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Thread: Ah! My Goddess: Sorezore no Tsubasa - Everyone Has Wings

  1. #81
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    Wow, just as great a series as I remember. These episodes also seem to be coming out rather quickly, which isnt a bad thing at all

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  2. #82
    Genin AlterEgox5's Avatar
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    I'm sorry, but I understand the whole "ooh will they kiss, will they kiss?" tension fun, but honestly, I think Keiichi is the biggest loser ever because he still freaks out when Belldandy hugs him and they've been together for a year. Guess I'm just like Urd in that sense, heh. I mean, a kiss would be nice, but it's not necessary, but geez, you think he'd relax a little more by now...kinda why I liked the OVA better just because Keiichi was a tad more outgoing. Thought he was cuter that way.

    The bagpipes still make me chuckle, though I do like the uniqueness of them.

    ...And I still hate Skuld.

    "I reject your reality and substitute my own."

  3. #83

  4. #84
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    If there exists somebody who didn't guess the ring wouldn't be there anymore once he got the money, that person hasn't watched anime at all.

    It was a nice episode, nonetheless. Nothing spectacular, and certainly nothing surprising, but the old Ah! My Goddess feeling was there.

  5. #85
    hmm.. i was rewatching episode 1 and it seems as if goddess dotn eat. belldandy feeds k1 twice in the episode ( once at home, another at the boat) both times belldandy didnt..
    so goddesses dotn eat?

    oh and looking forward for episode 4!!

  6. #86
    That one lazy guy. LaZie's Avatar
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    Episode 4 is released![AonE-AnY]_Ah_My_Goddess_-_Sorezore_no_Tsubasa_-_04_[5B9B2687].avi.torrent

    Edit: Oh my gosh! Marller has boobs! Also, that part with Marller was funny too.
    Last edited by LaZie; Wed, 05-03-2006 at 06:14 PM.

  7. #87
    omg! that episode was really relaly lame!

    and the animation suked! drawings were as good as the other episodes!

  8. #88
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It was a pretty funny episode. Nothing exactly surprising, but this even isn't a series I expect to be surprising or really innovative. The merits are somewhere else, and I have nothing to complain about those.

    But I have to say drunken Belldandy isn't necessarily the most safest thing around...

  9. #89
    Genin AlterEgox5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LaZyKiD
    Edit: Oh my gosh! Marller has boobs! Also, that part with Marller was funny too.
    Haha - I like her new outfit. I've decided she was the best part of that episode. She always did crack me up.

    Hope she comes back in the next episode and wreaks some kind of havoc.

    Oh, and who misses the Earth Spirit guy? I really liked him too even though he was in a total of what, 2 episodes? Don't really know why I like him so much...I just do. I want an Earth Spirit teddy bear...

    "I reject your reality and substitute my own."

  10. #90
    Great episode! Finally back on track with the manga.

    Although the Marller comeback is to short but I still think its funny.

  11. #91
    Good episode.

    Now I just can't wait till Peorth shows up, if it's like the manga it's going to be lots of fun when she shows up.

  12. #92
    It would be nice to have some non-filler-type episodes, so here's hoping Peorth shows up soon...

  13. #93
    lol dont really know about the manga but it seems to be going ok so far i dont have ne complaints lol... wow that sux about the whole file deletion thing hope it doesnt affect amg too much that would suck big time.. btw whos peorth if u dont mind explaining to a new person

  14. #94
    Genin AlterEgox5's Avatar
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    In a town I really do not enjoy.
    First, please for the love of God use your typing skills a little better. I cut stuff down just as much as the next guy but geez. Anyway, just Google Peorth's name because that will save everyone a lot of trouble explaining the anime/manga or telling you they're not going to explain the anime/manga.

    And...did you start with this series? Because that is not the best of ideas my friend...

    "I reject your reality and substitute my own."

  15. #95
    Jounin kenren's Avatar
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    with Tessa.
    so far so good...

    anyway..i dont see belldandy's ring anymore ( the one keiichi gave her) .. or maybe im just blind >.<

    <3 Tessa-chan! <3 Lucifus! ....chotto mate.

  16. #96
    No, you're not going blind... I don't see it either, best shot is when she's holding the mic, you can clearly see she only has one ring on each hand.

    EDIT: For those who don't know who Peorth is
    Last edited by Church; Tue, 05-09-2006 at 12:43 AM.

  17. #97
    Not sure if anyone cares, but epsiode 1 & 2 are now out in widescreen

  18. #98
    Well to answer a question that was brought up earlier about why K1 still acts weird when Bell hugs him and stuff. Remember that Bell is the Daughter of the Almighty, and if he does something to her. He could put the whole world and risk. I mean consider how kind K1 really is. I think if you think about that then you can kind of understand. If you also pay really close you that it is never K1 that starts anything with Bell. So if you think about it, it really makes a lot of since.


  19. #99
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I disagree. Belldandy has been giving the permission to stay on Earth with Keiichi a couple of times, which is pretty much the ultimate signal that the old man upstairs doesn't disapprove of what's going on. Under those circumstances Keiichi should get the message and proceed forward before it's too late. He might be afraid Belldandy will be taken away one day, but seriously he's already so much in love that I doubt he would miss her any less even if they deepened their relationship. Quite the contrary: If Belldandy was suddenly taken away now, what manner of regrets would he have that he never really showed his affection?

  20. #100
    just curious why are they going back to do the widescreen not that i care except for the fact its delaying the new ones but i thought they werewnt going to do this..?

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