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Thread: Fate/stay night

  1. #281
    ANBU NeoBear's Avatar
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    That was a pretty good episode I thought the fight with zerker was great. Just two things that are starting to bother me, I don’t like the idea of Shiro being capable of wielding Sabers sword fake or real it’s her sword, it kind of takes away from her for him to be able to use her trademark weapon. If he had summoned it and gave it to her I would have had no problem with that. And I suppose this has to do with this series having been based of a H game and perhaps also serving to give Saber a humane side but im not digging seeing her get all flustered being close to shiro all of a sudden, perhaps the transition was handled better in the game but it seems like she has changed quite drastically in less then two episodes. I liked it better when she seemed unconcerned about being a female. I think saber is the ideal female warrior to see her all of a sudden develop a feminine side so quickly kind of bugs me =/

  2. #282
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I think this was a very good episode. Although Berserk's sudden death looked like a thing of convenience, as they would have otherwise needed to drag and drag the battle for a long time, it was thus understandable it ended like it did.

    Shirou's skill is getting more clear, which is a good thing, and also, I guess, the inevitable summoning of the sword. I was against that idea earlier, but now I have to say it makes sense, especially after what Berserk muttered prior to his demise. It was just a thing I failed to consider earlier.

    Also the kind of out of place H-elements keep popping up... Maybe I just didn't pay enough attention to them earlier, but after the episode with the forming of the bond between Shirou and Saber I guess I got a bit more observant. The bath scene in this ep is very evident of course, but then there are less obvious, but otherwise meaningless shots like Rin's leg and short skirt. I'm slightly baffled what the studio is trying to achieve with this lacking element that doesn't quite fit the atmosphere of the series.

  3. #283
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    err.. you do know the game has a h rating dont you? and that the "mana recharging" scene between shirou and saber was quite different..

  4. #284
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The nature of the game has been stated in this thread a few times, earlier. But now I wasn't writing about the game but this anime series. This isn't even an ecchi series by nature, so that's why I'm saying the half-assed h-elements popping up unexpectedly don't really serve this anime, which otherwise is very smooth and stylish. No doubt they were perfect in the game, but in this anime I find them clashing. I would have no problems if they were made with style (if possible with Shirou's voice actor, anyway) and looked natural. Now they only look out of place, no matter if they were in the original source material or not.

  5. #285
    I thought the dialogue in the training part was pretty awkward. Like NeoBear said, why would Saber after hundreds of years suddenly start acting like a little girl? It's understandable that Shiro is probably the first master to actually treat her like a human being instead of a weapon, but he has been doing that since the start and Saber only started changing her ways in the past two episodes.
    Quote Originally Posted by darkshadow
    and that the "mana recharging" scene between shirou and saber was quite different..
    and I bet he gave her more than just his magic circuit.
    Last edited by Board of Command; Sat, 04-22-2006 at 07:00 PM.

  6. #286
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Seems like that change in attitude first showed up in the little shack in the forest, with Tohsaka making them strip down.

    Maybe it's the whole "shared magic circuit" connection, or the fact that saber's been essentially reduced from an insanely powerful servant to a nearly helpless little girl (thanks to mana depletion from the fight with Rider, and the overwhelming strength of Berserker). Maybe Shiro's self-sacrificing "serve the servant" behavior is just really starting to get to her?

  7. #287
    ANBU NeoBear's Avatar
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    Well I still love the show but I mean the first time you ever see Saber she just starts kicking ass all over the place. And then you say hey she’s King Arthur and she has Excalibur. I mean at this point it’s like what could be better and then she runs out of mana and you say well we have her and her master do some “Stuff”. I suppose that no one would be the same after that but I almost feel like they could have just had some generic anime scene with flashy lights and maybe some hand holding and Saber saying his name like a broken record or some crap and it would have been ok. But it’s kinda like Kraco says there is some H stuff being kind of forced in there I remember the shot with Rins leg, at the time I was like DAMN! =) and didn’t give it much more though but to suddenly switch the show to a harem anime, I mean how many chics does Shiro have living with him now?

  8. #288
    Quote Originally Posted by NeoBear
    But it’s kinda like Kraco says there is some H stuff being kind of forced in there I remember the shot with Rins leg, at the time I was like DAMN! =) and didn’t give it much more though
    That shot sorta resembles Bible Black's artwork. If you don't know what Bible Black is, ignore this post and pretend it never happened.

