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Thread: Next Generation Consoles

  1. #81

    ITS POLL TIME Next Generation Systems

    I also like how he tries so hard to yell at you. But anyway, back on topic.

    Nintendo Revolution will own you with even more multiplayer Mario games because that's how they roll. If you want a new single player adventure, ask one of your overrated third parties to make one. But wait, isn't Square Enix making a Mario basketball game for the DS? I bet that really chafes your ass now. I don't hear any of you bitching about EA's constant milking of Madden. Crash Bandicoot came crashing and Jak is a disaxter, all failed imitations of Mario mechanics. When Nintendo finally releases a new single player Mario adventure for the Revolution, don't even think about getting a Revolution because you can spend the next few years of your life pirating games for your Xbox like a Turk.

  2. #82

    ITS POLL TIME Next Generation Systems

    Jak is a disaster? lol. Sorry but no it is quite a success. Same with Ratchet and Clank two great games series for PS2. Madden has to get milked every year to update rosters and graphics and such no surprise there. Revolution I will get just for classics but I am very questionable on the controller. Playing Zelda or Mario with a remote does not sound like fun. But oh well I could be wrong it could be the next great thing we never know. But we all know the only thing Nintendo has is its classics and a few choice games. Thats Nintendo though and I will contunue to buy them for just the classics even. Hopefully they are more successful in Next-gen I would hate to see them end up like Sega and just be a 3rd party.

  3. #83
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    ITS POLL TIME Next Generation Systems

    Actually, their remote seems like more fun to play with than....oh look at that....another controller...

    Controllers were cool back in the 80s
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  4. #84
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    ITS POLL TIME Next Generation Systems

    I think the Revolutions controller will mostly be a love it or hate it. Personally I can't wait to try it out. I just hope it's not awkward to use.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  5. #85
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.

    ITS POLL TIME Next Generation Systems

    well for nintendo controler, i just hope they make a normal controller too

  6. #86
    ANBU Captain aznimperialx's Avatar
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    up your mutha's ass

    ITS POLL TIME Next Generation Systems

    when you tilt it to a 90degree angle it becomes a controller [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  7. #87
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    ITS POLL TIME Next Generation Systems

    there's also pictures of a controller-shaped holster thing that the remote slips into....looks kinda like those dreamcast controllers with the VMU slots

    Don't you guys remember that revolution topic we had?
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  8. #88

    ITS POLL TIME Next Generation Systems

    If it's ok for EA to update Madden with new rosters and graphics, then it's ok for Mario Party to be updated with new graphics and minigames, and it's also ok for all Mario sports titles to be updated with new graphics and gameplay mechanics. So, if Deblas wants to cry over Mario's "exploitation", don't leave Madden out of it.

    And yes, Jak is a disaxter. Its "success" has declined with every sequel, and this closely parallels the stigma of Crash Bandicoot. I'm just going to call this the Naughty Dog Curse. And what's with Jak X Combat Racing? Imitate Nintendo's Mario Kart much? Fucking wannabes. Hey, want to read a cool rhyme? If you're still playing Jak, then you're whack.

    Anybody who's questioning the controller -- instead of anticipating the possibilities -- probably doesn't have any foresight at all. But that's ok because you'll still be able to connect a "traditional" GameCube controller to play contemporary games. Better than that, Nintendo's Regginator and Shiggy have both said in interviews that they'll release an updated GameCube-style controller alongside the new controller. Do your fucking research.

  9. #89

    ITS POLL TIME Next Generation Systems

    I'll get an x-box 360 eventually when the price comes down.

  10. #90

    ITS POLL TIME Next Generation Systems

    Proof? Those are all rumors of this so called controller shell. And the pics of it are from IGN that they MADE themselves. And I never complained about Mario games. Your confusing me with Deblas. I happen to play Mario Party. And no Assertn I would prefer still using a controller. I really hope the PS3 does not come out with that boomarang controller I would rather just have like a wireless dual shock 2. If it is not broken why fix it? I feel nintendo tries to "change" everything too much thus hurting themselves in the process. But whatever if your into all their gimmicks so be it.

  11. #91

    ITS POLL TIME Next Generation Systems

    I'll get a PS3 when it's like $149.99 because I'm hoping they'll have disk read errors fixed by then. The only thing that could make me get a PS3 earlier is a FFVII remake; the only thing. I guess that quality Capcom franchises like Resident Evil and Devil May Cry could also sway my loins. Capcom is the only third-party developer/publisher that I give two shits about anymore after being sorely disappointed by Squaresoft's FFX a.k.a. emo bullshit about a faggot and his mean father. I just couldn't stand that storyline. Tetsuya Nomura is a fruitbag.
    Originally posted by: Dezalanel
    Proof? Those are all rumors of this so called controller shell. And the pics of it are from IGN that they MADE themselves. And I never complained about Mario games. Your confusing me with Deblas.
    IGN wouldn't make their own concept designs of the controller shell if Shigeru Miyamoto and Reggie Fils-Aime didn't reveal it themselves in interviews with IGN. The only reason you don't have an official announcement of it is because it would have stolen the thunder from the new, revolutionary controller at TGS.

    And I know that you never complained about Mario games. I'm not confusing you with Deblas. That's why I specifically said, "so, if Deblas wants to cry over Mario's 'exploitation' ..." I simply used your point about Madden to enhance my own point.

    Anyway, I'm glad that you play Mario Party. I can't wait to see how Naughty Dog tries to copy it, but I also can't wait to take you on Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection with Mario Party and own you, if you're cool with that.

