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  1. #1


    Hi just wanted to post a topic of discussion on how people rank naruto out of 10 over other anime. 1 [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif[/img] being the worst you've seen, 5 being average and 10 [img]i/expressions/beer.gif[/img] as the best. Hey... could be useful to those who are looking for a first time anime to try out. I'm an anime person, I [img]i/expressions/heart.gif[/img] Naruto, keeping the fillers out of this, I find it has the best story an Anime/manga can provide. Been watching it eagerly week by week since episode 102/103. I'd like to know how other people Rank naruto over other anime and see how they feel about the whole series in general and not just one episode.

    This is how i'd rank Naruto:

    Characters: 9 (very variable type of characters)
    Entertaining: 10
    Music: 7.5 (they need to get more tunes)
    Story: 10
    Art : 8.5
    GENERAL: 10!!

    Even though I've seen better music and art in some shows, naruto to me is #1, so I must give it a 10/10 in general. So what does everyone else think about the show? You can rank it in your own different methods of course.

  2. #2
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    i give it a 7.5. this series is really nothing special. the story is weak, the characters are weak (and practically all the same), the best animation of the series is "average" compared to good animation. there are many series that are FAR better.

  3. #3
    ANBU KoKo37's Avatar
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    you shoulda done a poll XD, but anyways this is my reveiw XD ( Exception of the fillers -.- lol )

    Characters: 8.0 - they got some annoying characters in this show, however some are very well written n i like the idea of blood line limits XD

    Entertainment: 9.1 - Extremely entertaining for me, a lot of anime iv been excited to see the next espisode, but naruto its like i couldn't wait to see the next espisode lol

    Music / Sound: 6.8, - ehh dun really like the sound in naruto lol, however they usally place the right songs at the right moments, also i like most of the OVA's and ending themes XD ( forget what the short name for ending theme is XD lol )

    Plot: 8.4, - i find it very hard to make long storys, and keep them interesting, they usally just seem to repeat everything usally lol, but i personly think Kishimoto did a good job on developing the story and keeping it interesting at the same time XD ( Note : again not filler espisodes -.- lol )

    Art : 8.1, - pretty good drawings, not really good but not cartoony at the same time XD, ( doesn't give you a head ake when you watch lots either -.- lol )

    General uhh waht do you mean by general exactly? lols

    Fights : 8.2 - I personly like "Most" of the fights in Naruto, Magic and Strategy and dont rush things nor stretch them to long are usally my favourite types of battles XD, however sometimes its just all pummeling with naruto and basicly no strategy at all -.- lol either than that the fights are good XD lol ( not the filler fights omg!! lol )

    <u>Overall :</u> uhh.. well i dont really know how to add these things.. lol but i guess probally 8.5 - 8.7 would be good XD, however the problem about Naruto is that it can get a bit childish at times imo, but if it really good who cares XD lol, also there are a lot of really good animes out there, but i just really enjoyed Naruto for some reason o.O lol

    G0$u /\/0t3 : welcome to the fourms btw XD

    Ub3r 3])it : changed my mind XD, character rating is now 8.0, from 7.8 as before -.- lol

  4. #4
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    I don't know how anyone could say the characters are weak....the characters are what MAKES this series

    I also don't know where koko comes up with these decimal values out of nowhere (are you SURE you wouldn't rate Fights 8.3? or does it HAVE to be 8.2?)
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  5. #5


    I'll do this in terms of non filler

    Characters: 9 There are some amazing characters, but then theres the completely useless ones like Sakura and her female rival (forget her name since she never really has been seen again)

    Plot: 9 The series used to be where I'd watch constantly and couldnt wait for the next

    Music/Sound 10: The series has had alot of really good music, just recently the newest one is just ho hum

    Entertainment 10: The videogames and series entertain me ALOT

    Art 10 I like alot of the unique traits all these clans and individuals have, not an easy thing to create in such a vast and unique way

    Fights 9 Not enough characters get an even amount of use, and the main characters since theyre seen so much, dont have the chance to really develop new abilities to make their fights more interesting, Naruto is a prime example

  6. #6
    ANBU KoKo37's Avatar
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    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    I don't know how anyone could say the characters are weak....the characters are what MAKES this series

    I also don't know where koko comes up with these decimal values out of nowhere (are you SURE you wouldn't rate Fights 8.3? or does it HAVE to be 8.2?)
    err i prefer to rate things like that, and is it really that big of a deal with one point difference? lol, i mean could you Honestly live with rating something 8.5 When you knew~! it was really 8.370 worth? -.- lol. ( and yes, it "HAS" to be 8.2 because 8.3 is just to high for my review to be honest... -.-" lol

    and actually changed my mind from characters to 7.8 to 8.0 XD lol, i guess i was just focusing on the evil ones to much XD lol ( Evil as in annoying not as in evil evil -.- lol )

