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Thread: Next Generation Consoles

  1. #581
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Maybe they'll let the Wii play ps2 titles so they won't have to
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  2. #582
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Freakin money grubbing sony...serves them right then, that their stock dropped 7.21%...but then again, it looks like they might need that extra ps1 dough.

  3. #583
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Armored Core 4 demo on japanese marketplace, go gets it!
    I think its awesome.

  4. #584
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    DDR? Guitar Hero? Lame. All of them go lame in comparison to this:

    The Wii Loop Machince is just another example of "you couldn't do this with old video games". I've never been a fan of DDR, Guitar Hero or any of those play music genres, but my roommate had to throw me out of his room at around 3AM last night because I was having so much fun with this thing.

    If you have a Mac and a decent library of music loops (any artist should have songs, recording equipment or can use GarageBand or other programs to make them) then you should buy a Wiimote and try this!

    Essentially it's using the Wiimote as a Bluetooth device to actively DJ and create beats. The video on the site shows an example, and the free software is pretty easy to use for something still so far in development. Software comes with basic loops that the developer used, but you can easily load your own loops.

    I think it's cool, and offers a shit ton of promise for the future of interactive games.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  5. #585
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    I need some help with choosing a console. I'm currently shifting between the 360 and the PS3. Wii is not really an option since Rock Band won't come out on that system, and also I have a DS and the Wii feels like the same thing just bigger.

    I don't care about the price, since a console is a long time investment.

    I hear people saying that there are no good games for the PS3, which is true... but the same is true for the 360. I don't like FPSs and Sports, and there are like no other types of games on the 360.

    I would like to hear about the PS online thing. I've tried xb live and it's quite solid, but it costs as opposed to psonline being free.

    Also from what I've read it seems like the PS3 has much better connection capabilities. The 360 doesn't even have HDMI right?

    The feeling I have so far is that it isn't worth buying any of the systems yet.

  6. #586
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I don't have a PS3, I've never played on one, so I'm clearly biased with my 360. Please take that into account in this post. Someone with a PS3 can make a case for that, I'm not qualified to criticize it appropriately.

    Xbox Live Arcade is a great way to build up a library of cheap (average 400 points) games. There's a huge variety too. Board games (Catan), Shooters (Alien Hominid HD, Assault Heroes), rhythm games (Boom Boom Rocket), Puzzle games, and even full games from past generations (Mortal Kombat, Castlevania: SoTN though they do cost more). I've got a lot more XBLA games than I do actual discs.

    The rentals and TV shows that come in HD are nice (I never waste money on them though because I don't have an HDTV). Xbox Live is currently one of the few, if only, online distributor of HD content. They have anime too (dubbed, but still).

    The genres of games on disc is expanding rapidly. The first game I got with it was Tomb Raider Legend. Short game, but certainly the best Tomb Raider game I've played since 2. MS has also realized their library was a little too centered to the American audience with 1st and 3rd Person shooters, so they've started getting into the j-rpg market with Eternal Sonata, and a few other quirky games, like Katamari.

    The demos are probably the best part of XBL. They'll put out a few demos of some anticipated titles, and they're usually about 30 minutes of gameplay. It's a pretty good way to gauge whether you want a title. It's the reason I made sure I bought Bioshock, pre-ordered Eternal Sonata, and decided that 99 Nights was garbage from the poor gameplay and worse localization.

    There are downsides to the 360.

    There are all the hardware issues. The 360 must be properly ventilated, with plenty of space for airflow around the vents and sides. The ring of death comes from people stuffing the thing into entertainment centers. Not everyone has these problems. I'm still on my first, and it sits next to my tv on a hard surface, well off the ground. Never tilt the console while it's on (why I'm on my second copy of Dreamfall).

    The peripherals are not cheap. The controllers are pretty standard cost, and the battery life is great. It's the other things that kill you. If you buy a lot of the HD media (and never delete demos) you'll need a bigger hard drive. The 120 is worth it if you do (my friend got one), but it's very overpriced. The wireless adapter isn't cheap either. Mine works great, but at $100, it's expensive.

    Several features don't work outside the US. I'm not sure which, but the digital media is the big one. That's due to asshole licensing laws from the Unites States.

  7. #587
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    The demos are indeed a pleasant feature, but psn has that to I think. If anyone has a ps3 please share how psn works.

    The 360 elite is still cheaper than a ps3 so that would solve most of the problems you've mentioned right?

