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Thread: GSD Episode List

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  1. #1
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    GSD Episode List

    As stated in the topic, I was hoping that someone could list off the episodes where there are good fight/action scenes only, not the storyline and such. I just rewatched episode 2, so my curiosity pretty much got the better of me.

  2. #2

    GSD Episode List

    Episode 28. Non stop fighting from start to finish. Probably the best episode as well.

  3. #3

    GSD Episode List

    Well I would say these episodes were quite entertaining in the action department:

    -episode 6 (Yzak and Dearka reappear and own all the stupid druggies with help from Minerva)
    -episode 13 (If Matrix-esque gunfights and Freedom owning everything is your thing)
    -episode 23 (Three way battle ArchAngel vs. Minerva vs. ORB Forces, oh and Heine owning that bitch Stellar)
    -episode 28 (Another three way battle this time with both druggies getting owned like they deserved)
    -episode 38 (Entertaining war operation episode with tons of action)
    -episode 39 (I was entertained by watching Strike Freedom own everything at the end)
    -episode 42 (Almost entirely action, Strike Freedom and DOM goodness)
    -episode 45 (Large-scale battle on a moon base with a BIG laser cannon, what more can I say?)
    -episode 49 (Final Battle pt. I so naturally tons of action, and as this series has proved 0 plot)
    -episode 50 (Final Battle pt. II same thing really still tons of action)

    And as this series had one of the weakest plots ever and pathetically nonexistant character development almost the entire time, you may just be better off only watching the action episodes as it will save you the suffering of watching SEED being turned into something even worse which appears to be this alternate universe's DESTINY.

  4. #4
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    GSD Episode List

    Originally posted by: Mite Gai
    And as this series had one of the weakest plots ever and pathetically nonexistant character development almost the entire time, you may just be better off only watching the action episodes as it will save you the suffering of watching SEED being turned into something even worse which appears to be this alternate universe's DESTINY.
    Hehe, this is why I stopped watching Gundam SEED Destiny after around 15 episodes.

  5. #5

    GSD Episode List

    Trust me you made the smart decision, the horror of how everything that could go wrong did go wrong with this series was terrible. I found myself using the slider in WMP to skip through most of the episodes since they were 90% crap.

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