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Thread: Ah! My Goddess: Sorezore no Tsubasa - Everyone Has Wings

  1. #101
    I like that they are going to widescreen.

  2. #102
    Peorth comes out in Ep. 7 I got hold of raw's but i want the subs. And Ep. 6 also follows the manga story.

  3. #103
    I've noticed in the the second season that it's Belldandy, and not K1, who's taking the initiative to further their relationship.

    It's Bell who offers her hand to K1 in ep. 1, while earlier, he's agonizing why he doesn't have the nerve to hold her hand.

    It's Bell who kisses him ( on the cheek of course! ) for the first time in episode 3.

    I mean, if it wasn't for Belldandy, they'd still be in the "blushing" phase of their relationship.

    All around, it's a fun show to watch, and I can see why it's considered a fan favorite.
    To be honest, I haven't read the manga because I guess I want to be surprised by what's going to happen next in the series. After the show makes it's run, hopefully after a long run, I'll probably pick up the manga. I have been tempted though, to buy and read it.

  4. #104
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    Episode 3 in Widescreen

    It has also been announced by the two teams that they're going to be sticking with widescreen only from now on.

  5. #105
    Why we're going to widescreen only?

    1. Widescreen is better, any otaku would want WS over FS

    2. Fullscreen raws have been getting progressively worse to the point that they can't be cleaned up enough for Aone's standards. Widescreens are based off digital capture instead of analog. Compare the WS and FS releases. You'll see a significant difference in video quality.

  6. #106
    Student skindred's Avatar
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    uhh here...
    I've seen AMG like four or five years ago and it was like 5 episodes and an OAV. When I read the first page of this thread, someone stated episode 26? If so season 1 wasn't five episodes then? Or were the 26 eps are shown after the 5 episode series?

  7. #107
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The 26 episodes series is a new version. The second season running now is continuation to the new version. So, the answer to both of your questions is no.

  8. #108
    Student skindred's Avatar
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    uhh here...
    ah ok so those 5 eps were separate. Thanks for the info

  9. #109

  10. #110
    lol well now that 4 in ws has been released were finaly back where we started waiting on lucky number 5 and i see what ur sayin ws is better

  11. #111
    how come its taking long for epi 5 to come out??

  12. #112
    It is because widescreen episode 4 was released earlier today or yesterday. If you mean a regular version of episode 5, then it isn't coming out. AonE switched to the widescreen version to give better quality, and so had to play catch-up with themselves. Everything should be back on track now though, hopefully.

  13. #113
    Ep.5 is funny enough in the RAW. you don't need it subd.

  14. #114
    where do you get the raw i know got woot has the subs but im not sure on the raws yet?

  15. #115
    Pm'ed whitefang, Ep 5 is out now in any case.

  16. #116
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Although it's not that much trouble to go to the main page, but you might still want to post the link, not just mention the episode is out.

    Episode 5 - AonE - AnY

    Edit: A pretty ordinary episode. Quite good as such, though nothing surprising. Heavily concentrating on side characters. The next ep preview looked suspicious, though. Somehow I got the feeling the the forthcoming plot might be a bit cheap. But time will tell.
    Last edited by Kraco; Mon, 06-05-2006 at 09:04 AM.

  17. #117
    Student Shiggs's Avatar
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    The Northeast USA
    Meh... I'm posting this from school. I can't use torrent. Can anyone provide us with a direct download solution for AMG s2e5?
    Supah Mario Owns j00 F00!

  18. #118
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    Jul 2004
    Episode 5 was, as Kraco said, another ordinary episode. It was fun seeing someone else freaking out with a girl other than Morisato in this series.

    @Shiggs: I think the only solution is BT.

  19. #119
    Nothing too exciting, I'm still waiting for ep7, when Peorth shows up, then we can get some really development...
    And we finally get to see Belldandy's famous jealousy storm next ep.

  20. #120
    oh wow gg at spoiling it for us

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