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Thread: Ah! My Goddess: Sorezore no Tsubasa - Everyone Has Wings

  1. #141
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by kooshi
    And to both of you, Gotwoot is NOT a forum dedicated to AonE. The site just hosts the torrents, THAT IS ALL. The site itself has no affiliation with the fansub at all. There are a couple of AonE members that have joined this forum, but they rarely show up. Any questions directed to AonE will simply be a waste of time in these forums.
    Complich8 is a hardcore AonE man. It funny to watch some (old) AonE subbed series and suddenly see "Quality Checker Complich8" on the screen...

  2. #142
    Benevolent Dictator
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    bah ... it's not like that (anymore). We're just friends.

  3. #143
    That one lazy guy. LaZie's Avatar
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    Apr 2004

  4. #144
    alright well im sorry i asked why it was takin so long i know they can do it whenever or not its up to them and i wasnt trying to be impatient i was just curious and i know aone ppl dont come here really but got woot hasnt been loadin right on my comp lately and i was just woundering whats goin on so my bad

  5. #145
    oh i found out something .. after watching the OVAs. Belldandy and Keichi were childhood friends o_o;; isnt that sweet and during that episode where he gets all those part time jobs to get that ring , it was a promise he made to her when he was a little boy and in the OVA God appears as a person O_O; but u dont really see his face much.

    just another thing the story with the OVA and that the story is a bit different form the regular story that we see now. although the series came from the manga the order of events in the story is mixed. one event i cant wait for, when keichi's parents come to visit
    Last edited by AndyisFrozen; Sun, 07-02-2006 at 01:18 PM.

  6. #146
    Whitefang1987: There's a saying... don't bite the hand that feeds you. It would not be wise to piss off the project leader of AMG... I have within my powers to prevent you from downloading any more AMG for the rest of your life. MUWAHAHAHAA...

    Just chill dude, the world won't end if you have to wait a few more days. And besides, there was going to be a 1 week delay anyways by the Japan TV station themselves (see episode 09 preview announcement). So, tuck your panties in and relax.

  7. #147

    Thumbs up

    can anyone post a link here to the manga download? Someone help me out please. Onegai Taskete kudasai. Honto Arigatou.

  8. #148
    Read the manga thread in the Manga forum <_<...

    I'm the only one that ever updates it.

  9. #149
    i have one question o_O is the widescreen verison aired at different times than the regular 4:3 Tv size ones ? cuz on 7/6 episode 14 was aired and it was said episdoe 10 was aired on 7/6 "Widescreen format" Thanks !!

  10. #150
    There is a 4 week difference between fullscreen and widescreen. Be patient, widescreen is worth it.

  11. #151
    thanks , also after the WS edition is aired what is the estimated time that you guess complete that epsiode, to me WS is a plus, and ive watched the full screen, and there is a big difference well in quality anyways. well i look foward to episode 10 its gonna be interesting

  12. #152
    Now you're just getting greedy... just be patient and we'll release when we're ready.

  13. #153
    oh sorry @_@ heh... just that im sorta of an impatient person useless i have something to do xD

  14. #154
    Episode 9 was great. When the angels of Bell and Peorth started tickling each other, I almost fell out of the chair laughing. From now on, THAT is my #1 anime moment.

  15. #155
    That one lazy guy. LaZie's Avatar
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  16. #156
    Ok, so episode 10 is really good even though it makes Keichii out to be a little more indecisive than the manga. Either way, the episode gives something the manga doesn't. I was wondering why Belldandy's saying "I love you" in this episode was so different than when she had said it in previous episodes, and listening to the actual Japanese, in episode 10, she says something like "Watashi wa Keichii-san wo aishithe imasu," as opposed to just "Keiichi-san daisuki." I had to go look up the difference and this is what I found:

    "Well, "daisukidesu" and "aishiteru" are pretty similar expressions and sometimes they mean the same feeling but we can say the first one for suggesting almost everything (not only for people but inanimate things as well) and it sounds much colloquial. It's like... you know "I love you(it) bunches!" or something.
    "aishiteru", this phrase is not that frequently used I suppose, I mean Japanese people take it kinda too serious to mention. So if you're now saying some lady said to you "aishiteru", it definitely meant she loved you seriously. You know not as a good buddy or anything.
    If you do too, you can answer like "watashi (boku) mo aishiteimasu."=I love you too."

    That's not something you can get from a translation of the manga. Guess I need to learn Japanese so I get all the stuff I miss in the translations. :-)

  17. #157
    A very very good episode. I was a bit confused when Belldandy said outright "i love you " to Keiichi since I never get that feeling when I read the manga. I still see Bell as the shy type and only shows her emotions through her actions. Peorth on the other hand is hot especially the "almost-strip" scene...

  18. #158
    Quote Originally Posted by EinReB23
    A very very good episode. I was a bit confused when Belldandy said outright "i love you " to Keiichi since I never get that feeling when I read the manga. I still see Bell as the shy type and only shows her emotions through her actions. Peorth on the other hand is hot especially the "almost-strip" scene...
    Not to mention the blatent crotch shot.

  19. #159
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Quote Originally Posted by JaySee
    Not to mention the blatent crotch shot.
    err ... shots. <_<

  20. #160
    Really liked the episode, but I kinda hate myself now for reading the manga already...

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