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Thread: Fate/stay night

  1. #321
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    After watching those I now want the slow version of Disillusion, the opening really make me wanna play the games even more. (Darn you Type Moon for making your games with so much text). And I wondered why I say Rin fan art with a dagger, now I know why.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  2. #322
    If I could change my name
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    Quote Originally Posted by Augury
    Hm yes, spoilers in the second one.

    Nice finds. The first vid looked like it could've been the anime's OP. It doesn't look like a game intro at all, unless F/SN is a story-RPG type game.

    I picked up this series a few days ago and caught up to ep 17. Then after reading through the 32 pages of this thread I went off and spoiled myself at wiki wish I hadn't now.
    The game it's self can be titled as a Visual Novel then really anything else, it drives like a RPG so you are right Augury. (It being a H-game has nothing to do with it ) Wiki has spoiler alot of you guys however, it's possible that some of the stuff you read will not appear in the anime. For those who know what I'm talking about, the Anime follows the Events of "fate" and has bits of the others in it. I'm reallying looking forward to how they do the ending as the game had 6(or more) of them
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  3. #323
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    In the game, there are 5 good endings, and roughly 40 bad ones.

    I want to see what happens next with Sakura. Are they going to just use her to summon the grail, or continue to use her for a time as Medea has already used her in such a capacity when she stabbed Saber. (Though I'm pretty sure that was an illusion, you get the idea.)

    Right now I see Shirou materializing the Grail using his inherent powers, rather than the proper avenue of killing all the servants and doing it whatever way was planned.

    The next eps can't come fast enough.

  4. #324
    If I could change my name
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    In the game, there are 5 good endings, and roughly 40 bad ones.

    I want to see what happens next with Sakura. Are they going to just use her to summon the grail, or continue to use her for a time as Medea has already used her in such a capacity when she stabbed Saber. (Though I'm pretty sure that was an illusion, you get the idea.)

    Right now I see Shirou materializing the Grail using his inherent powers, rather than the proper avenue of killing all the servants and doing it whatever way was planned.

    The next eps can't come fast enough.
    Thanks for correcting me, It's been a long time since I played them.

    Anyways you give a very good point, how will the Grail be materialized? The war ends when either all the servants and/or masters are defeated or the other way as Medea explained. So where does that leave us? Well for starters Shirou will not want Sakura to be used for the summon. The gives us the following:

    A: Shirou some how summons it himself using his powers (I don't really see this happening as he can't summon something that powerful, and even if he could, Medea would have killed him)

    B: They have someone else be the summon. (Ilya is prefect for this as she is still alive and may do it just to save all of them, as she has nothing to gain. This cliché has been used a lot in anime, so I hope it's not this either)

    C: They defeat all the servants (I mean who is left? If you kill Caster there goes Assassin, Rin and Ilya have had theirs killed off, Rider's master was killed, and Lancer has been missing in action for to long to be still alive. This is very possible as an ending as (at least to me) is the most simplistic way to end it)

    D: Something else happens that blows me away (I want this one to happen!)

    What he will do with the grail is unknown though
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  5. #325
    Benevolent Dictator
    complich8's Avatar
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    a few interesting points in "C"
    Quote Originally Posted by Deadfire
    C: They defeat all the servants (I mean who is left? If you kill Caster there goes Assassin, Rin and Ilya have had theirs killed off, Rider's master was killed, and Lancer has been missing in action for to long to be still alive. This is very possible as an ending as (at least to me) is the most simplistic way to end it)
    I wonder where Lancer is, and what he and his mystery master are up to right now. I get the feeling that guy's going to end up the big wild-card at the end of this game -- if they were dead, we'd have already been told that. I doubt that his relevance to the story is already over -- if it is, that's just poorly played. Cuchulain is a much cooler character than than to show up in eps 2 and 3 and then go die quietly somewhere, you know?

    As far as Caster and Assassin go, I don't think that's how it'd go down. Servants need masters to sustain their existence. If a servant doesn't have a master, it disappears, but not right away. They linger on a little while -- it's been explained that a "stray" servant can forge a covenant with a new master.

    So if Caster were to be removed, Assassin would stick around for a while. Probably long enough for Kuzuki to recruit Assassin. After all, those two seem like they would get along ... they have similar personalities, similar philosophies on killing (ie: assassin is an assassin, Kuzuki just likes slaughtering people for the fun of it, apparently).