    G0$u E]}dit : in case your wondering i rate my animes like the gamespot ratings -.- lol so the 8.5-8.7 would be considerd a high "Great" lol ( preferibly tony the tiger great -.- ) anyways heres tehre ranking thing for gamespot XD ( just scroll down a bit -.- lol ) Y ( btw they got the best ranking system -.- lol )

    /\/3w|3i3 e])i'][' : uhh i forgot to put in the link -.- lol anyways here it is woo go gamespot

  7. #7
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Forgetting fillers:

    Characters: 8
    Like AssertnFailure said, characters are everything for this series. In general, I have no problems with them, and it amazes me I can remember so many of them. However, I would appreciate a bit cooler main character (and less stupid). And the real baddies in this series (so far) have been losers. With a couple of exceptions like Itachi. A series like this needs a serious enemy. Maybe he hasn't yet really surfaced, so there's still hope, but for now this is it.

    Entertaining: 9
    It used to entertain me a lot more back when I hadn't watched so much anime. But it's still very entertaining.

    Music: 10
    Lots and lots of amazing music. I have no complaints whatsoever about the music or how it's used (remember, I'm not talking about the fillers).

    Story: 7
    Unfortunately the story is pretty much the same now as it was right in the beginning. In my opinion this series has relied solely on the character development. Unfortunately it has undermined the story. A nicer balance between those two would be good. It could be that I have seen so much anime with so amazing stories that Naruto's plot doesn't look so fine anymore.

    Art: 8
    Considering it's a really long show, the art has to be a compromise. But I have always though girls / women aren't as pretty in Naruto as in most of other shows, for some reason.

    General: 8
    That I still keep watching this series despite the fillers tells how much Naruto means to me.

  8. #8
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    I only rate things good(+) or bad(-).

    Characters: + One of the biggest reasons to watch Naruto
    Entertaining: + Yes
    Music: + Openings and endings are awesome as well as the in show music
    Story: + Same old, but I like it
    Art : + Okay
    GENERAL: + Naruto is watchable

  9. #9


    Characters: 8 Inevitably three things happen when you have a large cast: you will always find a character or two that you can relate to or just plain like (for me it's Hinata, I can sympathize with her situation, plus she's absolutely adorable), you will find characters that you can't stand (such as Ino, and also in my case Shikamaru), you will always find a character that will disappoint you (OMFG! Kabuto is a bad guy? He was so cool!).
    Entertaining: 10 My parents have taken a liking to anime (miracle of miracles) and when I showed them my entire collection of Naruto, we went through the entire 100+ episodes over Xmas break (this was last year). Even then, they were begging for more. Nothing, and I mean nothing has made them want to see the next episode more than Naruto. Not only that but you get so captivated in it it doesn't seem like 23 minutes has passed.
    Music: 9 Top notch music, even some of the filler intros and outtros aren't bad. The background music fills your ears with songs that match the mood or situation very well. Being a music fan, I'd say that if there was no music in Naruto, the impact of the show would be halfed.
    Story: 6 Let's face it, at this point there is no story. But the way each situation and backstory is told in each arc well makes up for it. Even the bad guys that end up being defeated or destroyed have some type of past that makes you look at them in a different light at least once. Because of this, I don't think anyone really notices there's no story going on here.
    Art : 6 Let's face this one too, anime art has been better, much better. I own anime that has better art, like Last Exile, or even AstroBoy [2003]. Even the same style of art in Fullmetal Alchemist is drawn better. But I love it just the same. It's simplistic, but can still convey the right emotion. The one thing I don't get is how they could screw up so bad in aligning the eyes in that one episode around 26 or 27. If you've noticed, the battle animation is done by computer and the character models lack some of the details in the hand drawn ones, but makes up for it with the much more fluid movement and impact of the battles.
    Overall: 8.5 It's a must see in my book, but the Story and Art has brought it down a notch or two. I say watch the first two seasons. If you can't find something you like in it, then I'll give you double your money back.

  10. #10


    Characters: 10 - They have a lot of variety in characters and all the characters are pretty cool. They even added a bruce lee character (gai-sensei and rock lee.) which is pretty clever making them use only taijutsu. Aside from that, all the characters have different abilities which makes it really great.

    Entertainment: 8 - The fighting and story makes this anime really good. Also since it's about ninjas it's even better because I always like ninjas. The only thing keeping this from a 10 is sometimes during battles they talk too much and show too much flashbacks that you've seen a million times which really drags the show at times.

    Music: 10 - THIS MUSIC ROCKS! I even downloaded the soundtracks just to listen to them!

    Story: 7 - I think it has a unique storyline, but there isn't a lot of depth in it yet.

    Art: 8 - Sometimes the characters look really ugly for some reason. But overall the art is fine.

    Overall: 8.8 - Perfect show for someone who likes ninjas and anime with a twist of humor and seriousness.

