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Thread: Next Generation Consoles

  1. #641
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    There are pretty much an even number of exclusives on either console (around 100), both a broad spectrum of both shovelware and big name titles, of all genres. So games don't really matter. You'll find what you want on either console, whatever you may play.

    It really comes down to what you are going to do with the console. Do you want to play socially? Get a 360. The huge firmware update (NXE) makes it far and away better for this application. Home will only be able to bring the PS3 up to where the 360 used to be but with a much nicer interface, should it ever actually come out. Sure, you are paying for it, but the stable, centralized and unified service is well worth the cost.

    Want to play media with it? Get a PS3. Hands down the PS3 blows the 360 out of the water with expandibility. Sony's official stance is put a bigger hard drive in. They want you to load it with music and video, while enjoying easily the best Blu-Ray player on the market (solely because you can update the firmware when Sony releases it). It is more or less the same story as with the PS2. That was the first DVD player for a whole lot of people. The current level of updates on the PS3 make it a damn good media player.

    So, get what console suits your needs the best. Are you going to play and interact with lots of others? Or use it as a media center?

    Of course, if you live outside the US, you might want to rethink the 360. A lot of the media-related services that it does have (Netflix, TV and movie downloads) are not as available.

  2. #642
    I guess it does come down to what I want. I kind of feel that the XBox controller is inferior to the PS one, however I appreciate XBox's depth in titles. I like the fact that the PS3 is a blue ray player, but then again I don't want it for music and shit.

    I am contrained by budget unfortunatley, as I am also going to buy a full HD TV and a home cinema kit at the same time as the console. This also makes me think that if I am going to shell out so much on a 1080p HD TV, should I not do it justice by getting a blue ray player also?

    I also like the fact that XBox has a good online service and I believe in the idea that you get what you pay for. If the PS3 has a free online community then it is likely to be shit in some way e.g stability etc.

    I don't know, I guess I'm just confused :S

  3. #643
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Full Disclousure: While I wrote the last post as neutrally as I could, I do own a 360. Bear that in mind given the following, less-neutral comments:

    Personally I've found the 360's controller to be much more ergonomic than the now decade-old design of the Dual Shock. While the Dual Shock gets bonus points for familiarity, it just doesn't cut it anymore. The 360's controller was completely redesigned, despite how much it looks like the old xbox S-controller.

    I also played my 360 on a SD television only until recently. While the HD is now wonderful (and I'm not sure I can go back anymore) the 360 looked pretty damn good with component or even an S-Video cable. I have heard the PS3 does not do as well on SD, but without having used one outside a Walmart or BestBuy, I cannot verify this information.

    Upscaled DVD looks pretty damn good on an HDTV, and with either a VGA or HDMI cable, the Xbox 360 will upscale. It also has optical audio out, just like the PS2 had back in the day. The newer, higher-end versions of the 360s come with an HDMI port.

    The 360 only supports up to 720p with its digital rental service (possibly only available in the US, and not Netflix, which is dependent on your connection). The PS3 on the other hand, is a full blown optical media HD player.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Mon, 11-24-2008 at 07:05 PM.

  4. #644
    Actually PSN is actually much more stable, surprisingly even though it's free. Even the first party big titles like Resistance 2 have dedicated servers thus making 30 v 30 epic and utterly lag free, something even Live doesn't provide. Though there're more people on Live, but that's not to say it's really a good thing.

    I'll admit I play on Live more and get multiplatforms on the 360 simply on the fact that the more people who have the service -> the more people to play against -> less wait times. Though what I've noticed that with those greater amounts of people there're MUCH, MUCH more 12 year olds yelling nigger, fuck, gay, etc.

    But in terms of options and capability comparisons, the PS3 blows the 360 out of the water. My MGS4 bundle 80gb PS3 is packed with features. 4 USB slots, a MiniSD slot, Pro Duo Slot, CF, Blu-Ray player, web browsing, firmware built-in flash player (ie you can watch Youtube on your PS3), etc.