    Moreover, Kuzuki is as potent a fighter as a very strong knight-type servant, Saber. Even without Caster's enchantment, he totally shut down Saber's attacks without looking like he was exerting himself to do it. And Caster's enchantment was "on his fists" -- which would explain how he was able to stagger Saber in one or two good hits, and reduce Shiro's arms to what amount to numb stumps of mutilated meat just for defending a couple times. But it wouldn't explain how he parried Saber's attacks, nor would it explain his incredible speed. Enchanted fists don't make faster feet.

    So, presuming someone were to be able to get past Kuzuki and kill Caster, Assassin wouldn't immediately disappear, would probably join up with Kuzuki (unless Ilya recruited him first -- she's got command spells left, after all). And that's just some serious bad news.

    If you want to make that troublesome servant chain disappear, you need to get rid of the master that's anchoring it in reality, and that's Kuzuki. But that isn't working out so well. After you take him out, Caster's got to worry about finding another master (command spells or not, apparently -- since Kuzuki's not a magician, and apparently isn't Caster's summoner either, unless someone was totally off base saying that Caster killed her original master).

    Now, Rider couldn't take out Caster, so we know she's got some level of formidable defense too -- maybe she'd be easier for Saber to take down in a fair fight, but Medea's too clever to let Saber get her in a fair fight, y'know? Saber can't get by Kuzuki, regardless. Berserker might have been able to, and I'm pretty sure Archer would have found a way to deal with him if he were still around.

    So the big question is this: how is Shiro going to beat Kuzuki? What is he going to be able to imagine to beat that bastard? Or is Lancer going to ride in and save the day, despite having a cowardly master and Cuchulain's penchant for senseless killing?

    Here's another thought... Caster and company never really claimed all the "coma incidents" that've been happening -- and from what Kuzuki said, it seems like that pattern is a little out of character. Why would they be holding back, leaving people alive? What if Lancer and his master are responsible for those, and are building up Lancer's capabilities as the other servants fight it out and wear each other down, in the hopes that Lancer can sweep in, jacked up on as much mana as he can hold, and kill the last servant/master standing?

  6. #326
    I wonder if the whole game will ever be translated in English for us non-Japanese speakers.

  7. #327
    If I could change my name
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    @Complich8: I think that we are still missing something here, that would tell us what has happened with Lancer and Rider. I agree that it's possibly to early to tell"

    Quote Originally Posted by Archer
    I wonder if the whole game will ever be translated in English for us non-Japanese speakers.
    It will be as Fate/stay night is scheduled to be released on the PS2 platform in 2006, in a version that will be intended for all ages. Also the full translation of the game is being done by Mirror Moon who are TYPE-MOON game translaters. Also you can get the translated Demo from Insani
    Last edited by Deadfire; Thu, 05-04-2006 at 11:32 AM.
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  8. #328
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Never realized there was a demo, downloading asap. I agree with Complich on Lancer, he was a pretty kool servant, and if hes just disappeared...that would be gay.......
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  9. #329
    I looked at the mirror moon website and insani. Mirror Moon is only offereing a patch to the japanese game, which means we have to buy the game in japanese. I have never ordered something from overseas. With insani, they mentioned that NewLimeAnime(NLA) was translating the whole game. If NLA doesn't translate the whole game, will a company in the U.S. pick up the game and translate it into English? If they do, I would definitely buy it the day it came out.

  10. #330
    If I could change my name
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archer
    I looked at the mirror moon website and insani. Mirror Moon is only offereing a patch to the japanese game, which means we have to buy the game in japanese. I have never ordered something from overseas. With insani, they mentioned that NewLimeAnime(NLA) was translating the whole game. If NLA doesn't translate the whole game, will a company in the U.S. pick up the game and translate it into English? If they do, I would definitely buy it the day it came out.
    To avoid any more discussion about this (This thread is about the anime not the game) I'm going to answer you one more time after that can you please get on topic here. You can download the game off a torrent (I'm forgetting where, do a search and your find it) and the translation is also found on on some other site (again I forget where). Mirror will be releasing a patch for the game for the translations to be in the game and not have to make you find it. NLA is also doing a project like this. As for a company from the Us to translate it, fat chance, it's not going to happen. The U.S has this thing about making Hentai games (It you didn't know this is a H-game). The PS2 game that will be releasing is a different game altogether, and will not be the first game in anyway.
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  11. #331

  12. #332
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Oh.......Sakuras hot..............
    Anyways, truly excellent ep, Get to see Tohsaka do some tight magic, and it appears Sakura and Tohsaka are..long lost sister?