  11. #11
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Naruto's worst category should be art. This is the only series i've ever watched that had such a noticeable difference in style/quality between each episode. It gives it a highly unprofessional look. The manga is very good though.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  12. #12
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I disagree, I mean, I haven't seen alot of the manga, but from what I can tell Kishimoto draws for shit, except for the covers.

    I'm gonna rate Naruto in comparison to other anime rather than on a 1 to 10 in order of my favorites overall(not at the moment, but taking the entire series' into account)

    1. Naruto
    2. One Piece
    3. Bleach
    4. Samurai Champloo
    5. DBZ

  13. #13
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Kishimoto's artwork isn't bad at all, in fact I don't really see anything wrong with it. He does action scenes a lot better than some other mangaka (Yasuhiro Nightow, for example). Sure some others can be spectacular, but I think Naruto's art is pretty solid. But Assertn is right about the animation in the anime, which changes VERY frequently and sometimes can look pretty bad.

    I'm gonna give Naruto an 8.5 overall, without listing the other categories.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  14. #14
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    I had considered mentioning that even the manga's artwork tends to change, as you can tell between the first volumes and the last volumes.....but that's just because kishimoto's developed more as an artist over the IS his first manga i believe
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  15. #15
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    That's true with many long-running manga though. Mostly shounen titles too. The artists just fine tune their skills as they go along.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  16. #16


    I dont ever consider fillers because they're not part of the original story (manga). Heres what i think:

    Characters: 9 - Some characters are badass like Kakashi, some cool in a sadistic way ( the old gaara), and some have had a sad life ( basically 1/4 of the genin).

    Entertaining: 1,000 - Mainly cuz of the great story and awsome fights ( Lee vs. Gaara, Sasuke and Orichimaru, the chuunin exam finals, the entire Sasuke arc)

    Music: 10 - fits the scenes and adds more emotion to the situations, especially during the fights.

    Story: 500 - sad stories between Naruto and Sasuke. But not only them, but even smaller characters have sad pasts ( Gaara, Hakuu, etc.).

    Art: 10 - it would usually be an 8, but some fights ( Rock Lee fights, Sasuke vs. Orichimaru, and Naruto vs. Sasuke) had amazing animation.

    General: 20 out of 10. I love this series. I dont even watch the fillers, so it wont ruin the overall enjoyment ive had with the series as well as my opinion of the series.

  17. #17


    Characters: 9 - characters like Kakashi, Gaara, Lee, Neji rocks

    Entertaining: 9 - the main stories are mostly good. Whereas the fillers...meh

    Music: 7.5 - theme songs arent that great but background music during scenes arent bad

    Story: 9 - same with entertainment

    Art: 8 - some episodes are great but some arent

    General: 8.5 - It's worth your time. thats the bottom line.

  18. #18
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    8 on everything except music. 10 for music because Toshiro Masuda is awesome.

  19. #19


    Just to be clear on why I gave music a lower score of 7.5: The music isn't bad at all, it's good, there's no doubt... but the prob is that other than the theme songs, the small selection of music has remained the same. It use to give the fights and situations a great kick, but you can almsot predict now when what tune will play given the situation. They don't need to remove anything... all they need to do is add more. Unless i'm wrong, i haven't heard a new tune in there since episode 5 lol. (excluding the movie). But remember, in my opinion, this is still a 7.5 ranking, which is still above average.

    Oh and thanks KoKo37 for the welcome. Honeslty i'm not new to the forum, I simply haven't logged in in ages and forgot my profile lol. And the past email I used is history. Sigh...startin all over again.

  20. #20
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    CK's naruto rating

    Story/plot-most of the times good, at some times quite stupid (this is excluding fillers) 8.5

    Entertainment- it has great moments like the garra vs lee fight, or the lee vs kimimaro fight or...the kakashi vs zabuza fight but then it hads things like purple winged queer people 9

    Characters-they have cool people like itachi, kakashi, lee and neji, jiraya....(etc) then they have gay asses like naruto and sakura... 9

    Music- the music is rather upbeat except they gotta get more than just like 2... 8.5

    Art/animation-yeeeah....its got great moments like in the lee fights...then it has horrible shit...8

    Fights- they have really great fights (except for fillers where it was pretty much "rasnegan!" and that would be it, despite the fillers...9.5

    Fillers-these things are horrbile...the fights have absoultely no meaning and usually with naruto somehow saving the day...when nobody wants to see him crap out a rasnegan outta his ass....comon in the neji team + naruto filler...why didnt neji save everybody's asses? "byakudan's natural enemy" BS these people cannot think of a good plotline for a filler...though i admit it must be hard because they cant affect the manga. 3 (for effort which is pratcially none coming from these guys)

    Overall- great show, ninjas are cool and kakashi + itachi own. 9

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

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