    I've read some e3 coverage and such, and I would say that upcoming games for both ps3 and 360 are equally good, but I've been a long time follower of the ps exclusive franchises like ff and mgs.

  8. #588
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    There are absolutely no good exclusive games for the PS3 out right now. If you buy one right now you will be sitting on a pile of shovelware until Metal Gear drops in mid-08.

  9. #589
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Y
    There are absolutely no good exclusive games for the PS3 out right now. If you buy one right now you will be sitting on a pile of shovelware until Metal Gear drops in mid-08.
    That's why I said upcoming games. But like I said, the 360 has the same problem, you sit on just as much "shovelware". I mean name one exclusive 360 game that makes the console worth buying. Actually when I think about the only upcoming exclusive 360 games that seem interesting are Lost Oddyssey and Mass Effect. Admittedly there aren't that many upcoming good exclusive releases on the ps3 either, but the argument that there are no good games for the ps3 just doesn't hold when the alternative is just as bad.

  10. #590
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    I've expanded my release list for you, maybe this will make choosing a bit easier for ya.
    this is all from my POV though:
    Must have: games ill get asap
    will get: games ill get eventually
    interesting: games i might get down the road
    Multi: these are games that ill get for x360 or pc.

    Multi 2007/2008
    Must Have
    Stranglehold 			Action  		07-Sep-2007  (pc?) MIDWAY
    Sega Rally 			Racing  		28-Sep-2007 SEGA
    Assassin's Creed 		Action  		09-Nov-2007 UBISOFT MONTREAL
    Need for Speed ProStreet 	Racing  		01-Nov-2007 (pc) EA GAMES
    Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 	Action  		09-Nov-2007 KOEI
    Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 	Action  		30-Nov-2007 LUCASARTS
    Dynasty warriors 6 		Strategy  		Q1 2008 KOEI
    Soul calibur 4 			Fighting  		TBA 2008(march?) NAMCO BANDAI
    Devil may cry 4 		Action/Adventure  	Q1 2008 CAPCOM
    Unreal tournament III 		FPS 			Q1 2008 (nov 2007 PC!) EPIC GAMES
    RESIDENT EVIL 5 		Action 			TBA 2009! CAPCOM
    will get
    Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights 	Racing  		21-Sep-2007 THQ (Pc)
    BlackSite: Area 51 		FPS  			21-Sep-2007 MIDWAY
    Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway FPS  			16-Nov-2007 UBISOFT MONTREAL
    Mercenaries 2: World in Flames 	Action  		30-Nov-2007 EA GAMES
    Mafia 2 	 		Action  		TBA 2008 (PC) 2K GAMES
    Silent hill 5 			Action/Adventure 	TBA 2008 KONAMI
    Last Remnant 			RPG  			TBA 2008 SQUARE ENIX
    The Bourne Conspiracy 		Action  		Q3 2008 SIERRA
    Burnout Paradise 		Racing  		13-Sep-2007 EA GAMES
    Kane & Lynch: Dead Men 		Action  		16-Nov-2007 EIDOS
    Clive Barker's Jericho 		Action  		26-Oct-2007 Codemasters
    WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2008 	Sport  			09-Nov-2007 THQ
    Alone in the Dark 5 		Action/Adventure  	09-Nov-2007 ATARI
    Rogue Warrior 			FPS  			30-Nov-2007 Bethesda
    Dark Sector 			Action  		25-Jan-2008 Digital Extremes
    Elveon 				Action  		Q3 2007 10tacle studios (pc)
    The Wheelman 			Action  		Q4 2007 MIDWAY
    18 2007
    8 2008
    1 2009
    X360 2007/2008
    Must have:
    *BioShock 			FPS  			24-Aug-2007  (pc?) BIOWARE
    *Project Gotham Racing 4 	Racing  		12-Oct-2007 BIZARRE
    *Halo 3 			FPS  			26-Sep-2007 BUNGIE
    *Naruto: Rise of a Ninja 	Fighting  		02-Nov-2007 UBISOFT MONTREAL
    **Virtua Fighter 5 		Fighting  		30-Oct-2007 SEGA
    *Lost Odyssey 			RPG  			Febuary 2008 MISTWALKER
    *Splinter Cell: Conviction 	Tactical  		16-Nov-2007 UBISOFT MONTREAL
    *Mass Effect 			RPG  			30-Nov-2007 BIOWARE
    *Eternal Sonata 		RPG  			19-Oct-2007 NAMCO BANDAI
    *Ace Combat 6 			Simulator  		23-Nov-2007 NAMCO BANDAI
    *Ninja gaiden II 		Action/Adventure  	TBA 2008 TEAM NINJA
    **Grand Theft Auto IV 		Action  		Q1 2008 ROCKSTAR
    Will get:
    *Blue Dragon 			RPG  			24-Aug-2007 MISTWALKER
    *Fable 2 			RPG  			TBA 2008 LIONHEAD
    *Halo Wars 			Strategy  		TBA 2007 MICROSOFT GAME STUDIOS
    *Infinite Undiscovery 		RPG 			TBA 2007 SQUARE ENIX
    *Kengo: Legend of the 9 	Fighting  		November 2007 GENKI
    *Alan Wake			Adventure		TBA 2008 REMEDY(pc?)
    13 2007 
    5 2008
    16 exclusive
    2 better versions
    PS3 2007/2008
    Must have
    *Metal Gear Solid 4 		Action  		Q1 2008 (january?) KONAMI
    *Final Fantasy Versus XIII 	RPG  			TBA 2008 SQUARE
    *Final Fantasy XIII 		RPG  			TBA 2008 SQUARE
    *God of War III 		Action  		TBA 200? SONY ENTERTAINMENT
    will get
    *Tekken 6 			Fighting  		TBA 2008 NAMCO BANDAI
    *King of Fighters: MI3 		Fighting  		TBA 2008 SNK (timed exclusive)
    *Uncharted: Drake's Fortune 	Action  		TBA 2008 NAUGHTY DOG
    *Folklore 			Action/Adventure  	26-Oct-2007 GAME REPUBLIC
    *Eye of Judgement 		Puzzle  		26-Oct-2007 SONY ENTERTAINMENT
    *LittleBigPlanet 		Entertainment  		Q1 2008 SONY ENTERTAINMENT
    *Heavenly Sword 		Action  		14-Sep-2007  NINJA THEORY
    *WarHawk 			Action  		21-Sep-2007 INGOCNITO inc.
    *Lair 				Action/Adventure  	19-Oct-2007 FACTOR 5
    *Gran Turismo 5 Prologue 	Racing  		Q4 2007 POLYPHONY
    *Time Crisis 4 			Action  		TBA 2008 NAMCO BANDAI
    *Killzone 2 			FPS  			TBA 2008 GUERILLA GAMES
    6 2007
    10 2008 
    15 exclusive
    Last edited by darkshadow; Sun, 09-16-2007 at 08:42 AM.

