a bullet with his mind how freaking awsome is that, all x-men fans know this.
3. Jugganut was totally miss casted, the guy that they chose is a good actor/ex soccor player. But this role was not made for him. Where was the animosity toward charles, where was the hatred, the fear, the uncontrollable power house that he is. Also as a reminder he is not a mutant, so leech's powers should not affected him, but that is excuseable, without charles the is no real way to stop him. Also he is suppose to be alseep all the time cause because steel or concret is not suppose to be a problem for him. The voice killed it for me, his character was not reflected in it.
4. Magneto was taken down like a bitch, his ending was so anti-climatic, that could have been done way better. Although i must admit, the part where is admitted that Charles' death was a great lost showing his respect for him was totally awsome. That was one of the best parts of the movie.
5. Pheonix, was a total let down, there was no fire, why? Yes she is suppose to be unstable and the fire is what was use to show that. Those people you saw being vaporized, fire is what instantly incenerated them combined with her telapathic ablities. Also she was suppose to fly into the sun and try to kill herself, but that was another change good or bad i am not sure as of yet. Did you notice that she died the same why wolverine killed magneto. It would have been awsome to see those claws coming through the other side of her. There were no fire wings, even after we saw them under the water at the end of X2.
5. Arcangel, he is another one of my favorite characters, he was basically there just to explain why the "cure" came into being to begin with. What a let down, after seeing him on poster i thought that he would have had a bigger role.
6. Iceman vs. Pryo this fight had potential, instead it was ended with a head butt. Son of a bitch.
Things that I like.
1. Magneto crushing cars, admitting his respect and grief for charles. Leaving mistique out in the cold, moving the bridge.
2. Wolverine getting his ass handed to him by Jugganut while it lasted. Wolverine kicking the guy in the peas and carrots. Being called "kid" by beast and calling beast "fur ball", original dialog for the comics.
3. Beast kicking ass for the few seconds that he did fight.
4. Storm actually doing the typhon attack from the games.
5. Xavier coming back at the end after the credits, that is by far the best scene in the whole movie to me.
I know that it is a movies and that the original story/ backgrounf cannot be kept at all time. But the core element should atleast be expressed. This was hard to do since there are so many characters in x-men it damn near fimpossible. But even so it could have been done better, it could been more developed and better expressed. It let down my expectations. Its not what i expected.
Last edited by dragonrage; Sat, 05-27-2006 at 09:54 PM.
___---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________
________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.
I dunno if that internet reference thing was intentional. It's not that old is it? And this movie's been in production for a fair while.
Anyway, overall I thought the movie was very shallow and lacking. I still enjoyed it though. I wanted to be blown away but, ehh.
I'm sorry, but the Juggernaut totally ruined it for me. They just totally stuffed him up. WHY did he have that accent? WHY was he made to be a mutant? WHY was he wearing a tin-foil helmet? WHY was he just so incredibly lame in every way?
I really hate the way the movies ruin all the X-men lore. People aren't related like they should be. Characters die when it doesn't make sense. How many main characters died in X-3? I found it really irritating, and I'm not even that hardcore of an X-men fan.
Some interesting trivia:
Josh Holloway was offered the role of Gambit, but turned it down because the character was too similar to his character on "Lost" (2004). As a result, the character was never added to the film since this would have been a special cameo put in later had Josh decided to sign on.
Halle Berry had initially decided not to reprise her role as Storm for this film, citing lack of character development in the previous two installments and a tense relationship with director Bryan Singer. However, after Singer's departure and suffering a major box-office flop with Catwoman (2004), Berry agreed to return on the condition that her role be expanded. Consequently, in this film Storm serves as leader of the X-Men.
I think I know precisely what I mean
when I say it's a schpadoinkle day
My first reaction to Pyro vs Iceman.
LaZie made this...a long time ago.
"It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba
Why was magneto wearing his helmet after charles died?
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
I just think of it in the sense that the movies follow their own continuity. So things that aren't "faithful" to the original story don't bother me at all. I know that, for example, the Juggernaut is a mutant in some comics and in others he gets his power from some gem or something. The movie uses familiar names and powers, but develops its own story and character developments. I liked what they did with it. Like I already said, I loved the concept they used to introduce Pheonix.Originally Posted by Raven
Heh, that's exactly what I thought as well. I agree that that could have been an awesome fight, but it ended up kinda boring.My first reaction to Pyro vs Iceman.
<@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs
You guys wont believe me, but psylocke was actually in this movie..........yes she was T_T..
i forgave everything they changed in this movie, and actually think it rox, but what they did to psylocke is unforgivable
...Sorry, who the hell is psylocke?Originally Posted by darkshadow
LaZie made this...a long time ago.
"It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba
Betsy Braddock, she is a asian telepath with purple hair.
I am going the watch the movie tomorrow. By reading the posts, it doesnt seem it was so great. But what happens to Rogue, is she ignored or does she do something?
edit: oh yeah, and she falls in love with Angel.
Last edited by gr3atfull; Sun, 05-28-2006 at 11:24 AM.