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Thread: Fate/stay night

  1. #141
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    How can you not like IIya she's so sweet and innocent. I imagine the only time she'll ever get angry is when she's facing Rin since she seems to hate her.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  2. #142
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    IIya is pure evil. Just look at her eyes. Anybody would freak looking at those.

  3. #143
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    o.0, Llya is too kool to be evil.......
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  4. #144
    scary eyes -___-

  5. #145
    Benevolent Dictator
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    I dunno, I like the fact that they gave Ilya a bit of complexity. She could have just been an obsessive psycho bitch, but ... she's like 8.

    I think she's probably like they say -- a gifted wizard, but I'd also say she's not really the bloodthirsty monster that she came off as being when we first met her. Character depth is a good thing. I think she's probably just a sheltered kid who doesn't really understand the depth of her behavior...

    I think Tohsaka's really starting to crush on Emiya a bit. But more than anything else, I think the whole "Emiya doesn't make any real progress anywhere" motif is getting a little tired. Hopefully this situation corrects itself in the next couple episodes --

  6. #146
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain

    Exclamation episod 11 out

    Eclipse - Fate/Stay Night Episode 11 - xvid
    Eclipse - Fate/Stay Night Episode 11 - mkv

    come and get it!

    damn AonE is taking forever with this show (and i don't even care for it that much at the point I'm at , episode 7...) Should I just go back to Eclipse's versions?

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  7. #147
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    I've been sticking with the Eclipse versions all the way through, haven't noticed anything wrong with them. Plus they sub Shana which earns them a gold star.

    Shirou's ability seems cool now that he can strengthen two lines but did I miss something? I had no idea what Rin and Saber were talking about. Rider proved her awesomeness this ep, next ep looks like she will prove it even further.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  8. #148
    Benevolent Dictator
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    masa: eclipse's subs aren't particularly spectacular, but they're certainly on par with everyone elses. Based on the last 4 eps they released, I'd call them a better-than-average group. I've noticed a few nitpicky editing points, but nothing I'd dismiss their work over.

    Rider's awesomeness, though? I wouldn't really call it that, so much as ... well ... lack thereof. Her ultimate attack seems to be pretty crap (sure, it tore up the building, but it didn't really seem to do anything to Shiro or Saber), and maybe it's just the result of Shiro kicking ass without even knowing it, but she couldn't even really hurt him very much!

    As far as what Saber and Rin were talking about ... I think that was something to do with Shiro fundamentally changing things. Sort of like how he turned the broken broomhandle in ep 11 from a piece of splintered wood to something rather ... metallic. The point, whatever it means, is that Shiro's raw natural talent is pretty incredible -- something supported by him just waving off Shinji's attacks (and his ease finding the spell marks back in episode 7).

  9. #149
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    Episode 11 was definitely one of the better episodes. Pretty interesting to see that Shiro is not as useless as he has been in the previous episodes. Not being affected by Shinji's magic and able to "block" Rider's blades. Still, that Shinji guy is so damn annoying, Shiro should've just killed him right there.

  10. #150
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    @ Masamuneehs :

    Eclipse is not that bad. Not bad at all. AonE will take their time subbing. In the mean time Eclipse is the best choice.

    @ Aeon :

    Shiro has the ability to change/transform things completely. The normal magic only replaces things from some where else. It works on equivalent trade. Whereas Shiro is radically changing one element into another. He is more of an alchemist than a magician. I think Rin senses that in Shiro.

    @ Complich :

    I agree. The Rider has top notch agility but her ultimate attack wasn’t that impressive. It broke some windows and burned some of the floor. Lets hope she has some other little tricks up her sleeve. Maybe Shinji needs to grow up as magician, maybe then he can command her better.

    At this point I am thinking there must be a servant swap later on in the series. That would make things interesting.