  11. #591
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by el_boss
    also I have a DS and the Wii feels like the same thing just bigger.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  12. #592
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by el_boss
    I have a DS and the Wii feels like the same thing just bigger.
    As Assertn said in so fewer words, that's fairly uninformed.

    I recently got Metroid Prime 3, and I also have Bioshock for the 360. The amount of immersion provided by the atmosphere in Bioshock is impressive (even more with 5.1 sound), but it cannot even compare to the level of immersion you get from the wiimote and nunchuck.

  13. #593
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Y
    There are absolutely no good exclusive games for the PS3 out right now. If you buy one right now you will be sitting on a pile of shovelware until Metal Gear drops in mid-08.
    Resistance, Heavenly Sword, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, MotorStorm, and Warhawk all say hi. BTW Metal Gear is early 08.

    Anyways to go into the whole PSN thing, it offers everything XBL offers except a unified in game friends list and the ability to rent movies atm. If a game is multiplatform you can expect to see the demo on the PSN only drawback is that XBL seems to have the demo's first since they update whenever and the PSN is only updated on Thursdays.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  14. #594
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Basically, the DS and Wii have less in common than PS2 or PSP has to PS3
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  15. #595
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aeon
    Resistance, Heavenly Sword, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, MotorStorm, and Warhawk all say hi. BTW Metal Gear is early 08.

    Anyways to go into the whole PSN thing, it offers everything XBL offers except a unified in game friends list and the ability to rent movies atm. If a game is multiplatform you can expect to see the demo on the PSN only drawback is that XBL seems to have the demo's first since they update whenever and the PSN is only updated on Thursdays.
    Please heavenly sword en motorstorm are hardly GOOD exclusives, both ok games, but definitly not as good as ppl make it out to be.
    Sigma exclusive? c'mon , its the same game except prettier and easier, and no we dont care about rachel.

    That leaves you with resistance and warhawk, or better yet go look at the list i posted earlier.

    PSN also doesnt offer a demo with every arcade game, all arcade games can be demoed on 360, PSN also doesn't require intergrated voice chat for online play, so games like armored core 4 on ps3 don't have it.

