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Thread: Fate/stay night

  1. #221
    My point is that it doesn't matter what Shirou skill is, any magician should be capable of getting out of any shitty rope... Using fire, or any other skill, it shouldn't be too hard.

    My point is that the miscalculation of Ilya has more to do with her expectations of how her spell should work, not that she didn't know what Shirou is capable of.

  2. #222
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    The reason Shirou will probably be able to materialize the sword hit me just now as I was reading through the posts after my own. We all know Shirou summoned her improperly, that is, she just appeared rather than him drawing out the circle and doing all sorts of things Rin did (which still wasn't enough apparently, but actually think Archer was lying to her).

    For whatever reason, Shirou can regenerate at rediculous levels, which is supposed to be Saber's ability (also one King Arthur had, the Excaliber's sheath granted regenerative powers). That leads me to believe that the true Excaliber (or whatever it is) was brought into Shirou's body by accident. It also drags in some symbolism that he's the sheath to Saber's abilities. Then all he needs to do is materialize it into the real world.

  3. #223
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Hmm... That's an interesting theory, to say the least. However, one thing bother me with all the talk about the sword: The servants are spiritual beings, and the physical body they have in order to fight and pose nude to their masters is a temporal convenience. Well, you could say our bodies are such as well, if you believe in a soul that is kind of separate from the body. However, Excalibur is a piece of metal with some magical abilities. It existed before Arthur and perhaps in some form remained after him.

    Dunno. What I'm trying to say is that the sword shouldn't be in such a way linked to Saber, or it shouldn't be conveniently materialized as if it was something that happened to be misplaced during the initial spawning of Saber. And furthermore Saber hasn't indicated once that she's missing something, like the original Excalibur, and is instead using some makedo.

    So, if the missing Excalibur if not just a symbol for the missing link between Shirou and Saber, it shouldn't exist as available to those two. It's not part of the story. Unless all the other Master/Servant pairs also can have external mystic weapons or gear.

  4. #224
    Well a general theme in this series is that the less people know about you the better off you are. So, if Saber is indeed missing her real sword, it is of no surprise that she hasn't mentioned it before.

  5. #225
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    The visual novel Fate/stay night features a young female knight called Saber. It is later revealed that her true name is Arturia Celas, and she was the basis for the legends of both Arthur and Guinevere.

  6. #226
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    For those who are keeping the AonE versions.

  7. #227

  8. #228
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Archer is the Shyt!!!!!
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  9. #229
    Best episode so far. LOTS OF fighting and not with usual head-on.

  10. #230
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It was indeed an excellent episode. The action was good, sensible, and plentiful. But damn Berserk is badass. The pointblank shot by Archer's bow didn't even scratch him. And his healing abilities seem to be quite perfect. Shirou and Saber will have their hands full.

    But I certainly didn't expect Archer's fate to be what it turned out to be. Of course it was as glorious a defeat as one could hope to get, and perhaps his speech to Shirou indicated something like this was forthcoming, but still I didn't see it coming.

    The only bad thing about this episode was the fact Archer's voice actor's English wasn't quite up to the task...

  11. #231
    Awesome episode. Rather disappointing performance from Berserker because he was still just a big brute swinging a sword. Anyone have an idea about Archer's identity? I think he's supposed to be some legendary blacksmith, and the only name that comes to mind is Melchior.

  12. #232
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    Hands down the best episode of this show to date.

    I didn't really mind the english, it actually was cool b/c I thought he would end up saying all that stuff in japanese.

    And what was up with that pendant that was left behind? I don't remember ever seeing him with that.

    R.I.P Captain America.

  13. #233
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    1. Melchior is a blacksmith only from Chrono Trigger (seriously). It's a fairly widespread misinterpretation. Just goes to show how popular Chrono Trigger is. The name actually refers to one of the wise men from the Bible. All other references to that name are typically a play on the mythos of that.

    2. His identity is arguably the biggest twist there is in any series I've seen. There are a large number of clues throughout the series, but the most obvious ones are from this eps and the last few before it.

    -Archer spoke to Ilya as if he knew her. Most importantly, all his references to her were referring to the past. "You haven't changed..."

    -Archer creates his weapons and blades.

    -Most importantly, pay attention to the manner in which Archer speaks to Shiro in this episode. Past dialogues are good to look into as well, but none of them are nearly as large a clue as that one.

    -You've seen that pendant before (in some form or another). Just think carefully.

    EDIT: The spoiler that was alluded to the subsequent posts has been removed.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sat, 04-08-2006 at 05:50 PM. Reason: SPOILERS REMOVED

  14. #234
    You may want to suggest that if they want to know they need to sned a request pm to you, because I can only see your post getting edited and you getting warned... Anyways, great episode, and I'm currenty playing the game, though I wish it was translated, I have a way of copying the text ingame to the clipboard and from there I am using a translator to get a rough translation. It's better than nothing. If you can read japanese and are liking this anime, definately get the game.

  15. #235
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Well, it wouldn't be a problem if there were legitimate hide tags on this board. (A problem I will attempt to address.) I've been on these boards for some time and know the limits of my post content. That is why I leave messages explaining my behavior when it goes so far astray.

    People will want to know. I would've just said it explicitly in a few hours after some more guesses had built up. I did this with Rider. However, in Archer's case, there is significantly less overt information in the series, and it is still somewhat of a leap. I laid out the clues in a manner that make it far simplier than if I hadn't pointed those out. It definitely seems that the writers intentionally left it far more vague.

  16. #236
    Yeah, I figured you'd covered yourself pretty well, in that, just thought I'd toss the suggestion, anyways I agree with your statement about leaving out info on archer.

  17. #237
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    There. I got the color code dead on. Now it's not visible in any way.

    A question I have now is, what exactly will Rin be doing now? She seemed to be pretty capable of winning this on her own, and Archer was very cool. Berserker needed to kill him...6 times was it? Now that Rin is out, how can she help Shirou? Will she? Or perhaps she'll just go to the church to hide where the Masters who have lost go.

    Also, she only had one command spell left. What exactly did she use the other two for?

  18. #238
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    she used 1 when she met archer ( not shown in anime, i can make it a spoiler if you can tell me the correct colour tag) and she used 1 to command archer to vanish after saber attacked him ( after the lancer x saber fight )

    + i dont think you should've revealed who Archer is, since it isnt even revealed in the Fate story line of the game, and its obvious the anime mainly follows that story line

    edit: spoiler ( well more like backstory) added:

    When he was first summoned he and rin had a massive conversation, in which it seemed archer was reluctant to obey rin ( calling her clumsy as a master in her failed summoning ), the end result was a pissed of rin using one of her command spells to make archer obey her at all times ( although i thought archer was just kidding, he pissed of rin kinda
    Last edited by darkshadow; Sat, 04-08-2006 at 06:56 PM.

  19. #239
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    That's fine and sounds good. It's already taken out. I'll leave the clues though. If they can't figure it out with the way I've laid those out, then too bad.

    If its not even in the game, then in the end it really shouldn't be there at all. You've convinced me.

  20. #240
    ANBU NeoBear's Avatar
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    that was pretty good it sucked that archer died so soon after showing of his skills wich rocked and like others say it sucks that all Zerker did was swing his sword around like a toon. but i like the fact that they are not making all the deaths all retarded and sorta shocking i would have never expected that archer was gonna die its a given that servants/masters are gonna have to die so it was nice to see that the last 3 deaths have been treated well

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