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Thread: Next Generation Consoles

  1. #601
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psyke
    The day MGS 4 is released...... shall be the day I take a PS3 home.
    And ryougazell, i like how your list is composed of nearly only TBA games, oh and eternal sonata is still 360 exclusive for now and wont be out on ps3 for at least 8 months.
    It's ok to be biased, but that is leaning to fanboyism.

  2. #602
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkshadow
    Please heavenly sword en motorstorm are hardly GOOD exclusives, both ok games, but definitly not as good as ppl make it out to be.
    Sigma exclusive? c'mon , its the same game except prettier and easier, and no we dont care about rachel.

    That leaves you with resistance and warhawk, or better yet go look at the list i posted earlier.

    PSN also doesnt offer a demo with every arcade game, all arcade games can be demoed on 360, PSN also doesn't require intergrated voice chat for online play, so games like armored core 4 on ps3 don't have it.

    2007 is pure fail for ps3, PSN remains lackluster, multiplatform devs will always favor 360 ( easier to work with, bigger user base, cheaper console ).
    So even for 2008, which looks to be a very redeeming year for ps3, it will remain a hardcore gamer's console.
    Heavenly Sword and Motorstorm aren't good exclusives what exactly makes you say that? Heavenly Sword is the best next gen gaming experience that I have had. Sure the game is short(8hrs) but the best game I've played on the 360 before Bioshock (Gears) was under 8hrs as well and has terrible online(lag, glitches,host advantage). Motorstorm is also the most fun I've ever had in a racing game since Midnight club. Playing it online is simply a blast with friends and trying to outrun a big rig with a motorcycle is a riot. And Sigma doesn't count as an exclusive? I guess it's easy to say you don't care about the added features when you're downplaying something cause it's exclusive. Sure a couple of games on the PSN don't have Voice Chat like AC4 and Super Puzzle Fighter, but if it's worth spending 50$ a yr to have voice in every game then to each his own. Voice chat is def in games that it's needed like Resistance, GRAW, Rainbow 6.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  3. #603
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkshadow
    And ryougazell, i like how your list is composed of nearly only TBA games, oh and eternal sonata is still 360 exclusive for now and wont be out on ps3 for at least 8 months.
    It's ok to be biased, but that is leaning to fanboyism.
    Well, since I won't even touch an Xbox360, and will definitely buy a PS3 I don't see it as fanboyism... nor since I own a Wii and NDS way before trying to get PSP or PS3...

    Im a multi-console fan... or almost, since I don't like the X-one. Eternal Sonata was the only game I wanted to play there, since Blue Dragon is a dissapointment, thus a port for Eternal Sonata was excellent for me.

    TBA games? Indeed. On all consoles. All my PS3 ones are on TBA? true, no game today is worth on that console... and won't be until at least late 2008.

    I'll just have to play on the PS2, PSP, Wii and NDS while good games come out on PS3.

    Have a nice day.

    PS: I hate online gaming.

  4. #604
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aeon
    Heavenly Sword and Motorstorm aren't good exclusives what exactly makes you say that? Heavenly Sword is the best next gen gaming experience that I have had. Sure the game is short(8hrs) but the best game I've played on the 360 before Bioshock (Gears) was under 8hrs as well and has terrible online(lag, glitches,host advantage). Motorstorm is also the most fun I've ever had in a racing game since Midnight club. Playing it online is simply a blast with friends and trying to outrun a big rig with a motorcycle is a riot. And Sigma doesn't count as an exclusive? I guess it's easy to say you don't care about the added features when you're downplaying something cause it's exclusive. Sure a couple of games on the PSN don't have Voice Chat like AC4 and Super Puzzle Fighter, but if it's worth spending 50$ a yr to have voice in every game then to each his own. Voice chat is def in games that it's needed like Resistance, GRAW, Rainbow 6.
    They aren't, GOOD exclusives are games that make people buy the console, for just that game, system movers, HS and motorstorm def aren't that.
    i've played HS over and over at a friends house, and like i said, its OK.
    HS lacks something to make me say, "omg I'm getting a ps3 for this", heck it doesn't even make me say "this justifies 65€", while mgs4 and ff13 will make me buy a ps3 on day one, and oh yeah HS's framerate is all over the place.
    GoW, Ninja gaiden and dmc all run at a rock solid 60fps and all 3 offer gameplay far superior to HS, but i guess sony needed a game that was technically "amazing".