    2007 is pure fail for ps3, PSN remains lackluster, multiplatform devs will always favor 360 ( easier to work with, bigger user base, cheaper console ).
    So even for 2008, which looks to be a very redeeming year for ps3, it will remain a hardcore gamer's console.

  16. #596
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Im totally biased towards a PS3... even though I still don't own one. Anyway... this is the list of games Im currently waiting to buy or to be released...

    .hack//GU Vol 3 - Redemption		Already Out	Exclusive
    Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix 2	Already Out (Import)	Exclusive
    Ar Tonelico 2				TBA		Exclusive
    Soul Nomad				24 Sep		Exclusive
    Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles	November07	Exclusive
    Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Wii	TBA		Exclusive
    Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core		TBA		Exclusive
    Jeanne D'Arc				Already Out	Exclusive
    Final Fantasy Tactics Lions Wars	October 07	Exclusive
    Final Fantasy 20th Anniversary		Already Out	Uberport...
    Final Fantasy II 20th Anniversary	Already Out	Uberport...
    Final Fantasy Dissidia			TBA		Exclusive
    Star Ocean First Departure		TBA		Exclusive Remake
    Star Ocean Second Evolution		TBA		Exclusive Remake
    Disgaea Afternoon of Darkness		October 07	Etna Remake Exclusive
    Kingdom Hearts Zero			TBA		Exclusive
    Final Fantasy Tactics Advance		Ebay...		Exclusive
    Final Fantasy Tactics A2		TBA		Exclusive
    Final Fantasy XII - Revenant Wings	TBA		Exclusive
    It's a Wonderful World			TBA		Exclusive
    Final Fantasy IV DS			TBA		Exclusive 3D Remake
    Kingdom Hearts Chains of Memories 2	TBA		Exclusive
    Final Fantasy XIII			TBA		Exclusive
    Final Fantasy Versus XIII		TBA		Exclusive
    Kingdom Hearts 3			TBA		-Not confirmed-
    Star Ocean 4				TBA	Console not confirmed. PS3 likely.
    White Knight Story			TBA		Exclusive
    Makai Wars				TBA		Future unsure
    Resident Evil 5				TBA		PS3/Xbox360
    Disgaea 3				TBA		Exclusive
    Tears to Tiara				TBA		Exclusive
    Agarest Senki				TBA		Exclusive
    Eternal Sonata				TBA		PS3/Xbox360
    So like... Im not interested on getting an Xbox360, but will surely get a PS3 next year... a PSP at the end of the month... and already own a PS2, Wii and NDS


  17. #597
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    The day MGS 4 is released...... shall be the day I take a PS3 home.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  18. #598
    Moderator Emeritus NM's Avatar
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    Whoa whoa whoa! What is this I see on Ryouga's list? Kingdom Hearts Zero and Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories 2?? Someone care to explain these? I haven't heard of any other Kingdom Hearts game in the works besides 3, obviously because of the trailer at the end of KH2.

    I'm also waiting on the PS3. As much as I hate to admit it, Sony did not fare well this year due to the price tag and the lack of games. Although I think it has the chance to get back on top in 2008, that's when all the games I'm really looking forward to are coming out. I will be getting one, of that I'm sure (probably when MGS4 comes out like Psyke). But 2007 wasn't the time to get it imo. For now I have the Wii so some of the games I'm looking forward to are:

    Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles
    Bleach Shattered Blade
    Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution
    Super Mario Galaxy
    Super Smash Bros. Brawl
    Nights: Journey of Dreams

    And of course any game from the past that shows up on the Virtual Console that I really enjoyed back as a kid I will probably get.

    If I ever decide to mod the Wii so I can play imports (unless there's a freeloader Disc for Wii), I want to get:

    Suzumiya Haruhi no Tamado
    Mobile Suit Gundam MS Front 0079 (Click here to see it on gametrailers.)
    This fantastic Sousuke sig was made by the one and only Lucifus! Thanks man!

  19. #599
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Scan for KH Zero...

    Its supposed to be officially announced this Tokyo Game Show... and will focus on the past... Roxas' past it seems.

  20. #600
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    I was kidding about the wii. It seems fun enough. The problem is though that I don't have as much time to play games anymore, so I will only have time for one console anyway. And as I said I must have Rock Band.

    It seems like the general consesus is that it isn't really worth buying a console now. So I will probably wait till next year. I can beef upp with a new tv and sound system while I wait.

    Btw are you using some webpage to generate those upcoming games list?

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