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  1. #21


    Characters: 10
    Entertaining: 10
    Music: 8.5
    Story: 10
    General: 10

  2. #22


    Characters: 10
    I think that most of the characters are really rememberable in Naruto. Everyone has like their own special trademark. kind of.

    Entertaining: 10(Main Story), 2(Fillers)
    Before the fillers the show was really good. Everytime when an episode ends, I would be like "OMG I gotta know what happens!" It's almost like Bleach at the moment. No need to explain on the fillers, it's torture.

    Music: 10
    The music is good but it's just that they are playing it in the wrong moments in my opinion. That makes it annoying and stupid. To tell the truth, I got hooked on to Naruto because of the music. My first episode was the one with Konohamaru and the four leaf clover. If that fighting music didn't kick in with Naruto and the robots, i would of never thought of downloading any more of it. That is an example of well placed music.

    Story: 10
    A little boy who dreams of becoming the leader of his villiage one day but no one believes in him. All the adult thinks of him as a monster cause of the nine tail fox and they keep their childern away from him. When he became a ninja, his teacher reconized him and saved him. In my opinion, there are no other anime story line better than Naruto. The first episode is already is classic.

    Animation: 5
    Compared to other shows like Bleach, Naruto's animation sucks. During fights like when Naruto and Sasuke, their body looks fat and too flexable in some scenes. Most of the time when Naruto uses his Shadow clone to do Rasengan, he looks like he's 2 feet taller for some reason. The animation went way down in the fillers. It makes me feel like it's getting kind of sloppy. Their are just too many for me to ponit out.

    General: 10
    Sometimes i get too caught out in the fillers that i forgot how good Naruto really was. Naruto is the best anime show ever but like I said before, the fillers are totally ruining its reputation.

  3. #23
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    how do you guys keep saying "General: 10" when you don't give all 10's? isn't general the average of the sub categories?

  4. #24
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    I'm suprised at the number of 10's some of you are giving. Yeah, it's good, but it's not deserving of a perfect 10 either.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  5. #25


    Mage, people who vote 10 are people who believe Naruto as the best or one of the best series. General ranking isn't really an average of all your other rankings, it's an average of Naruto over all the other series around. It's not perfect, in my opinion for example some other series have stronger points than Naruto, but to me, Naruto is the best Overall. So thats why a 10 is given.

  6. #26


    General ranking isn't really an average of all your other rankings, it's an average of Naruto over all the other series around

  7. #27
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    Animation: 8 (Some things remind me of dbz, so I get angry)
    Characters: 10 (Only 2 characters annoy me, and one is gone for now. You probably can guess the other :cough: Sakura :cough: )
    Entertaining: 9.9 (Excepting fillers, I can watch these over and over)
    Music: 10 (believe it!)
    Storyline: 8 ('Til I see the end, can't really rate it higher)
    Overall: 9.5 (Not many animes that I like over this one)

    As long as I am never forced to watch the eng dub (Naruto's voice makes me cringe) or filler epis over and over, this series will be one of my favs and stay on my HD.

    "Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help."

  8. #28


    Hi, new here

    Characters: 8
    This can be higher if they developed their other characters, but overall very cool characters with unique abilities. Since the series is not finished I'm sure this will improve. It also gets points off for cliched characters. I swear I've seen Hinata somewhere before. But it doesn't bother me that much.

    Entertaining: 9
    Some episodes are kinda on the slow side or they interrupt the action too much with flashbacks, but its still good.

    Music: 9
    The music is fitting and it is well used most of the time

    Story: 10
    So far, it has kept me wanting to see the next eps one after the other. 10++

    Art : 10
    May not be as good as other anime but I like it

    GENERAL: 10
    Definately one of my favorite animes

  9. #29


    I don't watch a lot of different anime, but the anime I watch I watch in excess. I prefer only One Piece to Naruto, although I generally end up watching Naruto more due to Dattebayo's speed.

    I don't like Naruto's handling of the fillers. Let's take One Piece (I won't go into too much detail as I doubt all of you WATCH One Piece):

    [*]A couple of kick-ass flashbacks were - in the words of Arlong Park - "extended". I think they both only lasted one chapter each but lasted a whole episode each in the anime. I know Naruto did something similar with Kimimaro though.[*]As I like to call them "pseudo-fillers". I know(/assume) this isn't possible with Naruto, but One Piece had mini-adventures on the covers. Toei filled up some space by making episodes out of these, and did pretty damn well (the covers have minimal text, so it's hard to make whole scripts for them).[*]I don't know how far the manga was when the anime started for comparison, but One Piece didn't wait until it was at episode 100 before starting fillers.

    Anyway, on with the rating. As usual fillers don't apply.

    Characters: The only non-filler character who annoys me is Sakura. I don't care how you guys hate all the "Naruto-kun"s from Hinata, the mass of "I WILL TRY" and "I WILL PROTECT THEM NEXT TIME" from Sakura is just plain annoying. 9.

    Music: 10. I don't like the openings in comparison to One Piece, but that's not a big enough part of the show for me to care.

    Art: It's good, bad, and retarded. Remember the kick-ass dude who supposedly does the extremely fluid fight scenes that are slightly lacking in quality? Well at one point during the Naruto VS Sasuke fight, there was a low quality still shot of a Sharingan (clearly done by him), when it looked pretty much the same (i.e. expression, positioning) as a well done one a about a minute earlier. I see no problem with shoving in a high quality close-up in there.

    They're generally worse with the animation during fillers though, so meh.

    Overall: Great.

  10. #30
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Well, the thing about One Piece is it has alot more places where you can put fillers without interrupting the story. There's an indeterminate amount of time between each arc. Naruto on the other hand tends to go from one arc right into another. This place is really the best place for fillers in Naruto because there is a large time skip. So you can kill all the time you want without damaging future storylines.

  11. #31


    Originally posted by: mage
    how do you guys keep saying "General: 10" when you don't give all 10's? isn't general the average of the sub categories?
    I didn't mean general to be the average of the scores, just what i think of the show... I mean like it doesn't have to be the average because to different people the score for the story could be worth more than the score for the animation. To me the animation is not really good but i don't mind it that much. I gave it a 10 in general because mostly I like the story line and i think that it's the best anime. Or maybe i should call it something els but you get the idea right?

    Originally posted by: XanBcoo
    I'm suprised at the number of 10's some of you are giving. Yeah, it's good, but it's not deserving of a perfect 10 either.
    That's your opinoin and mine is a 10. It's just the fillers that sucks.

  12. #32


    Characters: 9 (some are great like itachi others suck like sakura)
    Entertaining: 10(great fights)
    Music: 9(most of the theme songs are good)
    Story: 10
    Art : 9
    General:10(one of my favorite animes)

  13. #33


    Characters: 9 (very big variety of characters and personalities, i like it)
    Music: 9 (i love the Raikiri theme and of course, Sadness and Sorrow)
    Story: 10 (need i say more?)
    Art: 8 (eh, it's good enough for me)
    Action: 9 (very tactical and well thought-through)

    Overall: 10 (well worth my time)

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