    Motorstorm has 2 modes.... 2 freaking modes, single player, and online.
    Sure a third mode is available with a download, but come on would it be so hard to have:
    time attack
    and then some motorstorm centric modes like:
    survival (specific number of crashes)
    destruction tag ( one player trophy truck, the rest on bikes, or whatever)
    I also find the sense of speed quite lacking unless you nitro a lot. (nitro until you blow up is the funniest imo).

    Motorstorm is a lot of fun, but to say its a system mover (good exclusive) or even warrant a 65€ pricetag, hell no

    Oh and the thing with lag on gears, must be a local thing, on all the hours a logged online with gears, i've never had a case of noticable lag.

    And what "added" features for sigma?
    shooting a bow in midair, and those dumb dual swords?
    all the weapons ninja gaiden already had were enough, most of the time i wouldn't even use anything other then the dragon sword or kitetsu.
    All the other weapons were just needed against certain things, like flails for ghost fish, the dual swords failed at even looking cool, meh.
    or do you mean the tacked on shaking the sixaxis to make ninpo stronger? ugh.
    Or do you mean the feature that the game is actually easier now? sigma is such a cakewalk.
    I also favor ng1hp2 over black, since the mission mode is simply terrible.

    and again:
    Quote Originally Posted by Psyke
    The day MGS 4 is released...... shall be the day I take a PS3 home.

    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    thus a port for Eternal Sonata was excellent for me.
    that was not even my point, my point was you listed eternal sonata as x360/ps3.
    while the game is still a timed exclusive for x360.
    You went as far as marking every exclusive title in that list correctly, and even list makai wars as future unsure, yet ES is listed as being available on both platforms.
    This is not the case, hence my fanboyism comment.
    Last edited by darkshadow; Tue, 09-18-2007 at 07:51 PM.

  5. #605
    Been planning to get a 360, though I'm a big Sony fanboy since the have exclusives like MGS4 and Final Fantasy 13 and 13 versus, whose series I'm huge fans of. However, the 360 is just packing so much more. Good established games, RPG's coming out here and there like Bioshock, Mass Effect, Eternal Sonata, others like Too Human.

    I'm gonna come upon 300 or 350 soon. I'm really tempted to buy a 360 as soon as it's out, due to it being cheaper, have already good games and good games upcoming along with the ability to flash it. However, the X-factor series of PS3 that I mentioned earlier, are pulling me towards PS3, though there's no way to mod it yet.

    I'm really kinda torn, should I buy a 360 as soon as I get the money, or should I wait whoever knows how long until I make another lump sum to purchase a PS3? >_<

  6. #606
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    ...MGS4 and Final Fantasy 13 and 13 versus, whose series I'm huge fans of. .............. or should I wait whoever knows how long until I make another lump sum to purchase a PS3? >_<
    mgs4 and ff13 won't be out for months, so you can make the money while you wait on release?
    It's not like the games are out now anyway.

  7. #607
    Well thing is, I don't have a job right now which I forgot to mention. The reason I'm getting the $300 or so soon is for the sale of a certain account heh.

  8. #608
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    heh, well i dunno, if you really want to play those games, just wait, and hope you stumble on some money or get a job or whatever.
    You already have 300 now, making another 300 should be easier then making 660 when mgs4 finally launches.

  9. #609
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkshadow
    They aren't, GOOD exclusives are games that make people buy the console, for just that game, system movers, HS and motorstorm def aren't that.
    So then what great exclusives does the 360 have that are system movers outside of Gears? As good as Bioshock is, it didn't move any systems. Lost Planet had laughable AI and Dead Rising well it's just that Dead Rising. And none of those games you mentioned without frame rate problems have the amount of characters on screen that Heavenly Sword does. Out of the games you mentioned I believe the max was something around 10. While Heavenly Sword has upwords to 100's on the screen at once.
    Quote Originally Posted by darkshadow
    Motorstorm has 2 modes.... 2 freaking modes, single player, and online.
    Sure a third mode is available with a download, but come on would it be so hard to have:
    time attack
    and then some motorstorm centric modes like:
    survival (specific number of crashes)
    destruction tag ( one player trophy truck, the rest on bikes, or whatever)
    I also find the sense of speed quite lacking unless you nitro a lot. (nitro until you blow up is the funniest imo).

