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Thread: Ah! My Goddess: Sorezore no Tsubasa - Everyone Has Wings

  1. #41
    Sweet, I was really wondering whether or not they were going to sub season two.

  2. #42
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by narutosharingan
    Belldandy may have to go against Yggdrasil orders to stay with Keiichi....
    Didn't something like that already happen in the first season (it has been too long and too many shows ago that I watched it)? Well, if it didn't, it certainly was expected. I hope it won't take too many episodes, as probably there would be better and less obvious ideas for plots around. Still, it's probably highly bothersome for the goddesses' employer that Keiichi has drawn a whole bunch of good employees away from their regular posts (although I don't know why they all couldn't still do their jobs, while still living at Keiichi's place. You know, work during the normal office hours like regular people).

    But damn Inoue Kikuko will always be Belldandy in my mind. She has a long list of different kinds of jobs in her resume, but as far as I'm concerned, she associates as Belldandy first and foremost.

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    But damn Inoue Kikuko will always be Belldandy in my mind. She has a long list of different kinds of jobs in her resume, but as far as I'm concerned, she associates as Belldandy first and foremost.

    Ditto to that. Every time I hear her voice I always picture belldandy doing the talking lol.

  4. #44
    i am not much iin this fourm but i have question , Ah my goddess not follow up on Manga or not ? Anime use own way to different story ? but similar manga story ?

    and i dont ask for release for that but how is long after raws they will released in estimate 2 between 3 day will release subbed veriosn ? just sugget my estimate raws will released subbed after 4 days ?

    repeat .. i dont ask release date or whine about release

  5. #45
    After I deciphered what you meant in your pretty badly written post, here are some answers.

    The TV series combines manga elements with original elements in the story, but it's still pretty faithful to what the manga is.

    TV 2 will start on April 6, if not mistaken. As to when will it be subbed, no one knows, so don't ask.

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by Budweineken
    After I deciphered what you meant in your pretty badly written post, here are some answers.

    The TV series combines manga elements with original elements in the story, but it's still pretty faithful to what the manga is.

    TV 2 will start on April 6, if not mistaken. As to when will it be subbed, no one knows, so don't ask.

    Thank you for not give me negative suggest for my lousy english

    I can't wait to see what happen in 1st esp

    i wonder if April 6 will shown in Japan but it will be 1 esp or 27 esp ?

  7. #47
    It doesn't matter... You can number it however you want...

    It might just well be episode 27 of the first TV series, or simply episode 1 of the Sozore no Tsubasa series, it really is of no issue.

  8. #48
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    I never saw the last 5 eps of Season 1, even though I have them on a dvd somewhere.

    But if Peorth appears on this 2nd Season maybe I'll watch them and get the new eps.

    Editorial Vid (a mexican comic publisher) is publishing AMG manga volumes in spanish as soon as they come out in Japan. So far we are on manga 31, and the story... stays the same always.

    Oh yeah... I hope Urd's mom appears in this 2nd season too... Mara needs to be spanked by her, heheh.

  9. #49
    Just for reference, in case anybody is wondering. From AnimeYuki's website...

    AnY and AonE proud to present Ah! My Goddess Season 2

    (posted by sarpal)

    I guess the worst kept secret in the fansub world is out now. AnimeYuki and AnimeONE will be re-uniting to fansub Ah! My Goddess Season 2.

    As a teaser of what is to come, we've subbed the season two promo from the April 2006 edition of Animage:

    A big thanks to the staff who worked on this release. In no particular particular order:

    Translation: cazoo, Kokeshi
    Editing: Splash
    Timing: X^
    Typesetting: Eise
    Encoding: Skull_Leader
    Quality Control: Conan-kun, JusenkyoGuide, Kimura-sensei, sarpal
    Project Leaders: Kimura-sensei, sarpal

    Translation Notes:

    1) The title of the second season is "Sorezore no Tsubasa" which literally translates to "Each person's wings" or "Everyone's Wings"
    2) The title of the 2nd season OP, "Shiawase no Iro" literaly translates to "The Color of Happiness"

    Now a question to all our viewers. AMG will be broadcasted in both full screen and widescreen. We have decided that we not do both, only one. Which one do you prefer we sub? Note that the widescreen version airs approximately 2 weeks after the fullscreen version. Please give us feedback on our forums!

    Arigato gozaimasu. Please look forward to our releases in April!

  10. #50
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    So, widescreen means practically the series would start two week later, but that's it, in the end. Widescreen is always nicer when you watch it on TV (or for those who have widescreen monitors for their computer systems, as well). But whatever it ends up being, I won't be complaining.

    Aside from the missing kiss, I would like to see if Keiichi kept the cool badboy gear he got at the end of the first season...

  11. #51
    hahahaha I doubt it. Though it would be cool come the first ep and you see it lying in the corner of his room. lol

  12. #52
    I just hope they don't take too many liberties with the original manga. I'd hate to see the series end with Belldandy saying, "So long loser! I was just using you to get back at Thor!"

    Seriously, I love Ah! My Goddess series and can't wait for the next season.
    Here's some props to AnimeOne and AnimeYuki for doing a great job of translating the first season.
    Last edited by tibbit; Tue, 03-21-2006 at 01:36 PM.

  13. #53
    lol where do we go to chose which one wed like wids or full can u post the like here? thanx and whoopie lol but wide or full doesnt really matter does it i mean when u open it on divx or wimdows media player the screen fits to the size of the movie i havent really noticed what they were in but that worked for me lol

  14. #54
    I haven't voted but I am assuming it can be done at

    or better yet here is the link to the discussion thread here

  15. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by Whitefang1987
    lol where do we go to chose which one wed like wids or full can u post the like here? thanx and whoopie lol but wide or full doesnt really matter does it i mean when u open it on divx or wimdows media player the screen fits to the size of the movie i havent really noticed what they were in but that worked for me lol

    Actually it does matter... The widescreen release will be much better quality, plus it will have more animation included since it's wider.

  16. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by Budweineken
    Actually it does matter... The widescreen release will be much better quality, plus it will have more animation included since it's wider.
    Yep, plus judging by what people are choosing, it's pretty much a one sided decision for widescreen anyway.

  17. #57
    I guess i can wait 2 weeks for better qulity.

  18. #58
    It doesn't really matter what animeyuki is doing, AonE is involved in this project, and if they see that a better raw source will be airing, that's what they'll choose. Makes me wonder who was the jackass in animeyuki doing the poll, he probably has no voice in the project itself.

  19. #59
    Oh.... Well then wtf. Why even fucking bother?? What a waste.

  20. #60
    so i take it widescreen is better but i really dont notice so long as my laptop playes it or the player when opened fits it to what ever size and it works like before it really doesnt matter to me then lol but i gather that the pool doesnt really matter now then so wtf people these days lol

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