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Thread: Ah! My Goddess: Sorezore no Tsubasa - Everyone Has Wings

  1. #181

    A big thank you to [AonE-AnY]

    Thanks a lot

    I just love the work you guys have made so far on all these animes everyone cheerished with their hearts!

    Looking forward to the Ah My Goddess - S2 episodes, keep on translating them

    and keep up the good work ^^

    big hug to you all

  2. #182
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    you're welcome. we work hard on these episodes, you know!

  3. #183
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Ideally you should have posted here:

    I don't know if thats been specified for Naruto or all anime's AonE has subbed/will be subbing

  4. #184

  5. #185
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Joyous days for every goddess fan:

    Episode 16 - AonE - AnY
    Episode 17 - AonE - AnY

    Well, it seemed to be a 3 eps arc (at least), episode 17 being the third. While 15 and 16 were a bit too transparent and cliched even for this series, episode 17 actually more than made up for that. Episode 17 was very mild, that's true, but considering this series as a whole it was just consistence. And so despite the tame atmosphere and conduct it nicely portrayed the veiled evilness of the devil and the old truth about deals with the devil. Naturally in this series evil can't win, but it was a good try finely executed.

  6. #186
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I've read all the messages from this thread for some weeks now, as messages were posted.

    After seeing this 17th episode from season 2 I felt I had to sign up and throw some words in here.

    First I'd like to thanks from the bottom of my heart [AonE-AnY] for the job they do in giving us a bit of hope, joy, kindness and goddess magic through the subbing and encoding of this series.
    I'm not a particurlarly expressive kind of guy, but I'm always truly touched, each time I see an episode of this series... and even though japanese seemsto ring right in my ears, I would never be able to understand it without the sub-titles... even though they're not in my native language (french).
    So again, thank you so much.

    Ah! My Goddess?
    It's a very long story. I was a student, I had been lonely for a long time. I felt a bit lost in my life, probably feeling the first waves of depression that would happen almost 10 years later.
    And a friend of mine gave me a picture CD. I spent the night browsing through these pics, on a very very slow comp. And then I found this pic, or it found me?

    I was I guess touched by Heaven, this pic was so peaceful, was doing so much good to me. I could not believe it. I kept looking at it for hours, it was iconic to me. All that I was yearning for in that period of my life.
    It's only years after I was able to know where it came from, I wasn't a manga type of person, and I'm not to date. I can't read those, it's not my thing.
    And it's only last year I heard of the S1 of Ah! My Goddess.
    It was quite a deal for me, should I watch it or not? Will it break my dreams, what i had fantasized about for so many years?
    Well it didn't and I'm so pleased to be so lucky to watch those. From the very first pic introducing me to AMG, to the last ep I just saw, everything just quenches my desires for a peaceful and joyful life.
    Not that my life is hard, unjoyful or anything, but what I feel each timeI enter the AMG world, I don't want to lose.
    Enough for the presentation

    So for that 17th Ep

    Well, I think it's a very clever one. It just gives more balance to the whole arc of the series I guess.
    Joyfullness is like a cake, it there's only sugar, it's just bad tasting. Add just a pinch of salt, and you give balance.
    To me AMG is a bit like that, and it seems most of popular series are well balance between good and evil. Good movies need a very plausible vilain, to enhance the good sides of the hero, a king of contrast you shall say.

    And in that ep, Hild is this vilain we need to have balance. I don't know if you felt it, but the drama was well placed. Music, colors, everything was fine to understand Hild. The way she was bullying Skuld, and trying to lure K1... Only two scenes were maybe weaker, in that she seemed a bit to teenager looking.
    But I have to say that I like her very much for what she is.

    I guess for the first time, I'll have to rewatch this ep, because I want it to be printed in my brain in a way I enjoy even more the brighter eps.

    Hoping you liked what I wrote (and were'nt to tortured by my way of writing )

    c u

  7. #187
    Genin Bucket's Avatar
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    Damnit, it just had to come when I was in the middle of moving all my files.
    But thanks!

  8. #188
    Ep17 is pure gold! I never thought Hild is so beautiful when animated.

  9. #189
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EinReB23
    Ep17 is pure gold! I never thought Hild is so beautiful when animated.
    True she's not bad, but really on the Big Breast side...

    I'd like to see her more, but the problem is to be able to keep balance in the whole series.

    The more I think of it, the more it ressembles "Bewitched"

    but I shouldn't say it too loud, so that I don't get banned

  10. #190
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    I just loved Hild's personality: dark, yet comedic. It would probably be best for her not to be used as often as the 3 goddesses (which made Peorth's appearance great).