    My cousin's friend has a 360 only, and the only reason he got it surprisingly over PS3 was because it's flashable (playing backup games). I love my 360, but honestly I love my PS3 more. Too bad Sony is quite behind in the race. It's also sad that the 360 has more next-gen JRPGs, and RPGs in general than the PS3 at the moment.

    On the subject of controllers, the 360 actually wins this section hands down. I grew up with the Dualshock as a kid, but it's just way too small in my hands now. The 360 controller whose archetype is built around Dreamcast's controller is much more comfortable, the triggers don't suck (Dualshock's L2 and R2 suck the fat one), the position of the analog sticks is ideal (Dualshocks analog stick positioning is uncomfortable), it's bigger, and curves in your hand much more comfortably.

  5. #645
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    On the matter of PS3 on SD. Until recently I played like that... and it was painful. Mainly because the games I had did not have text with enough font size. Namely MGS4 and Disgaea 3.

    Pain on the other hand, from PSN, was absolutely fun.

    Now that I have an HDTV I don't care anymore... both games look amazing, and I don't think I'll be able to play on SD again... oww... I got spoiled.

    I got PS3 because of many upcoming titles like White Knight Chronicles or the just released Valkyria Chornicles.

    I may end up getting an Xbox360 next year though... if Star Ocean 4 remains exclusive. If Square sends it to the PS3 I won't get one though.

    Its hard to mantain a PS3, NDS, PS2 (yes... PS2... with games like Eternal Poison, Persona 4, Ar Tonelico 2, Kingdom Hearts Chains of Memories), PSP and Wii at the same time... so I hope I wont end up getting the Xbox360.

  6. #646
    Is your PS3 BC?

    I don't have a Wii but at this rate I feel like selling my DS and PSP to get one. There's really no games I really want to play on either handheld besides the Kingdom Hearts games, and the new Suikoden game on the DS.

  7. #647
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    I have the Metal Gear Bundle. So just emulation. Better than nothing I guess.

    I have your problem but the other way around animus. There is nothing that I want for the Wii.

    But for the PSP Im waiting for Star Ocean (arrives next week with the guy I buy my games), Star Ocean 2, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep and Final Fantasy Dissidia. Oh yeah... also Final Fantasy Agito XIII and maybe Parasite Eve 3.

    For the DS Im getting Dragon Quest IV this weekend, and then waiting for Dragon Quest V, Dragon Quest IX, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days and the new Valkyrie Profile.

  8. #648
    Yeah, I kinda just want a Wii to play 2 generations of games I've missed out on. I haven't owned a Nintendo console since the N64 days.

    I forgot about Dissida for the PSP, and I already finished the Star Ocean english patched on an SNES emulator years back, and same with SO2.

    I've never really been a big Dragon Quest fan, but IX does look ok, and unsure how the new VP plays.

  9. #649
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Don't bother with a Wii if you are thinking of getting a 360 or a PS3 (which means you likely fall into the "core gamer" category). I haven't turned mine on in months, and the time before that was months too. There really are not that many good games (I have most of the good ones), and quite frankly, when the gesturing gets old, there's nothing to make up for it, because the majority of the actually good games are just too shallow gameplay wise, character wise, and story wise.

    It is family friendly and great when you have friends over, but there really isn't anything good for it.

    Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime 3, Zack and Wiki, Mario Galaxy, one version or another of Tiger Woods Golf, Wii Sports, Wii Play, Wario Ware Smooth Moves and Super Smash Brothers Brawl.
    For wiiware and classic: Samurai Showdown 1&2, the Final Fantasy sim-city clone, Gunstar Heroes, Puyo Puyo 2, and Zelda: A Link to the Past.

    I bought World of Goo through Steam on the PC instead

    You are far better off with your DS. It has a much larger library, and a lot of the games have more playability than the games on the Wii.

