That's going to cause a lot of problems if you have 2, or worse 4 (idk if they finally added 4 ports yet) big guys playing a joint flight sim in an enclosed space.Originally Posted by Psyke
That's going to cause a lot of problems if you have 2, or worse 4 (idk if they finally added 4 ports yet) big guys playing a joint flight sim in an enclosed space.Originally Posted by Psyke
Are you saying it'll be a problem on the TV screen or that the big guys will collide into each other...?Originally Posted by Yukimura
I happen to think this is a rather good idea, not just for flight similators, but it can be encorperated into many other games too.
LaZie made this...a long time ago.
"It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba
Likewise for 4 big guys playing Tennis on a GameCu... WiiOriginally Posted by Yukimura
A friend of mine mentioned a good point, that having all the motion degrees on one device limits simultaneous functionality, like the ability to spin while pulling up or down, etc. I can't see this being used much more than for driving and flight sims, just as what happened when they added analog to the 4 main buttons on their ps2 controller.
they added some character pages in the smash bros site
Last edited by Assertn; Fri, 05-26-2006 at 04:35 PM.
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
hum... maybe there will be another new character, since there is a blank spot on the right side of the Wario icon, but who might it be... sonic? lol
as for the ps3 controller... what else then simulating games can that be good for? turning with a car? maybe like the Wii controller, be able to point at the enemi with the controller...
I would guess solid snake.Originally Posted by BioAlien
I'm under the impression the controller operates like a gyro, and therefore has no pointing capability.
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
ps3 controller = rotational (tilt)
Wii controller = directional+rotational (simulating depth)
I knew that moving the 360 while gaming would scratch a disc but I never seen it happen till now. If my PS3 made that sound I'd cry.
(Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach
xbox360 suck even more then what i thought it did at first...
so the Wii controller is better right?ps3 controller = rotational (tilt)
Wii controller = directional+rotational (simulating depth)
yes it its ^_^
roflmao.Originally Posted by Aeon
That's why I'm happy I didn't waste any money on a 360.
LaZie made this...a long time ago.
"It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba
YeahOriginally Posted by BioAlien
You are free to smash your tv rem.... wii controller on your rivals head and feign innocence... stating you were trying to hit the tennis ball
WTF? damn xbugs service pack 359.9 sucks even more with that video :S
we can't smash each other if we both use something like thatOriginally Posted by RyougaZell
lol xbugs...
Thats just stupid, ok so the drive has a problem, but every booklet says NOT TO MOVE THE DAMN THING, it even says so in the dreamcast booklet ( and in the ps2 and in the gc etc.. ). its stupid to move something while its on, when its not meant to move...WHILE ITS ON, try moving/tilting your pc when burning a dics, bam instant failure.
so the drive has a defect, its not like they dont warn you not to move it, if you do, its your problem, not ms's.
if you plan on constantly moving your console, get a psp or something.
uh.. xbox360 scratch your CD when you move the console, not the Gamecube... many time i have moved my gamecube while playing (my mom wanted to "clean" the dust... lol) and all my CD are still "Like-New" .
and while burning a CD on my PC i sometime move it too, and never freaking happen to me having a stupid disk failed to burn or something that just happen when you try to copy a big files at a too high speed
Never happened with my PS2 either.Originally Posted by BioAlien
LaZie made this...a long time ago.
"It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba
so what he said was total bullshit, because even if they say not to move it, a good console is not suppose to scratch all your CD by just moving it a little and it is inevitable that someday, your console will be moved while you(or someone else) play on it, by yourself, a friends or someone in your familly.
Last edited by BioAlien; Mon, 05-29-2006 at 11:36 AM.
A friend of mine has a fuked-up PS2. The only way it reads games is to turn it upside down.
And thus he inserts the disc, leaves the PS2 on (he's lazy and won't turn off and then on again), turns the PS2 upside down, and then plays.
He's never gotten a scratched disc this way.
and that prove the Xbox360 suck big time, until microsoft correct those bug i am so not buying one of those
what i say is bullshit? where did i say the ps2 or gc scratch the disc? i said THEY WARN YOU NOT TO MOVE IT, if you ignore the warning and something happens its your own damn fault, and if the burning/copying doesnt fail, it will stall for the time that it moves, IT WILL, the stall can range from 1 sec to a full minute.
again if you didnt understand me, i said, the booklets WARN not the move it when its on, if you do you suck and deserve to have some problem, its like clicking a stupid "you win" banner, getting spyware afterwards and then complain, the warning is there dont deny it, and btw there are ps2's that do scratch discs, if yours doesnt, you simply have a drive that doesnt ( there ARE multiple drives you know... )
edit: for the person who gave me neg rep on this one, you are obviously retarded.
Last edited by darkshadow; Fri, 06-09-2006 at 04:10 PM.