  12. #92

    ITS POLL TIME Next Generation Systems

    What about the Ratchet and Clank series, GTA, Gran Turisimo, Tekken, Soul Calibur, Final Fantasy(I thought 10 was good but 10-2 was crap), Dragonquest, Kingdom Hearts, Shadow of the Colossus, God of War, Metal Gear, Onimusha...and more just a few I can think of.

  13. #93

    ITS POLL TIME Next Generation Systems

    damn mod's plz warn this fag milfhunter plz.. just when everybody was going back to topic the faggot started all over agean. And Dezalanel plz ignore him.. maybe he'll shut up then.

    And for the remote controler for the revolution.. i hope it will work out.. imagine a shooter with that.. maybe it will pwn the mouse.

  14. #94

    ITS POLL TIME Next Generation Systems

    I like the Ratchet and Clank series a lot. I've always liked Insomanic Games' shit, especially with fond memories of playing Spyro the Dragon all day back when I was like 12 or something.

    Don't care for GTA, Gran Turismo, Dragonquest, and Shadow of the Colossus. Yes, that's right, I don't care for GTA. I said it. I'd rather play Crazy Taxi on Dreamcast and run people over in that game (if you can't, that's exactly the point, just keep trying). Oh wait, GTA is more than just about running people over? I guess I still don't care.

    I'm not that big of a fan of fighting games anymore because it's almost like after you've played one, you've played them all. I only played Soul Calibur for like half an hour at the arcades before I lost interest. Tekken is retarded. The only fighting games I ever seriously enjoyed were Mortal Kombat 3 (I was deadly with Cyrax's combos) on SNES and the Street Fighter series, especially 3rd Strike at the arcades (godly art style).

    I played Kingdom Hearts and realized that Squaresoft gave Tetsuya Nomura even more freedom at being a fruitbag. Also, Disney is for kiddies. I'd rather play Super Mario.

    I plan to get God of War eventually to see how David Jaffe justifies his megalomaniacal ego because he's no Miyamoto (and Miyamoto's humble), but all of my interest has been wrapped up in the Prince of Persia series because it's superb.

    I'm absolutely enthralled with Metal Gear's storyline, especially in the direction it's heading with Solid being an old man now. I can't wait for MGS3: Subsistence to hold me over till MGS4 comes out. But until PS3's price drops to $179.99 - $149.99, I'll be happy with my Nintendo Revolution and look forward to Kojima's Revolution project.

    The Onimusha series is underwhelming. It's like Kingdom Hearts, rated M. I traded Onimusha 1 for Onimusha 2 because that's how bored I got with the first one. And then I lived to regret it because part deux is painfully stagnant when it comes to replay value.
    Originally posted by: Turkish-S
    damn mod's plz warn this fag milfhunter plz.. just when everybody was going back to topic the faggot started all over agean. And Dezalanel plz ignore him.. maybe he'll shut up then.
    Why would the mods warn me when you're the one acting like a faggot in your own thread? Why do you even start threads when you can't string words together in a coherent manner? "plz warn this fag milfhunter plz.." Are you begging? That's sad.

  15. #95
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    ITS POLL TIME Next Generation Systems

    Originally posted by: Dezalanel
    Proof? Those are all rumors of this so called controller shell. And the pics of it are from IGN that they MADE themselves. And I never complained about Mario games. Your confusing me with Deblas. I happen to play Mario Party. And no Assertn I would prefer still using a controller. I really hope the PS3 does not come out with that boomarang controller I would rather just have like a wireless dual shock 2. If it is not broken why fix it? I feel nintendo tries to "change" everything too much thus hurting themselves in the process. But whatever if your into all their gimmicks so be it.
    It's not broken, but last i heard, they're paying out the ass royalties to the company that patented the dual-shock system. If they didn't change the design, they'd be shooting themselves in the foot.

    Is gimmicks what they call innovation these days? At least they've got the balls to try something new. Other companies only want to stick with what has worked in the past, and are afraid to take any risks.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  16. #96

    ITS POLL TIME Next Generation Systems

    Hmm Thats right I forgot about the Dualshock 2 issue = [. Sucks that they have to change that. Yes I call "innovations" that do not work out that great "gimmicks". I would not be saying this about Nintendo if it was the first time but "Innovation" is all they attempt lately. I just do not have much faith in them. Granted I hope it works out since I do like Mario, Zelda , Metroid etc.

  17. #97

    ITS POLL TIME Next Generation Systems

    And Nintendo doesn't only try something new for the sake of novelty. They want every generation of their systems to be a living, new experience. NES to SNES brought toggle buttons. SNES to N64 brought analog sticks. N64 to GameCube brought the first wireless controller. Let's switch that over to handhelds now. Game Boy to DS has brought touch screen technology. Is it sinking in that Nintendo innovates because they're just that damn devoted to it?
    Originally posted by: Dezalanel
    Yes I call "innovations" that do not work out that great "gimmicks".
    Aren't you risking the mistake of speaking too soon, then?

  18. #98
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    ITS POLL TIME Next Generation Systems

    N64 also brought integrated 4 player support.
    And gameboy...well we all know how the gameboy itself affected the gaming industry

    It seems nintendo is pulling all the weight in moving the gaming industry to anywhere new these days. All sony and microsoft have to do is steal whatever works and play it safe the whole way through.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  19. #99

    ITS POLL TIME Next Generation Systems

    Yes, how could I forget about integrated four player support for Gauntlet Legends on N64? I'm humbled. Integrated four player support is perhaps the only idea that Sony didn't steal. Maybe it was too gimmicky?

  20. #100
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    ITS POLL TIME Next Generation Systems

    i wanna see super smash bros 3, thatll be sweet and a half

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