  10. #650
    Well, I own both PS3 and 360 already. Since the Wii is BC, it just gives me access to 2 libraries I've never even touched. I had a PS2 from the beginning of it's lifecycle and it's hooked up to my mini-tv now. I remember the first game I played on it, The Bouncer by Square. Not much people know about it. Besides I kinda want a Wii just for the sake of having tbh. Practically everyone has one nowadays.

  11. #651
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    LOL... I bought a Wii just to play the Game Cube Resident Evils... I bought them the same day I got the Wii. Afterwards I re-bought RE4, because the Wii version is the ultimate one. Also got Umbrella Chronicles, kinda meh. After that I got Mario Galaxy and One Piece Unlimited Adventure. Thats just about it.

    I hope the new Bleach Wii Game gets localized. It has plenty of the current Arrancars...

    About star ocean... I had the translated rom, but never played it. And the PSP version is a total remake, with SO2 style. I want the SO2 PSP version because of the new cutscenes, better anime profiles and the voiceover.

    If Im a sucker for a series... it would be Star Ocean and .hack.

  12. #652
    Well the Wii issue opens for me as well simply because of the library of games it has, not because of its current games. I also havn't had a Nintendo console since the N64 days, and I know that the flagship Mario games for every new console are good. Plus, a lot of people thought this game wasn't that great but me and my brothers spent so many hours playing Starfox 64/Lylat Wars in battle mode and thought it was great.

    But priority for me is a hardcore gamers machine. Ideally, in the next round Nintendo will come back hard with a good gamers machine combined with their traditionally strong Mario/Zelda/Donkey Kong etc lineups and stop me from agonizing like I am right now!

  13. #653
    my thread pwnzzz...

  14. #654
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    About the controllers, I think the PS3 design (like the others) is possibly the best button masher design I've played on. The flat buttons and their even placement on the right-side pad beats the 360's a-b-x-y set outright. Also, the 360's d-pad sucks, and really, the only time you'll need d-pads these days would be for fighting games, where control of ->, ->, O,O,^,X is necessary.

    On the other hand, the 360 design is more ergonomic, and the mov't stick placements + trigger makes it much more enjoyable on shooters and many other games.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  15. #655
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    I can do ->, ->, B,B,^,A just fine on a 360 controller, and the xbox controller before it, ppl should stop bitching about it and just adapt.

  16. #656
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I have issues with the 360 d-pad, I will admit. I tended to get an 'up' component in all of my directional commands. My friend on the other hand, tended to get a 'down' component the same way. It is from pressing on the d-pad hard enough to make it run into the surrounding ring of plastic, the direction depending on how you hold the controller.

    You can compensate for it, but it is hard to do when you start getting into it and forget to concentrate. However, I did go through with the hardware hack on a wired controller. I sanded out probably 50% of the material around the ring that surrounds it, mostly eliminating the problem. I can do Dizzy's Gamma Ray 7/10 times in Guilty Gear XX. It used to be 1/10.

    But any hardcore fighting game fans probably have an arcade stick anyway. (And yes, I will be looking for a good one when King of Fighters XII comes out.)

  17. #657
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    This would prolly be the perfect controller:

  18. #658
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    A new Metal Gear game teaser is up on the Konami site. System wise, people are speculating either iphone or 360, based on the symbols used....
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  19. #659
    No Hideo Kojima to lead it, so I'm skeptical. It's sad that, if Konami had more hits out besides MGS and Castlevania, they probably wouldn't need to make a sequel to an already great ending.

    I just hope they don't destroy the series.

  20. #660
    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    No Hideo Kojima to lead it, so I'm skeptical. It's sad that, if Konami had more hits out besides MGS and Castlevania, they probably wouldn't need to make a sequel to an already great ending.

    I just hope they don't destroy the series.
    There's been a few articles stating that Hideo Kojima wont be a part of the next MGS game, but he does state otherwise in more recent interviews. He does say that he would like to move on to other projects but also says he already has numerous of concepts for MGS5 thought out,

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