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Thread: Ah! My Goddess: Sorezore no Tsubasa - Everyone Has Wings

  1. #121
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Oct 2005
    It wasn't much of a spoiler, if you had a look at the preview...

    Anyway, AonE and AnY work like slaves, and the next ep is already here:

    Episode 6 - AonE - AnY

    Edit: Well, it wasn't as cheap as I feared, but it demonstrated how long it has been since I watched the first season; I had forgotten Keiichi has no backbone at all. It's a small miracle in itself that he can even stand lacking such an essential part of the skeleton...

    Garm was very cool, though. Too bad he was defeated so easily. But I guess that wasn't exactly the point of this episode...
    Last edited by Kraco; Tue, 06-06-2006 at 06:17 AM.

  2. #122
    That one lazy guy. LaZie's Avatar
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    It seems the other goddess shows up in the tub with Keiichi next episode

  3. #123
    Well the system the was made only grants genuine wishes since K1's wish came from his hurt then it was granted there wasn't much that could be done about, remember even Bell was surprised when the wish was excepted. And even when they were trying to redo the wish over the phone they couldn't get because the necessary feelings weren't there. Besides I you have to really think about what kind of person K1 really is. He shy even though he has been living with for almost a year.


  4. #124
    Quote Originally Posted by Urban_Arbalest
    . He shy even though he has been living with for almost a year.
    im pretty dam sure he lived longer than a year xDD
    anyways im kinda disappointed in the quality of the art. i mean like... the drawings dotn look as good as they once were. iono taht my opinion anyways.
    still dling the episode. looking forward to see the jealous outbreak that belldandy has. hehe

  5. #125
    Apparently AnY release ep 7, as it has yet to hit the tracker here

    Episode 7:

  6. #126
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    A really good episode for a change. Now I understand what Church meant way back, when he said he's looking forward to Peorth appearing. Quite a crazy goddess and certainly ready to take things as far as needed...

  7. #127
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    When I first saw Peorth's appearance, my first impression was that she was a very nice person, almost like Belldandy in a way. Boy, was I completely wrong. She is crazily obsessive! Damn, she's definitely going to add a lot to the comedy factor now

  8. #128
    As Kraco said, A really good episode for a change. I've been waiting for an episode with the classic AMG feel to it and this one delivered. Can't wait for the next ep.

  9. #129
    Yes! Finally, this episode was exactly the way I had in mind; can't wait for more Peorth episodes.

  10. #130

  11. #131
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Not surprisingly the Peorth craziness continued just as unabashedly and relentlessly as it started in the previous episode. And Keiichi is always the one to suffer the most as a consequence (a man's part is not an easy one...). I am, however, wondering what it is exactly that Belldandy can't do, and why. Provide Keiichi with upskirts?

    8 episodes, and no sign of the badass villain's gear Keiichi inherited at the end of the first season. I wonder if he really dumbed it. Or perhaps he just haven't got an opportunity to wear it... I know if I had such an outfit and a house full of goddesses using strange clothes, I wouldn't think twice of joining the crowd... Well, Belldandy seems to use more normal clothes, but being a goddess I bet she does that only because Keiichi never wears that cool garb.

  12. #132
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    I am, however, wondering what it is exactly that Belldandy can't do, and why. Provide Keiichi with upskirts?
    Oddly enough, I don't think you're far off . After all, Peorth is obviously a very sexual creature and is trying to fullfill Keiichi's sexual desires, and that's what Belldandy can't do yet. The manga goes a little more in depth and makes it more obvious about what's going on.

  13. #133
    liked this ep however ty for postin the like to it for some reason when i click the torrent page nothing happens does any one know why or getting the same thing either way cant wait till the next one

  14. #134
    liked this ep however ty for postin the link to it for some reason when i click the torrent page nothing happens does any one know why or getting the same thing either way cant wait till the next one

  15. #135
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    Gotta be a lil more careful with the double posting there, Whitefang, hehe. As for the torrent, I have no problems getting it.

    As for the episode, haha, it's got that great AMG comedy in it. Best part for me was when Urd started to fall for Keichi, but quickly turned away, hahaha.

  16. #136
    Benevolent Dictator
    complich8's Avatar
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    You may notice things being slow ... we're having some server issues that we're having trouble pinning down. You may experience problems related to that... we're working on it.

    As for the episode, yeah ... good stuff . When, oh when, are Keiichi and Belldandy going to move their relationship forward ... I wonder.

    Being all cute and shy with each other is nice, but ... it's going to get old pretty fast.

  17. #137
    I'm with you complich8, I'm finding that this season is getting repetitive with the whole "Because you're with me, my wish is fulfilled" ending speeches Keiichi makes just about every episode.

    I love the show though, don't get me wrong, and I read the manga too so I know what should be happening vs. what is happening in the show. Either way this episode wasn't bad by any means. Peorth's arrival has definitely made this season a lot more enjoyable.

    Certainly, more eps like the last two would be favorable, minus the overabundance of the afformentioned speeches.

  18. #138
    well, to me the relationship progressed but slowly, at least belldandy is staying faithful xD!

    Aones Subs are always great,i like the widescreen format

    are you guys gonna continue ?

    one small question o_O; have u guys thought about subbing the movie ?
    Last edited by AndyisFrozen; Fri, 06-30-2006 at 11:02 AM.

  19. #139
    the movie i forget where maybe or had it not to sure but i found it somewhere if those dont work let me know and ill check it out but anyways does anyone know whats the hold up on ep 9?

  20. #140
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    @AndyisFrozen: Considering how the movie has been out for a long time now, AonE and AnY would have subbed it by now. So, to answer your question, there's a 99% chance of them not subbing it even now.

    @Whitefang1987: You shouldn't ask about why an episode is taking a while to be released as it is EXTREMELY rude to ask that question. Any fansub has the right to release whatever episode whenever they want. They're even allowed to release episodes once every 2 months if they wanted to and there would be nothing you could do about it. Sit back and be patient just like the rest of us. Of course, you could watch other anime while you're waiting for AMG (there's a BIG list of anime in the General Anime section).

    And to both of you, Gotwoot is NOT a forum dedicated to AonE. The site just hosts the torrents, THAT IS ALL. The site itself has no affiliation with the fansub at all. There are a couple of AonE members that have joined this forum, but they rarely show up. Any questions directed to AonE will simply be a waste of time in these forums.

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