  9. #289
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    Lol, yeah we have no idea what BB is

    but I don't really mind the shift from badass to little girl, I guess it's a way to show that she's becoming more human......even if it was done over the last two episodes or so (but they did have that one scene with Shirou and Saber making a promise or something)

    R.I.P Captain America.

  10. #290
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    Another great episode, hearing Herc talk at the end of the fight was pretty cool. I liked his voice actor. And I hope Saber isn't the one that defeats every servent, since I won't get a Archer/Lancer rematch I wanna see Lancer vs Assassin. All we need is for Tiger and Sakura to move in and Shirou can be the new Tenchi.

    Also the new opening has grew on me already, the beginning part is stuck in my head. I hope the single gets released soon.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  11. #291
    I second that wish for the 2nd OP. Berserker was cool but i'm glad the show is starting to move towards the obviously deeper insidious plot that some evil mastermind has come up with. I was wondering how Sakura was going to fit into the story, thouhh I thought at first that maybe she'd pick up after Shinji somehow. But I guess cog in the evil super machine of the bad guys isn't so bad a way either...*cough*Shana!*cough*. I assume that the shadowed guy with the glasses near the end of the ep is the one from the opening. Isn't he a teacher at Shirou's school?

  12. #292
    Well I think the main problem that makes the anime seem like it's speeding along into certain areas is the fact that they decided to try and tell the whole storyline in 24 episodes. IMO that was a bad idea, though I'll admit until the last couple episodes the storyline was moving smoothly, but it just hauled ass right through these last couple parts. Still a bad ass episode, they did the whole Shirou tracing Caliburn in a pretty cool manner. Just watch, the last leg of this anime should be quite awesome though.

  13. #293
    Quote Originally Posted by Aeon
    Also the new opening has grew on me already, the beginning part is stuck in my head. I hope the single gets released soon.
    Same here. First time listening to it I thought the first one was better. But now it seems like the second one is more catchy.

  14. #294
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    Episode 13 by AonE for those who archive AonE's episodes.

    As for episode 16, I thought it was decent enough. Like some others, I feel that the change in Saber is too sudden and the story seems to be getting faster.

  15. #295
    Found a TV size of OP2, it's an MP4 and apparently that means it need to be enormous, just make sure your player is fairly new and you should be able to play it.
    Fate/Stay Night OP2 - Kirameku Namida wa Hoshi Ni by Tainaka Sachi(TV Sized)

    Since this is so paltry I'll post a link to the full single if I can find one.

  16. #296
    If I could change my name
    to Saberfire... I would
    Deadfire's Avatar
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    HA!, yeah well I finally caught up with all of you (note to self 16 eps in one sitting sucks!)

    First I have heard of this series before and if anyone still doesn't get how far look at my sig you know that Anime charactor. Also I made it before this anime was even made yet. As I watched most of your comments made more sence to me, the series does look a little speeded up in places as well I like the hints of the rest of the other series in it. The whole thing about Archer was done well to my tastes. However this series does make me look away at times. Really how many times does Shirō Emiya need to call Saber's name before he gets it that it does jack?

    I'm enjoying it for the most part so not much else to say other then I'm going to get some sleep
    image fail!

  17. #297
    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    Found a TV size of OP2, it's an MP4 and apparently that means it need to be enormous, just make sure your player is fairly new and you should be able to play it.
    Fate/Stay Night OP2 - Kirameku Namida wa Hoshi Ni by Tainaka Sachi(TV Sized)

    Since this is so paltry I'll post a link to the full single if I can find one.
    You're not going to find the full single because it comes out in late May.

  18. #298
    Thanks BoC, where can I find out release dates for stuff like this so I don't waste time looking all over creation for them?

  19. #299
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I've always looked to and their respective irc channel for release dates on music. They don't regularly update the future release page anymore, but it gives a good general idea of how long you need to wait for something. You should check back often though, because sometimes things come out sooner than expected.

  20. #300
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
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    finally watched the series, and i must say it is good, pretty damn good. Never imagine that king arthur could be a woman.

    And yes the story does seem to be a bit rushed: example; Saber was never concerned about the fact that she is a woman, but suddenly now she is, I know that it suppose to show the relationship between Saber and Emiya is developing beyond that of a master and a servant. A few gaps are in the storyline. Nevertheless its a good anime.

    It kinda sucks that Archer died, but i have a feeling that he still has a part to play in this story, or maybe not.

    thank you IfingHateTonTon and darkshadow as well as some others that i can't remember right now, for recommending the series.
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