The show goes on:
Episode 17 - Eclipse
Edit: Damn, the caster certainly plays a dirty game... But I have to say this series is getting seriously interesting right now!
The show goes on:
Episode 17 - Eclipse
Edit: Damn, the caster certainly plays a dirty game... But I have to say this series is getting seriously interesting right now!
Last edited by Kraco; Sat, 04-29-2006 at 01:54 PM.
I enjoyed the brief fight between Shirou and Souchiro.
And we get to learn the identity of Caster straight from Ilya (nice ballet, by the way).
Medea is really the only person twisted enough to fill Caster's shoes.
Wiki - Medea
The highlights: Medea helped Jason and the Argonauts escape with the Golden Fleece by dismembering her brother's body, knowing her persuing father would have to stop and pick up the pieces.
Later, she would convince a king's daughers to chop up their father. She told them she could turn an old ram into a young ram by cutting up the old ram and boiling it. During the demonstration, a live, young ram jumped out of the pot. Excited, the girls cut their father into pieces and threw them into a pot, killing him, as Medea purposely left the rest unfinished.
She even killed her own two sons (from Jason) when he left her for another woman. If that wasn't enough, she sent a dress as a gift for the new bride, which burned the girl alive.
So what are these "killing machines" that Kuzuki speaks of? He doesn't seem very human.
But what was the dagger the caster used against Saber? All the legends of Medea mostly talk about poisons.
When he says "killing machines" Does he mean he jut likes to kill? o.0
Anyway, Excellent episode, I really liked when Shirou started fighting with Archers weapons.Hes finally catching on to his ability, and he wasn't half bad in the fight.
Last edited by Lucifus; Sat, 04-29-2006 at 06:22 PM.
That's true. Archer gave him very good advice. It's nice to see Shirou getting better at fighting, even if it was totally to be expected. Certainly the fights get a lot better. However, Saber's performance in this episode wasn't very good at all. Considering how they always keep saying how Saber is so strong, she certainly has a lot to show, still.
Shirou should consider materialising an MP5 some time. Might be safer than a sword fight...![]()
Well, the dress that set the girl on fire from the mythology was poisoned (pretty powerful stuff I guess if it sets someone on fire). She also attempted to poison Theseus, I don't remember that one, but it's in the wiki article. I guess that is where she gains the reputation of a poisoner. I always remembered her as a witch in general.
The dagger seemed to go along with the poisoning and witchery parts of it. She sealed some of Saber's abilities (notably Excalibur).
Well, I remember the Rule Breaker differently then that but it is shown as what it should be like. It was a good eps other then the fact that Saber really didn't do as much as I thought she should have done.
Anyone else note that the OP has a preview of the ep it's opening both times
image fail!
I don't think he's exactly human either but rather a type of character like Shiki from Tsukihime since the two shows take place in the same world. His speed wasn't a result of Caster's enchantment so he can't be just a normal human. And this episode was beyond awesome, the scene at dinner had me cracking up and 5min later was at the awesomeness of the battle. Anyone else think Lancer is just a thing of the past? He'll prob show up and die in one ep.Originally Posted by BOARD_of_command
And Deadfire I never noticed Saber in your sig till you posted that it was her. I actually always wondered who it was.
(Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach
Yeah, she looks like she's wearing a trench coat or something in ur sig Deadfire. Anyway, Mr. Speedy, is pretty cool, pwning Saber like nothing. Shiro seems to get immensly better with every fight, is he a sayian or something, at least he was only defending Speedy's attacks and his hands bled from the pain that was brung, but still, he did better than Saber.... tsk tsk tsk, oh Saber, what did she do this episode...Underestimate her opponent, twice, Get embarassingly pwned, twice, and last but not least, get dropped like the empty clip she's become in this show, TWICE!. What's happening here?
As to Caster's dagger, it seems kinda weird, if she has the power to affect the relationship between Saber and Ex it implies she has power over Ex, which is supposed to be all holy and stuff, this just seems kind of hinky to me.
I had looked at your sig before after reading your disclaimer and wondered where I saw her from. I didn't make the connection that it was Saber at all. =S
EDIT: Never thought to check before, but crap, Fate/Stay Nights only 24 episodes? T-T, Guess that explains why they're advancing Shirous and Sabers relationship.
Last edited by Lucifus; Sun, 04-30-2006 at 02:32 AM.
What I’m most curious about is when Shiro dreams about saber at the start they make her out to be this uncaring king who ruled, but in past episodes and from what we know about her that is mostly contrary. Of course I expect them to explain this in future episodes but I still find Saber to be the most interesting part of the show. Having said that I’m also not happy with her downgrade in performance recently I don’t care what that other master is good at him being able to stand up to Saber is bullshit. I don’t expect saber to be invincible but she is Fucking King Arthur! she doesn’t lose to some punk ass master period that’s the way it should be don’t give me bullshit.
er i was drunk befor so if you see this anywear else ignore it =/
Favorite Gotwoot Mod moment: "Why is everyone in that show black? The art and music are pretty good, and the voice acting is alrite as well......but i can't stand that guy who follows afro around. Hes so, well, black, for the lack of a better term (well thats not true, there is a better term, but i wont use it here)" Assassin
i was raised by this woman =O
"Killing machines", he's simply saying that he's a hitman or an assassin of sorts. He doesn't seem human simply because he has been reinforced and enhanced by Medea's magic. It's not like he's an actual machine. And I don't think it's much of a problem that Medea has sealed Saber's sword, she has been using the swords Shirou has been summouning lately anyways. Though, I don't know how this will affect her hougu.
Originally Posted by Lucifus
Thanks, thats what I thought, but people kept saying he wasn't human.Originally Posted by Budweineken
... not a bad episode. I still don't think any of the comedy is funny at all, and the evil teacher character could have been developed earlier on. I was like 'who?' when he was mentioned.
Ilya and Issei's information was, um, convienent.
Some questions:
How in the world did Ilya find out about Caster?
Why was Sakura at Shirou's house that late at night?
Why didn't Ilya get involved when Caster came to kidnap Sakura?
Does anyone else feel like they're rushing this show now?
The fight was good, even if i question where Shirou and this teacher's kickass fighting abilities suddenly came from. Medea is awesome.
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
The pace has certainly picked up, as they didn't explain some of the stuff you listed. And some stuff just don't make sense, like why was Sakura alone in Shirou's house?Originally Posted by masamuneehs
Well, the fact Sakura was controlled explains why she was at Shirou's house. Obviously Caster expected them to behave like that: To send Saber first there to protect Ilya (needlessly, as we learned since she wasn't the target). Sakura was there to stick the dagger into Saber. That doesn't still explain what happened to Ilya. Maybe she was also taken care of, in one manner or another.
I do believe the show is being rushed on the count that they're supposedly only 7 episodes left.
And Masa, Totally agree on the convienece of Issei coming to the door, and unconsiously give them very valuable information. But I still really liked this episode, hopefully Shirou will get better, and Saber stop being such a pushover though...
Well looking around the internet today and found this
Fate/Stay Night Game OP
Thats not the Anime's OP either, but it kicks ass none the same as well there is another one
The second one (this may have a small spoiler in it so view at your own risk)
image fail!
Hm yes, spoilers in the second one.
Nice finds. The first vid looked like it could've been the anime's OP. It doesn't look like a game intro at all, unless F/SN is a story-RPG type game.
I picked up this series a few days ago and caught up to ep 17. Then after reading through the 32 pages of this thread I went off and spoiled myself at wikiwish I hadn't now.