    Motorstorm is a lot of fun, but to say its a system mover (good exclusive) or even warrant a 65€ pricetag, hell no
    Motorstorm actually has 4 modes, Single player takes care of Career and Arcade since you advance through the tickets as well as having the option to simply do a race. Time attack yea that was added and so was Elimination. Motorstorm does an excellent job at balencing all the different cars/bikes/trucks so that no one class is simply outdone by the others. If Motion Blur makes you think you are going fast then again to each their own. I find it funny that just because a game doesn't make you want the system you say its not a system mover good exclusive :lol

    Quote Originally Posted by darkshadow
    Oh and the thing with lag on gears, must be a local thing, on all the hours a logged online with gears, i've never had a case of noticable lag.
    You're right lag doesn't exist in Gears, I wouldn't wanna get banned from TeamXBox or Epic forums for mentioning it.
    Quote Originally Posted by darkshadow
    And what "added" features for sigma?
    shooting a bow in midair, and those dumb dual swords?
    all the weapons ninja gaiden already had were enough, most of the time i wouldn't even use anything other then the dragon sword or kitetsu.
    All the other weapons were just needed against certain things, like flails for ghost fish, the dual swords failed at even looking cool, meh.
    or do you mean the tacked on shaking the sixaxis to make ninpo stronger? ugh.
    Or do you mean the feature that the game is actually easier now? sigma is such a cakewalk.
    I also favor ng1hp2 over black, since the mission mode is simply terrible.
    Haha yup great job at doing what I said you were doing and that's simply downplaying all the things that makes Sigma unique. I guess the swords will be dumb when they show up in Ninja Gaiden 2? Or will they only be dumb when they're in Sigma 2? Sigma isn't easy for first time players, sure I played it on Xbox but I actually like the PS3 version better and no I don't shake the controller around.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  10. #610
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep - PSP
    Kingdom Hearts 358/2 - DS

    Dual Shock 3 - PS3 Rumble Controller

  11. #611
    That one lazy guy. LaZie's Avatar
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    Still no actual Kingdom Hearts sequel

  12. #612
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Well.. personally Im quite interested in this PSP and NDS games...
    the PSP one allows you to use Tera (the knight from the secret ending) and he seems to fight the original Xehanort (the old guy from the secret ending)

    The NDS game gives you control of Organization XIII... and initially they say you'll get to play as Roxas, Axel, Saix and Xigbar.

    There is a 3rd KH game... but for cellphones so bleh...

  13. #613
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psyke
    The day MGS 4 is released...... shall be the day I take a PS3 home.

    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  14. #614
    Awesome user with default custom title RedX1z's Avatar
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    That's most certainly a beautiful sight, so, how are you enjoying it?
    Signature by Lucifus

    She knows what you did last summer..

    ------------私はコピーX 及びSimca が空を征服することを信じる------------

  15. #615
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Just took a break from 4 hours of MGS4. Guess there isn't gonna be any sleep for me tonight.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  16. #616
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I've got two deals here. Might not go with either of them, since I haven't looked deep, but chances are good. For practically the same price, I could get a PS3 40GB bundled with GTA: 4 (+$1) or MGS4 (+$0).

    Really though, damn Sony for only releasing 80GB PS3 to NTSC regions.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  17. #617
    Damn I've been wanting to get that package for awhile, but I'm so broke. Hopefully it's not that limited and I'll eventually be able to get it when I get the cash.

  18. #618
    ANBU python862's Avatar
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    Who knows anymore?!
    Quote Originally Posted by Psyke

    I want to bash my head against the table now. Thanks. LOL!
    Now 99% disease free!

  19. #619
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    Grrr... i was going to post in the bitching thread... I couldn't find the ps3 anywhere online and I didn't want to go try waiting at midnight @ bestbuy last night. I bit the bullet and bought it for $500 + 40 tax + 10 shipping from walmarts website.

    everybody else its unavailable. newegg,bestbuy,circuitcity,amazon. Gamestop didn't even have the system package on their site yet.

    anyhow, buffalo... nm you're in australia? walmarts site has $100 gift cards w\ alot of the ps3 systems but not the MGS4 edition.

    LOLZ : I checked amazon again and they had it @ 499 so i added to cart but then when i went to checkout I had something I"d been looking at weeks ago in my cart and in the time it took me to remove that and change my shipping address it was no longer available at 499... i was going to buy it becaus amazon = free next day delivery + no $40 tax and just sell the walmart one
    Last edited by itadakimasu; Thu, 06-12-2008 at 11:35 AM.

  20. #620
    Got a copy of mgs4 yesterday, i know a retailer who called me as soon as they got it shipped to the store

    Im 19 hours in the game, been a long time since i've been this immersed in a game. Best and easiest way to describe it is "Epic"

    Here's a few screens from another forum

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