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Thread: Fate/stay night

  1. #601
    ANBU Arcn3ss's Avatar
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    I am gonna have to agree and say most people would be completely lost if they had not played the game. But that being said for those who have played and loved the game it was awesome to see UBW be animated.The animation was spectacular as was the music and the voice acting.

    I couldn't help but lol at the Rin x Shirou Dolphin Magic Crest transfer scene. I haven't played the non h-scene patch (ripped from the ps2 game) yet but does anyone know if the dolphins were swimming around in that? I personally liked the h-scenes in there from the PC game it really added to Rin and Shirou's bond which i felt was kinda lacking in this movie when you compare it to the game. But that's to be expected!

    Overall I really did enjoy this movie!

    They did go with the more "true ending" UBW but its still missing the fact that Shirou becomes Rin's apprentice etc. (Tho i did always love the good ending go saber x rin x shirou!)

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  2. #602
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I found it rather confusing that they basically explained nothing,

    its like
    "hey guys, its holy grail-war time again" - "ahh... that agaiiiin?
    "well, it cant be changed so lets fight for it!" - "Hmmkay"
    "oh btw do you guys actually have a wish to state once we have the grail" - "ah... hmm nawww lets just fight!"

    there was absolutely no back story at all

    shirou just happened to summon swords out of nowhere lol
    and it felt like it is the most common thing to do.

    they really should have started the movie like they did in the anime...
    previous holy grail war resulted in a big explotion, shirou got rescued by a mage and trained with him etc.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sun, 10-03-2010 at 11:48 AM.

  3. #603
    So, how's the sub quality/video quality?

  4. #604
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    good video quality, but the subs had some spelling errors

    now = how etc.
    still good though

  5. #605
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arcness View Post
    I couldn't help but lol at the Rin x Shirou Dolphin Magic Crest transfer scene. I haven't played the non h-scene patch (ripped from the ps2 game) yet but does anyone know if the dolphins were swimming around in that? I personally liked the h-scenes in there from the PC game it really added to Rin and Shirou's bond which i felt was kinda lacking in this movie when you compare it to the game.
    I found it hilarious as well. It was just as out there as the infamous dragon scene in the TV series but fortunately this looked a lot better. However, I found it nice how they tried to placate game players by small things like having Rin have reduced clothing (to press her hand on Shirou's chest, very necessary) and simply by having her behave just as embarrassedly as she was in the game despite having no reason to in this movie. That did much to save it in my eyes.

  6. #606
    Yeah, I didn't play the game but just watched the original FSN anime and I was pretty damn confused.

    There's so much I'm confused about. Like how did Berserker get owned by Gilgamesh so easily? His puny fodder weapons pierced his skin when nothing from Archer could even scratch him. Also, what's the deal with Ilya's heart? Or why were Emiya and Archer Emiya called fakes? Why did Saber disappear at the end? Does destroying the Holy Grail "reset" all the Servants?

    Or how Lancer stayed alive after the order was to kill himself. That aside isn't the Servant supposed to disappear when the Master dies? Kirei dies, but Lancer stayed around long enough to chuck a spear at Shinji.

    Pretty confused yeah, but it really does seem like the movie should be for you if you've played through this arc in the game.

  7. #607
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animus View Post
    There's so much I'm confused about. Like how did Berserker get owned by Gilgamesh so easily? His puny fodder weapons pierced his skin when nothing from Archer could even scratch him.
    Like was said already in the TV series Berserker has a bunch of lives. You have to destroy them all to completely get rid of him. Archer managed to do it once with his final attack. Gilgamesh just kept doing it until the counter reached zero.

    Quote Originally Posted by animus View Post
    Also, what's the deal with Ilya's heart?
    Necessary for the vessel of the Holy Grail. Granted, it wasn't explained at all in this movie.

    Quote Originally Posted by animus View Post
    Or why were Emiya and Archer Emiya called fakes?
    Because they are fakers. They create dublicates of legendary weapons. It especially pisses off somebody like Gilgamesh, whose main power is the possession of a hoard of genuine weapons.

    Quote Originally Posted by animus View Post
    Why did Saber disappear at the end? Does destroying the Holy Grail "reset" all the Servants?
    The Holy Grail War mechanism is used to summon them in the first place. To stay around like Gilgamesh requires very special methods.

    Quote Originally Posted by animus View Post
    Or how Lancer stayed alive after the order was to kill himself. That aside isn't the Servant supposed to disappear when the Master dies? Kirei dies, but Lancer stayed around long enough to chuck a spear at Shinji.
    Archer said his class is able to stay for two days without a master. I guess a Lancer is able to stick around for a bit as well. As to why he didn't die immediately, I guess piercing the heart didn't kill him right away. Servants can take some punishment. Saber also succesfully disobeyed a command spell for a very long time, so it's not impossible Lancer stretched his just a bit as well.

  8. #608
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Lancer used Runes. Like the one he used to burn the place down. That's how he managed to stay alive a bit longer.

  9. #609
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kraco
    The only missing thing was Shirou's condition to Lancer's suggestion. I can't believe they took away the funniest moment of the arc!
    Please remind me what that involved again?