  11. #151
    ANBU NeoBear's Avatar
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    that was a good eps im glad shiro had some growth this episode he was starting to get on my nerves .... i want my own saber =(

  12. #152
    Shinji is the biggest dick in the history of anime, to the point of beyond hating. Don't you just want to rip that guy's nuts off? (provided he has any)

  13. #153
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    @ NeoBear : I want Rider so I can ride her, not Saber.

    @ BOC :

    Let me find out if Shiro has any balls. Trace on!
    No, no sign of any reproductive system there. Four girls in his house and he doesnt even have a hard on.

    He was annoying with his talk of not killing any one but in the current episode he has shown some initiative. He was about to stop Shinji’s breathing. Give him some time.

  14. #154
    Quote Originally Posted by Jadugar
    @ BOC :

    Let me find out if Shiro has any balls. Trace on!
    No, no sign of any reproductive system there. Four girls in his house and he doesnt even have a hard on.
    If I were him those command spells would be gone in no time

  15. #155
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    Rider wasn't using her move in an offensive way, even Saber said that she only used it to escape like she stated. Rider might not be as strong as the other servents but she more then makes up for it in agility and speed reason I'm guessing she fights at a distance. She ran past Rider without even trying. I can see Rider owning Hercules if they fight.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  16. #156
    Benevolent Dictator
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    I'll agree, but only because unlike Shiro's wiry frame, berserker's got a lot of meat for rider to sink her hooks into ...

    (is it just me, or does the wording of that conjure up images of bad servant-doujin?)

  17. #157
    Nice ep, Rider's Ulti seems pretty lack luster, what capable Servant would let something so big and obvious hit them? Maybe Berserker could just take it, but all the others we've seen would probobly just move. Rider was probobly at a disadvantage fighting in that close quaters environment anyway, she seems to wide places with lots of cover, like what the preview showed. From the preview she should be at her top form whem Saber grinds her into the pavement, maybe she'll whip out the lightning blade again.

    Shiro does have talent, we've known that for a while, he just lacks skill. He seems to be tapping deeper into his resevior of power, hopefully by the end he'll have learned something about control and finesse and will be able to tap his potential better.

    Something else I noticed, from the way Shiro talked about that fire that happened ten years ago, it sounded like he was more than just a victim. Perhaps he had something to do with what happened, and felt bad about it untl Kiritsugu found him. THis might also explain why Kiritsugu never taught him anything, either fearing what Shiro could do with control over his power, or not knowing anything about the kind of power Shiro actually had.

  18. #158
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    Nice ep, Rider's Ulti seems pretty lack luster, what capable Servant would let something so big and obvious hit them?
    The move Saber was doing against Assassin took forever, any smart servent would've just rushed her.

    How long is Fate Stay Night gonna be? Isn't there 13 magicians? If so that means we still need 6 servents and 7 masters revealed.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  19. #159
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    There are only 7 masters and 7 servants.

    Taken from the Lunar boards. As of the eps that have aired:

    <master>/<servant>/<servant's identity>
    Shirou / Saber / ???
    Rin / Archer / ???
    ??? / Lancer / Cuchulainn
    Shinji / Rider / ???
    Ilya / Berserker / Heracles
    ??? / Caster / ???
    ??? / Assassin / Sasaki Kojirou

    I believe the series will be 26 eps long.

    Saber's Noble Phantasm is supposedly incredibly powerful. I'm not sure she was actually charging it, it looked to me like she just took the sword out of the sheath and was preparing an attack, just as Assassin asked. He was also waiting for her to attack. His identity gives away some characteristics. Sasaki Kojirou would feel slighted if she didn't give it her all (he said as much). His pride would make him want to see if he could take the force of her attack. Just like Kojirou's famous fight with Musashi.

  20. #160
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    well "famous" its said that he probably didnt exist, a similar person probably did, but not a sasaki kojirou, he is not even mentioned in musashi's book, and i think there MIGHT be more masters, as they already mixed the different story's together, and btw, when was it revealed that berserker is hercules? wouldnt that be spoiling?
    oh and according to ep14's title, we will finally see archer's Noble Phantasm ( find out the title at your own risk of being spoiled )

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