Just when I thought that Berserker was a freaking monster, his ultimate gives him more lives! 12 in total, and he's already freaking difficult to kill!
Just when I thought that Berserker was a freaking monster, his ultimate gives him more lives! 12 in total, and he's already freaking difficult to kill!
Coments on the new OP. The many mysterious things we see there. The sorceress from the temple was amoung the other servants in the first scene. Wasn't she Assassins master? The guy Saber is fighting looks like the guy from ten years ago, seen at the beginning of the first episode. Archer and Shiro are fighting (With what looks like the sword from the preview for ep 16), last I checked Archer was dead (unfortuanately). So many juciy mysteries I almost wish I hadn't looked anything up about this show and ruined a couple of them.
As to the ep, awesome, I was afraid that Berserker could just heal anything and was totally immortal, but this is much better. He's a monster but he can be defeated, though Illya should't have told them all this, especially how many lives he has left. And Shirou's magic seems to grow everytime he uses it. I don't think he's reinforcing anymore, he seems to be doing alchemy and just changing stuff into whatever he wants. This episode was good from beginning to end, the awkward 'H' scene, the dragon, which seemed totally unnessecary, Berserkers NP, and Shiro about to just dream some awesome wepon into existance all in one, I so wish it hadn't ended!
As for the OP: I said before that the sorceress was Caster, some time ago in this thread. It seemed to be implying that she had enslaved Assassin, or at the least their two agendas coincided. He said that his soul purpose was to guard that gate, nothing more, and nothing less. Here is the post where I detailed the reasons that she is Caster and definitely not one of the masters. My previous post proving her identity as Caster
This is really just semantics, but his "reinforcing" is still what it's always been, he's just better at it. Rin was saying that he doesn't "change" the material so much as completely recreate it from nothing.
And for the record, that was probably one of the worst cliffhangers I've seen in a long time. If Rin gets squished, I'm not gonna be happy at all.
Well I'll hint you in on the part with Archer and Shiro fighting. Those look like a compilation of scenes found throughout various parts of the game's storylines and may or may not happen in the anime unfortunatley. That's all I'll say, so you aren't disappointed when such and such event doesn't take place... I hope you don't think thats spoiling it, as I tried to cut short as much as possible. But in all honesty with the way they've done things thus far, there is really no telling what will and won't happen.Originally Posted by Yukimura
Awesome episode. I liked the first OP much better than the new one.
The ritual scene was a bit weird because Rin said they need a lot of physical contact, but Shirou and Saber didn't really touch. If it's for Shirou's soul's entry into her body, then I don't see how undressing Saber helped.
...and we all know that Rin isn't about to get squashed.
Anybody else notice that in the last episode it was Stated Archer killed Berserker 5 times yet in this episode after Rin offed him that it was stated he still had 7 lives left... That seemed kind of wierd to me.
I too noticed that ...
I figure, he gets 12 revivals. So has to die 13 times total (or, zero counts, in other words).
Archer's killed him five times, and rin's killed him one more. So that's six of the revivals, meaning he'll still stand up after being killed six more times. It's that seventh time that'll finish him off.
Yeah, that part seemed a little weird to me at first, so I just think of it as Berserker being given 12 extra lives, allowing him to live 13 times.
You and me both. I already lost Rider, if Rin died I'd be upset that she was killed before Lancer. The CG on that dragon was sick, after facing that thing I would'nt even fear Berserker in the lease.And for the record, that was probably one of the worst cliffhangers I've seen in a long time. If Rin gets squished, I'm not gonna be happy at all.
Last edited by Aeon; Sat, 04-15-2006 at 11:23 PM.
(Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach
I think the dragon was Saber in reality, it just came off as random to me....
But I actually think the OP is alot better then the first one, the song was horrible; this one however, I actually like.
And I don't care what anyone says, this is a sick ass shot of Saber:
Last edited by Knives122; Sat, 04-15-2006 at 11:33 PM.
R.I.P Captain America.
Stop explaining why you are double posting... We can tell what's the situation by ourselves, just say what you need to say and we will do as we deem necessary.Originally Posted by IFingHateTonTon
Anyways, this episode was pretty good. Kinda dissapointed that they didn't get "close" as it was implied, they should've kept the whole explanation out of the episode if they were not going to go through with it... It ended being inconsistent and lame, though I was hoping for some lesbian action.
So, Shiro will probably bring forth the real excaliber in the next episode. Berserker is great, a real monster. I wish the masters were more active during the fight, especially fighting each other while the servants fight.
About the dragon, Shirou said he needed to look for Saber's core, so I think the dragon was basically her core... and when his arm got ripped-off, they showed a nerve network ripping-off as Rin said it would happen.
I know the answers to all the questions I brought up, i.e the Archer thing, I just wanted to stimulate thought without spoiling anything. And about the reinforcing, I guess this means that Shiro's always been an alchemist but has just been limited as to how far he could alter things? There hasn't been much to explain his increase in variablilty, except the crystal, but I guess Rin wouldn't have given it to him if it wouldn't help.
Rin better not die, that thought didn't even cross my mind, Shiro's new toy seemed to hit Berserker's arm, which will probobly facilitate dropping RIn.
I'm actually trying to keep you from using the word "alchemy" to describe him at all. As Rin said, he's not doing that. Alchemy implies that someone is changing one material into another, while Rin was saying though it may look like that's what he's doing, he's really just creating things out of nothing. In eps 11, about 4:44, Rin begins the explaination saying that Shirou doesn't use equivalent exchange (alchemy), but rather he "brought in things that didn't exist before."
I haven't posted here in a long time, and unfortunately this one isn't going to be such a positive one.
