I'm extremely worried about how much they'll charge. I can totally see Nintendo going chauvinist N64-style and charging as much as $40 a download.

Nintendo's execs have already acknowledged the Revolution's superior strength against Xbox Live Arcade due to the breadth of 20 years worth of classic titles alone. They'll just be like, "Oh, you wanna keep playing Geometry Wars? Go ahead. Tetris Attack on SNES is gonna cost you like ... $25, though. Run your pockets." And then they're gonna go Maddox on us and be like, "You're not doing us a favor by spending $25 on Tetris Attack. We're doing you a favor by letting you download it for only $25. You can probably find a copy of it on eBay for $5 if you prefer, but then you'll need a SNES console too. And sure, you can emulate it illegally on your PC. But how do you feel when you use your new $250 64-bit AMD processor to emulate a 16-bit game? We don't even care if you download them on PSP too. As long as you're playing Nintendo games on PSP, Sony can't make profits off of software sales. Matter of fact, that's probably why Xbox failed so miserably. Tee hee. SuCk On ThAt!"

But I, being the obsessive compulsive that I am, will feed into Nintendo's greed for a chance to beat you haters in Tetris Attack on Nintendo Wi-Fi.

EDIT: And you make a good point, Assertn, because they're going to have to go in and update the games to support Nintendo Wi-Fi, anyway. Forget updating graphics for now; think about the effort it'll take just to add in networking functionality.