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Thread: Ah! My Goddess: Sorezore no Tsubasa - Everyone Has Wings

  1. #221
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Well, I'm sad the idea was so poorly treated.

    But it was quite fun to think of Bell as a demon.

    I would have liked to see Marler kicking K1's ass when he scoldes her... After all she's a demon and he's human.

    What is interresting though, is that we learn how in the AMG world good and evil are chosen.

    We had this with Marler when we learnt that she shared her childhood with Urd and Urd chosed to be a Goddess whereas Marler chosed Demon.

    I wonder which depth they'll give to that background.

    c u

  2. #222
    Benevolent Dictator
    complich8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    the "bad" deeds Belldandy was doing as a demon were bloody hilarious!
    Yeah, Belldandy's idea if "bad things" was just precious. I couldn't stop laughing ... especially with the ducks .

  3. #223
    marller said she was feeling bad about what she did do you think she really ment it

  4. #224
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Who knows... Marller isn't a very succesful demon, herself, after all. Whilst turning Belldandy into a demon wouldn't probably make her feel guilty as such, the fact Keiichi (and the others) might suffer so much as a consequence could have been a surprise to her. We have had a couple of episodes where Marller had good times with Keiichi and his host of goddesses, so she might have come to realise collateral damage isn't what she would like most.

  5. #225
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    AonE and AnY made a nice sprint and finished the series already.

    Episode 22 Final - AonE-AnY

    Season 2 Batch 1-22


    Edit: Last episode and no kiss! What a letdown... Well, I suppose it was good enough otherwise, but I can't forgive it because of that essential missing detail.
    Last edited by Kraco; Thu, 10-19-2006 at 05:03 AM.

  6. #226
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Well I'll watch that one later in the afternoon (this evening in fact...)

    I guess it's impossible they show that kiss in the two bonus eps they generally offer with the DVD release...

    And it will be hard to wait for those 2 eps, and then be patient till next spring for another season. Will there be a 3rd season? I really hope so, didn't search for that yet. I'm googling it.

    C u

  7. #227
    finally I been waiting for this to finish so I can just dowload everything at once. to bad to hear about the no kiss but oh well I hope they do realese some later episodes like before

    Signature by Lucifus

  8. #228

    twas ok

    i just finished watching both ep. 21-22, it left an empty feeling in my mouth, well i hope this is just the calm before the storm and hopefully the AMG team has a long rest and they get that second wind and go full steam ahead for next season. At least i have the manga to look forward too... hehe

  9. #229
    just curious about why gotwoot hasnt posted 21 and 22 i didnt even know the eps 21 and 22 were out until i got caught up on the fourms today

  10. #230
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Eh? They are there loud and clear among the other torrents. Check again.

  11. #231
    Genin Bucket's Avatar
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    Yeah, this really didn't seem like a season-ender. A good episode, but even so...

  12. #232
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    Good episode, overall, but I just hate how it just ended like that. In the 1st season, they at least kissed (unless I'm remembering wrong), but they didn't even do that in the entire 2nd season.
    Well, it's almost a guarantee for another season... unless they pull a fast one on us.

  13. #233
    true idk maybe my computer was acting up but i didnt see 21 22 or 1-22 until like 1155 this night but oh well yea that was a weird ending does anyone know what the time interval was between season 1 and season 2 ? that would probably help us to guess how long well have to wait till season 3 if they do one

  14. #234
    The first season ran from January 2005 to July 2005, and the second season started in April 2006

  15. #235
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I've seen that last ep and I hope the series won't finish there...

    Because it's not an end, and I guess they can't end it in the OVA's... For season 1 the bonus eps were side stories for Urd and the brat... nothing that add anything to the arc of the series... So I guess that will be the same.

    That would be sad to see the series stop now.

    Even more when you see K1 and Bell in their race sidecar, I have to say this scene was kinda hot and beautiful... and showed us a more advanced relationship... or at least gave hints about it.

    So I would be quite disapointed to see it finish now... without filling the blanks between now and that sidecar scene (even though this was in a ova not directly related to the TV series)

    c u

  16. #236
    why did they end season 2 with 22 episodes instead of 24 thats kinda unusual isnt it

  17. #237
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    At first I didn't want and refrained myself to watch the mini-goddess series.

    Today I just watch all of them, well it's quite fun.

    Plus it gives some hints and features material used in the main TV series.

    So it wasn't a waste of time.

    c u

  18. #238


    hey.. where did u all find the OVA? those mini series? post the torrents here will ya ? ALL Of themz...thanks in advance

  19. #239
    i hope they dont end it here... i wanna see the chihiro arc which IMO is a really good one xD

    anywho i liked the episode =D

  20. #240
    Quote Originally Posted by tatwei
    hey.. where did u all find the OVA? those mini series? post the torrents here will ya ? ALL Of themz...thanks in advance

    You can find it at Boxtorrents, looks like it's well seeded.

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