    I found the movie.. weak. Definitely not the epic adaptation I was expecting. Perhaps I was simply overhyped.

    The backstory really fell short, something that members who haven't played the VN have already pointed out. It really shoots things down since you can't get into why they're doing something, or why it matters. A lot of the interactions between Archer and Shirou got cut down to the point where you simply can not understand why they hate each other.

    And even though this arc was supposed to be about Rin as well, she got cut big time. In the game all her teaching/lecturing scenes, amongst other stuff, portrayed her as an exceptionally competent mage. She had her soft and weak sides too, which really brought the point home that she's still a girl inside that superhuman shell of hers (READ: tsundere). When you cut all of the previous stuff out, all that I was left with was a whole lot of "Kyaa!".

    The producers put an interesting spin on her conversation with Taiga. Compared to the game, the movie highlighted her acting abilities more so than her persuasive power.

    The faces looked fat at times, particularly during the earlier parts of the movie. For some reason, the people seemed to be animated as if all that fighting required no effort. I can't pinpoint exactly how, but it gave me that impression. Enemies lost because... they just did.

    I'm not cut about why Lancer stayed for that long, but I was really hoping the movie would clear up how on earth Archer stuck around till the end. He can survive for 2 days without a master, but it doesn't make him immortal. He took all that shit from Gilgamesh, and was supposed to be low on mana prior to his Castle fight with Shirou anyway - not to mention how he took that wound from him too!!

    Archer's pause before he said he lost his memories was good though. It made it all the clearer that he was lying (whereas before it was more or less up to interpretation).

    Now with that out of the way, eye-candy....


    Saber's "wedding dress" appeal was through the roof, and they did such an awesome job with Rin I'll even forgive them for replacing her sex scene with dolphins. (that part was hilarious). The blur filter backfired just a bit from overuse, but it wasn't too bad.

    In the end, I'd say this was nice. It really is dedicated to fans of the game, and even then, the only real thing it had going for it was animation and eye-candy. I'd call them even in terms of music, and it completely falls short in the story department.

    I can't say how well they did in adapting this to less than two hours of footage. I'm simply rating the movie as a whole.

    I surely don't regret watching it, but at the same time I can't recommend it.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Mon, 10-04-2010 at 06:22 AM.

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  10. #610
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    It was pretty, but empty.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  11. #611
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Unlimited Blade Works 1080p + 720p Patch

    [UTW] Fate Stay Night – Unlimited Blade Works [BD] [h264-1080p FLAC] [D7A47961].mkv

    [UTW] Fate Stay Night – Unlimited Blade Works [BD] [h264-720p AC3] [70764BA9].mkv

    [UTW] Fate Stay Night – Unlimited Blade Works [XviD-480p] [2CA51491].avi

    [UTW] Fate Stay Night – Unlimited Blade Works [720p Patch].zip

    Changes from the v1 version include less heavy typesetting at the 1:17:40 UBW chant (still the same on-screen typesetting; only the blur on the sliding polygon was removed) and ending lines at 1:44:46, and extra script editing. The 1080p version already uses this revised script.

  12. #612
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Rushed? Yes.
    Awesome? F-awesome.

    Loved it.

    I assume that patch removes the slowing down that happened when the text appeared during the chant and last scene? Please confirm.

  13. #613
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Yes. The patch fixes the subtitle lag during the chant and the ending lines.
    Last edited by Marik; Sat, 10-09-2010 at 09:04 PM. Reason: Missed the part where he asked about the last scene.

  14. #614
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Thanks. I'll patch it as soon as I free some space.

  15. #615
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marik View Post
    Yes. The patch fixes the subtitle lag during the chant and the ending lines.
    Does that happen to everybody (the lag), or does it only happen if you don't have enough rendering power?

    It lagged on my laptop, but I forgot to check if it did on my desktop before I patched it.

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  16. #616
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    Does that happen to everybody (the lag), or does it only happen if you don't have enough rendering power?

    It lagged on my laptop, but I forgot to check if it did on my desktop before I patched it.
    I'm gonna say it only happens if you don't have enough rendering power. It didn't lag at all on my main desktop, but it did lag on my other one, so I had to patch it.

  17. #617
    I'm hoping for sequel Shiro x Saber but now.. ahhh!!
    Rin getting prettier but Saber is way hotter!

    You can't compare Bush to Hitler cause Bush is the village idiot and Hitler was border line genius, unfortunately he was border line insane also, so sad such a mind went to waste.

  18. #618
    How many FSN arcs are there? I recall that there's one that's focused on Ilya, at least.

  19. #619
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animus View Post
    How many FSN arcs are there? I recall that there's one that's focused on Ilya, at least.
    There are three: Saber, Rin, Sakura.

    This movie actually cut out A LOT of Ilya development that happens as her personal flashback when Berserker died. It was actually a huge tear-jerker for me, so it was a shame they had to completely omit it due to time constraints.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  20. #620
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Also too bad they didn't add the fact that he broke through the chains that Gilgamesh bound him in to protect Ilya.

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