Originally posted by: XanBcoo
I define "slut" by certain terms, one of which is not "girls who want sex".
But isn't that what a slut, by any definition, is? A girl who wants and/or has sex? And because they want it, they get it from pervert-sennins like me? And therefore, have sex, which directly addresses Mae's statement, "guys insult girls who have sex"?
Originally posted by: XanBcoo
And that last sentence of your's kinda proves my point that any term referring to guys who have a lot of sex can be put into a positive light.
Nope, because I'm jealous of sluts too. They get more sex than I do, and if they're professional like escorts or prostitutes, they get paid for it too. Do you know how much Taco Bell (and pussies a.k.a. tacos) I could eat, as a college student, with the kind of money that escorts/prostitutes/porn stars make? Their life basically is sex, food, and sleep after a sweaty, tiring fuck. I'm mighty jealous.
Originally posted by: Uchiha Barles
Consequently its just best not to try to figure out what all girls want.
Werd. Just be happy that you're getting laid, because if you suck at fuck, it still means that you're doing something right.