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Thread: Ah! My Goddess: Sorezore no Tsubasa - Everyone Has Wings

  1. #261
    i simply translated it through firefox and it did a pretty well job .. but ya it does say there are eps 23 and 24 and they havent released them yet.. the writing under the box leads to believe some time 2007 but that could still be a while since were only 1/12 of the year done .. but who knows

  2. #262
    hey fyi all looks like theres a game comming out on feb 22 for the ps2 ..or so it seems heres the link to watch the promo video altho its all in jap...i hope they do an english one or sumthing

  3. #263
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I doubt that its going to come out in english. I hope the japanese isnt too complex so I can play it.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  4. #264
    ive only seen amg in jap with eng subtitles has any of it been professionally done in english? would prob be a good indicator one way or another

  5. #265
    Benevolent Dictator
    complich8's Avatar
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    Season 1 is already complete on store shelves (box on amazon for $160 or so)
    Season 2 disc 1 comes out may 8th, according to animeondvd.

    Never heard of an AMG game in English, and I doubt it'll happen. But ya never know, if it's well-coded and reasonably well-scripted, internationalization shouldn't be that hard. Just a question of whether it'd be marketable -- something I doubt.

  6. #266
    Great News For all of you out there I have a link for the last 2 episodes to Ah! My Goddess Season 2 and here it is some of u may be able to dl the file no problem but others will have to right click the filesand do a save as but this isteh real thing enjoy and give your thxs to Apek of

  7. #267
    kool im waiting to see if aone and any are doing it .. thought i heard they were

  8. #268
    Oh i also forgot to mention that these were the raws to Episodes 23&24 my bad lol

  9. #269
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    think AonE's gonna do these ones too? Happened last time after all.

  10. #270
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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  11. #271
    Not sure if admins or the subbing crew read this thread, but first let me start off by thanking you for the great/consistent work you guys have done for this series.

    Just wanted to let you guys know of a mistake you guys made in ep 23 though, the motorcycle featured is a Brough Superior.

    Can't wait for ep24, keep it up!

    plz dun ban me for my first post noting a mistake


  12. #272
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    Good to notice, but ... I think the correct decision is to follow the animator's lead, and read the name of the bike off the side of the bike.

  13. #273
    Also true. Even though the company's been dead for years, i'm not sure how licensing issues would work out now.

  14. #274
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I'm happy I have seen this ep.

    I've been waiting for so long, like many others.

    But I'd like to wait for 24 too, because after 24 is out, we'll have to wait even longer.

    Also, I realised I'm able to enjoy both that show and Death Note that are really opposite.

    see you

    Quote Originally Posted by SpaceCowboy
    Also true. Even though the company's been dead for years, i'm not sure how licensing issues would work out now.
    Well, I remarked that in many anime, almost every english names, words and so on are wronlgy written...
    And I come to think this is done on purpose.
    Knowing why is another matter though...
    Last edited by Munsu; Thu, 03-22-2007 at 03:23 AM.

  15. #275
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    This episode only left me puzzled and thinking of only one thing that made no sense: Why the hell did he leave the bike behind? If he intends to keep maintaining a bike during the time Belldandy, presumably, will be away at some point, why leave the bike in some far away mansion? Sure, he already has one, but wasn't this one a special brand and model, and, moreover, a kind of memento of his grandfather? It just makes no sense whatsoever. The ghost is already gone, so for her it makes no difference anymore.

  16. #276
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    This episode only left me puzzled and thinking of only one thing that made no sense: Why the hell did he leave the bike behind? If he intends to keep maintaining a bike during the time Belldandy, presumably, will be away at some point, why leave the bike in some far away mansion? Sure, he already has one, but wasn't this one a special brand and model, and, moreover, a kind of memento of his grandfather? It just makes no sense whatsoever. The ghost is already gone, so for her it makes no difference anymore.
    Well this bike represents the relation beetween his grandfather and this now Shinentaï.
    Keiichi is just really respectfull of that.
    In a way, this basement is the last home for this bike, were it rests in peace, living in the memories of past love.
    And even though his granfather and this shinentaï are dead, he may think something remains and respects everything around that.

    For the bike he would continuously repair, it's safe to think it's his own BMW sidecar, that is the one included in his relationship with Bell, meaning this Brough Superior isn't suited for that.

    Now that you mention something weird about that ep, it's more in who will wait for a long time for the one that disapeared...
    Bell should live a very long time in human years. Meaning that at some point, Keiichi will die from his honorable high age... and Bell will remain with only her memories of him for decades or more.
    So it's very strange that K comes up with the idea he'll have to wait for a long time, when it should be Bell...

    c u

  17. #277
    For the "Brough Suprier", as complich8 said, we just followed what's printed on the bike.

    Quote Originally Posted by David75
    Now that you mention something weird about that ep, it's more in who will wait for a long time for the one that disapeared...
    Bell should live a very long time in human years. Meaning that at some point, Keiichi will die from his honorable high age... and Bell will remain with only her memories of him for decades or more.
    So it's very strange that K comes up with the idea he'll have to wait for a long time, when it should be Bell...

    c u
    You need to rewatch the episode.

    Since K1 was comparing himself to Chieko, of course he meant he would keep waiting for Belldandy if he ended up turning into a Shinentai, which also had a further implication --- since Belldandy explained in the episode that Shinentai was someone who became an image if s/he "passes away while still holding onto strong feelings", that means K1 was implying that his feelings towards Belldandy was so strong that he would remain in this world as a Shinentai even after he died.

  18. #278
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Thank you for this help you gave me.
    I totally missed that option.

    You're right, K1 could become a Shinentaï waiting for Bell. That would be sad though, since
    a shinentaï exists until they get what they needed so much. Not a very stable relationship...

    I wonder if The Kiss would be a reason for K1 to become a shinentaï
    After all we're all waiting for that to happen... so the writers may be evil enough to do that.

    Anyways, the shinentaï idea is not what I wish K1 and Bell for their relationship to continue after a normal human lifespan...

    c u

  19. #279
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    Episode 24 (AonE-AnY) for your viewing pleasure.

  20. #280
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    YES! Thanks you!

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