    I'm pretty sure Saber and Assasin are gonna tear it up next ep, and who knows, Shirou might actually do something kool.
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  13. #333
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yeah, it was a neat episode. Although it felt as if nothing was concluded. Saber and Assassin's battle is still going on, as well as Shirou and the teacher's fight. And we didn't actually see anything impressive so far in neither. And based on Caster's reactor, she doesn't think Sakura lost just yet. Aye, it had the all too easy feeling going on all the time.

    The best part of the episode, in my twisted opinion, was Assassin telling who he really is, or to be precise, isn't. He has quite an interesting situation, and it surely fits his behavior.

    Heh, but you are right Lucifus, Sakura had quite an interesting outfit...

  14. #334
    If I could change my name
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    That was amazing, that fight between Saber and Assassin was godly. Thank goodness she didn't suck like last time.

    Main points I thought were interesting like Kraco said about Assassin, but also about sakura and Rin. Anyone else get that they both had silver hair? how the hell did one get hair to turn purple?

    other then that I'm wondering about what caster said there too, who stabed who here, I'm confused, just a bit.

    With about 6 more to go this will be still rewatched

    EDIT:It's 24 eps my bad
    Last edited by Deadfire; Sat, 05-06-2006 at 02:19 PM.
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  15. #335
    Quote Originally Posted by Deadfire
    Main points I thought were interesting like Kraco said about Assassin, but also about sakura and Rin. Anyone else get that they both had silver hair? how the hell did one get hair to turn purple?
    Hair is easy to dye, but the eyes are another story. And no, purple contacts is not an answer.

    What intrigues me is the man in the car when Sakura was taken away. Maybe the Holy Grail War is all staged? Maybe the "supervisor" is doing more than just overlooking the progress. If you haven't noticed, he's the man with the cards in both intros. I just have a feeling that he has a much bigger role than it appears.

    And to add to the talk about Lancer...his master has to be a girl. As crazy as it sounds, I think Lancer's master is Fuji. That's the only other female in the show that we've seen and doesn't appear to have a major role. I don't think a brand new character would just pop out this late in the show, so if anything I think Fuji is Lancer's master.

  16. #336
    Why does Shiro go around with his dinky Bokkun (wooden sword) he should just summon the Archer swords from the start, they rule.

    As to Rin and Sakura, it looked like Rin doged the stab before delivering her very Chidori like attack, but I guess it's more dramatic if she's hurt. Next wp should be awesome, the first entrance of what looks like the guy from the new OP with the orange spines flying out of him. He was also in the flashback in the first episode, where I'm thinking Kirigitsu was a Master in the last War and this dude was one of the Servants

    @BoC Why do you think Lancer's master is a girl?

  17. #337
    Shirou - Saber
    Rin - Archer
    Ilya - Berserker
    Shinji - Rider
    Kuzuki/Dead man - Caster
    Caster - Assassin

    Only makes sense that Lancer's master is a female.

  18. #338
    If I could change my name
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    Quote Originally Posted by BOARD_of_command
    Shirou - Saber
    Rin - Archer
    Ilya - Berserker
    Shinji - Rider
    Kuzuki/Dead man - Caster
    Caster - Assassin

    Only makes sense that Lancer's master is a female.
    Um.. no it doesn't

    Although working with your theory about the war would not the master be the supervisor? that would make prefect sense. If you remember the only reason Shirou became a master at all is because of him as well as many events after words (Rin meeting Shirou,etc). As well the man in the car looks just like the land owner in the first ep, review it and you will see thats right
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  19. #339
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoC
    . . .

    Only makes sense that Lancer's master is a female.
    Quote Originally Posted by Deadfire
    Um.. no it doesn't
    I always thought it makes sense if for no other reason then for the fact the show is based on an H-game. While the anime can't be said to contain any such explicit imagery, the source material is haunting back there.

  20. #340
    Missing Nin
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    First off I would assume Lancers master to be a girl simply because master and servants have always been the opposite sex from each other. As Kraco said this is based on a H-game and the whole matter of the magic circuit clearly to me at least reflected Shiro and Saber having sex even if that did not happen in the anime thats what the images represented.

    As for this particular episode I found it to be simply confusing overall. Sense when have Rin and Sakura had a backstory as little girls. Why would Shirou not have been the one to save Sakura considering she's always had a thing for him. It just seemed like they skipped a episode and just started pulling plot devices out of random orafices. The only part of this episode that was actually good was the additional developement given to Assassin.

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