I am absolutely wowed by how many people here think this show is good. Yeah the action is pretty good at times, but I don't find the 'what is the servants true identity?' mystery to be entriguing at all. as such I feel that this is a really pretty shallow series that counts on its excellent action animation and hoards of pretty babes. The plot is skinny, to say the least. The characters, especially Shirou, more often piss me off than anything else. Annoying teacher, Rin who talks big and then lets a change of heart overpower her logic (she deserves to lose her Servant for that decision to rescue Shirou), I Must Be Strong Saber, cowardly and whiny Kenji, super shy and dedicated Sakura, creepy bloodthirsty little girl Ilya.
I seriously seriously do not see what you all do in this show. I do occasionally DL it when I'm bored or have some free time, but after watching episode 14 (and not being like 'OMFG Greatness!') I'm pretty much at the end of my rope with this show.
Can someone tell me what it is that they really like about this show?
(sorry to be a negative nancy, i just can't see it in this one)
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
Basically, every reason you dislike it is the reason I enjoy it. I've always been really into mythology, and since most of the Servants appear to be following that trend, I find it really interesting to test my knowledge on vague clues from interpretated myths to guess at the identities. I'll admit the plot, as of late, has been a bit on the shy side. But for the most part the interactions with the characters are interesting. Why did Rin save Shirou twice? What past do the two of them seem to have? The one scene with Sakura looking out the window seemed to imply that she was more involved in this that it seemed. But they cleaned up most of the other plot points for now, which is why its a little on the shy side.
I have not found any of the characters annoying, aside from the all talk and no follow-up whiner Shinji, Rider's master. I've always hated characters that turn out like this, and he was exceptionally annoying. I was very happy when Ilya said she had killed him. I do not even find the teacher annoying.
I can see how some would not like this series, so I guess it's really just up to personal preference.
reasons I like the show:
(1) high production values. Same reason I liked X TV ... the plot there was just plain stupid (wtf dragons and seals ... bullshit pseudobiblical mystical babble ... two Kamuis ...), but the show is just so dang well put-together.
(2) good action... the fighting sequences are pretty impressive .... related to 1, more than anything.
(3) I like the characters. I like Shiro's hesitant naivete and self-sacrificing personality. I like the layers of Rin's personality ... the fact that despite talking big, she was able to put herself on the line to protect a friend (albeit a friend on uneasy terms). I like how Ilya's not just a one-dimensional villain, but rather is presented as a child given a grisly task to do and never really given a proper sense of right and wrong.
(4) The whole servants/identities thing is an interesting diversion. It's pretty meaningless, I'll grant you, but fuck man, what isn't meaningless about any given anime?
(5) Character growth. Shiro grows into his role (even while redefining it). Rin gets a chance to grow some humanity -- something largely denied to her by her upbringing as a magician. After Berserker goes down, you could see the potential for Ilya to become something of a decent human, too.
(6) Underdog syndrome. I, like most people, like cheering for the nice-guy underdog ... especially when you just sort of know the underdog has the potential to kick everyone's ass. While the people around him know what's up, Shiro's basically just dropped into the middle of a war with no skills and no knowledge of what's going on.
In short, I think this show essentially captures the good points you can have in any apocalyptic-type series. Sure, the plot is a bit shallow and light, sure the characters aren't exactly role models... but you know what? Any series set during a big potentially world-changing event is going to have that sort of flaw. Did you like Eva, despite shinji being a weak, spinless and revolting character and everyone else being horribly twisted? Did you like Rahxephon, despite the very very strange character development and the near-indecipherable mysticism? Did you like X, despite the fact that other than production values and novelty it had virtually nothing going for it? If you said "no" to all three, then why are you even bothering with this show?
I think you're putting too much emphasis on the "what's the servant's identity" minigame though. It's NOT essential to the plot to know that Berserker is Hercules, or Rider was Medusa, or Saber is Arthur. It IS essential to know that Rider is a twisted creature, matching the twisted personality of her master, that Berserker is an amoral beast that's really freaking hard to kill. Saying "well, this character has its roots in mythology" is one thing ... but they're really not dwelling on that so much, beyond using pre-existing tools to tell a new story.
Don't get me wrong, I can certainly see how you could dislike the show. Just ... the criteria you're criticizing it for are the sort of things you could blast just about any show being made today for -- lack of plot progression (amg anyone?), characters that you might not like, minor details that don't appeal to you. If you are seriously going to criticize the show, criticize it for its horrible non-combat pacing, or because you just don't like the characters, but I don't think it's fair to call minor points major ones or to omit the other good things about the series entirely because you're so hung up on those things.
i guess some people really just have starkly different opinions/tastes. I don't mean to attack your tastes, I just couldn't believe how popular this show is here and felt I had to say something. It really looks like (from Ryl and comps posts) that it's just an opposite sense of opinion that makes me dislike this show.
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
Warning: I in no way condone or encourage anyone to do anything after reading this post, I just wanted to share some information I found, though it might be of a questionable nature.
I was browsing mininova and came across something called Faith-Stay Knight and, being the curious person I am, I looked it up on google. Apparently the popularity of F/SN was enough that they made a live action porn of it, which I found to have a very funny, albeit stupid, trailer, in addition to being a hilarious concept in general. I know the games were 'H' but seeing that goofy ass trailer makes me laugh at how the same thing that inspired the anime that so many like, also inspired this terrible, or amazing porn movie. I'm not really qualified to critique japanese porn so I can't judge.
EDIT: I'm not telling anyone to go download it or anything like that, I was just commenting on it.
Last edited by Yukimura; Sun, 04-16-2006 at 03:55 PM.
Ep 16 is out by Eclipse. AVI and MKV
(Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach
ooohhhh, this episode is gonna be good
R.I.P Captain America.