  11. #191
    Benevolent Dictator
    complich8's Avatar
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    judging only by the various things she came wearing as seals, and the amount of power she came roaring in with despite the fact ...

    I would say, if she were to be a regular participant in the series, it would be as close to a very literal interpretation of "deus ex machina" possible. I mean, just having a first-class goddess or two running around messes the place up enough ...

    I definitely agree, though ... she's got a neat personality. That, and it's really easy to sort of understand her motivations and her internal conflicts.

  12. #192
    Im glad you like this David 75. I consider this a very slow-going peaceful anime. You should try out Air TV. Its kind of similar in some ways, a very sad story filled with everlasting hope. After seeying that you'll be like "this world is so beautiful". I cried like what, ten times? Both because of sadness and hapiness. greatest anime ever, mt favourite without any doubt.

    heres a link

  13. #193
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KaosSinner
    Im glad you like this David 75. I consider this a very slow-going peaceful anime. You should try out Air TV. Its kind of similar in some ways, a very sad story filled with everlasting hope. After seeying that you'll be like "this world is so beautiful". I cried like what, ten times? Both because of sadness and hapiness. greatest anime ever, mt favourite without any doubt.

    heres a link

    Thanks although I was influenced by a review badly criticising the drawings from the series (told as fish like faces...) and never gave it a chance.

    In my first participation, I wanted to show how long, and how particular to me, was my attachement to AMG first years not knowing what it was and still a love factor growing, recent months and the joy of seeing the TV series.

  14. #194
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KaosSinner
    Im glad you like this David 75. I consider this a very slow-going peaceful anime. You should try out Air TV. Its kind of similar in some ways, a very sad story filled with everlasting hope. After seeying that you'll be like "this world is so beautiful". I cried like what, ten times? Both because of sadness and hapiness. greatest anime ever, mt favourite without any doubt.

    heres a link
    Just finished the AIR TV series.
    Well I'm quite puzzled with this, not what I expected in a thread dedicated to AMG
    I guess I've finaly been able to rebuild the all arc of this series, cause it's quite difficult to understand, very tricky.. or just badly writen?

    The thing is that I only enjoyed the story when it was in ancient times, which is only a few eps...

    I guess that key words related to AMG were Hane, Tsubasa, Kami...

    Then, I can recomend you "Ayakashi : Japanese Classic Horror show".
    You have in that series 3 kabukis, the second one is related to the keywords I gave.
    The first one is fine, the last one can be forgotten.
    c u
    [/OFF TOPIC]

    Well, I'll keep an eye on the next episodes of AMG, patiently

  15. #195
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Yipee, Ep 18 is out

    Unfortunately, I'll have to wait when I'm home to DL and watch it.

    c u

  16. #196
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I like it we have multiple eps stories, even though it's hard to wait..

    c u

  17. #197
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    They should have let Hild play a less visible role. This series hasn't had anything really evil except for the end of the first season, but still if she's some sort of Demon Lord, she would be better as a character of few appearances, but behind many devious plots. When she takes part in goofy plots like in this episode, you can't anymore use her convincinly in any deeper, more wicked and malicious plots without a watered down effect.

  18. #198
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    They should have let Hild play a less visible role. This series hasn't had anything really evil except for the end of the first season, but still if she's some sort of Demon Lord, she would be better as a character of few appearances, but behind many devious plots. When she takes part in goofy plots like in this episode, you can't anymore use her convincinly in any deeper, more wicked and malicious plots without a watered down effect.
    Looks to me like there really is no EVIL in the Ah! My Goddess world. Just naughty.
    Also, the only "good" character is Belldandy, with Keichi a close 2nd. Everyone else is pretty grey.

  19. #199
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    They should have let Hild play a less visible role. This series hasn't had anything really evil except for the end of the first season, but still if she's some sort of Demon Lord, she would be better as a character of few appearances, but behind many devious plots. When she takes part in goofy plots like in this episode, you can't anymore use her convincinly in any deeper, more wicked and malicious plots without a watered down effect.
    Who knows what is really awaiting us?
    I doubt it, but this could be some king of trap for us viewers... so that we feel at ease with Hild and think we know her and of no menace...
    A bit like Mickael in Lost S2

  20. #200
    ANBU saman's Avatar
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    holy quadruple post batman! next time, use the edit function, david75.

    anyway, marller was hilarious in this episode. i don't know if it's part of the original plot, since i don't read the manga, but i really liked how even though she's a demon, she's not portrayed as an inherently evil person. gives her character a little more depth.

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