Originally posted by: Honoko
wow, i'm glad i'm not the only one who thinks million dollar baby was hugely overrated. i watched it after it won the award so you can imagine the big "wtf" that was running through my head at the end of the movie =P and the "wtf" was in a bad way.

another thing that's overrated: college, in terms of education in the US, at least. 30 years ago a college degree could actually land you a job. today, we go party our asses off, and then come back home four years later broke and still unemployed. oh wait, is that applicable only to the class who graduated in '02 right after 9/11? or is it still true today? there was this weird rumor that the economy was getting better....
shit, i graduated from college just over a year ago and i still haven't gotten a real job in my desired field. it fucking sucks. i hate working "college jobs" and doing freelance crap.