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Thread: The 4 noble families

  1. #21
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    The 4 noble families

    besides, i dont think souls just magically gain huge amounts of rietsu when they get to soul society
    We know that even in SS, people who can use their rieatsu are special. We've seen this in several flashbacks. We've also seen the "normal" people in SS, who are just that. Normal.

    Also, the Kurosaki's obviously aren't the 4th family, as Byakuya would have known it and not bitched about Ichigo being so naturally strong. I'm thinking it's either the Genryusai (Yama-jii) or someone unimportant.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  2. #22

    The 4 noble families

    Genryusai cant be part of the Kuchiki's because he would be the head of the family instead of Byakuya because he is A LOT stronger. And Byakuya is the strongest head of the family in a long time.

  3. #23
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    The 4 noble families

    ichigo is a hidden noble family, the 5th! kurosakis! lol.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  4. #24

    The 4 noble families

    Originally posted by: Assassin
    besides, i dont think souls just magically gain huge amounts of rietsu when they get to soul society. im sure those people probably had potential before they died. Ichigo was probably one of those people, especially since him and his family could see ghosts in the livnig world, and we know only people with rietsu can do that.
    That might explain why giving shinigami powers to humans is a capital offense. It's like giving them a heads up on their own spiritual powers that aren't supposed to be awakened/realized until after death. Maybe if it wasn't a crime tons of humans would learn to see and fight hollows themselves like the quincys or just get cool barrettes that can do weird things and there would be no need for shinigamis or worse the balance of souls would be so screwed up, the barrier between the real world and Soul Society would crumble or something like that.

  5. #25
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    The 4 noble families

    Originally posted by: Coriandria
    It's like giving them a heads up on their own spiritual powers that aren't supposed to be awakened/realized until after death.
    Just to clarify
    We know that even in SS, people who can use their rieatsu are special.
    I'm pretty sure giving anyone Shinigami powers is a crime, but it's probably worse for humans since they're not even really supposed to know about Hollows or the afterlife.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  6. #26
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    The 4 noble families

    Originally posted by: Coriandria
    Originally posted by: Assassin
    besides, i dont think souls just magically gain huge amounts of rietsu when they get to soul society. im sure those people probably had potential before they died. Ichigo was probably one of those people, especially since him and his family could see ghosts in the livnig world, and we know only people with rietsu can do that.
    That might explain why giving shinigami powers to humans is a capital offense. It's like giving them a heads up on their own spiritual powers that aren't supposed to be awakened/realized until after death. Maybe if it wasn't a crime tons of humans would learn to see and fight hollows themselves like the quincys or just get cool barrettes that can do weird things and there would be no need for shinigamis or worse the balance of souls would be so screwed up, the barrier between the real world and Soul Society would crumble or something like that.

    acctually ichigo's spirit power was already oddly awakened, in episode 1 he could see ghosts, his whole family could, his whole family probably had high reiatsu. i dont think all humans are even supposed to have a drop of reiatsu, remember those who can survive on just water in soul society dont have reiatsu, its those who need solid foods are the ones who have reiatsu, which means even in soul soceity there are those without reiatsu, so it means not all humans of reiatsu. its not that its a crime to awaken a person's spirit energy, its that most people dont have any at all. and even if humans could fight hollows, human's bodies are still flesh, they wont recover like a shinigami's.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  7. #27
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The 4 noble families

    Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
    and even if humans could fight hollows, human's bodies are still flesh, they wont recover like a shinigami's.
    That's why humans fought as Quincys. From afar off the target. That way, they don't get hurt easily.

  8. #28

    The 4 noble families

    Ok this my first post here so hey. Now I think that Ichigo is part of the Shiba Noble family. Not only beacuse he looks identical to that Shiba chick (sorry forgot name) but also because of his huge Spirit force. Now i know he is human...but not all the way because has Uaraha (sp?) said. After Byakuya cut his link and chair or whatever they were called The death god powers he already had in him hid so they wouldnt be destroyed. Also they never say why the Shiba clan was destroyed. So it could be because the same type of thing that happened between Ichigo and Rukia happened between Ichigo's parents? That could explain why Byakuya is so intent on Rukia's execution to save his house. And that would explain Ichigo's huge spirit force because he would techinaly be head of the Shinba house.

  9. #29

    The 4 noble families

    well we can rule out the fact that Ichigo's a noble. cuz don't you think that when other shinigami hear his name they would ask him "hey, you a noble??"

  10. #30
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    The 4 noble families

    Originally posted by: Torture
    Ok this my first post here so hey. Now I think that Ichigo is part of the Shiba Noble family. Not only beacuse he looks identical to that Shiba chick (sorry forgot name) but also because of his huge Spirit force. Now i know he is human...but not all the way because has Uaraha (sp?) said. After Byakuya cut his link and chair or whatever they were called The death god powers he already had in him hid so they wouldnt be destroyed. Also they never say why the Shiba clan was destroyed. So it could be because the same type of thing that happened between Ichigo and Rukia happened between Ichigo's parents? That could explain why Byakuya is so intent on Rukia's execution to save his house. And that would explain Ichigo's huge spirit force because he would techinaly be head of the Shinba house.
    The Shiba clan was never destroyed, and two of its known surviving members are not related to Ichigo in any way. Even assuming that he is Kaien's (who was not a chick) reincarnation, that doesn't mean he is related to the Shibas.

    Ichigo is special, but I don't really think it has anything to do with him being part of a Noble family. At least, as far as we know at this point in the story.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  11. #31
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The 4 noble families

    Originally posted by: ArcZero
    well we can rule out the fact that Ichigo's a noble. cuz don't you think that when other shinigami hear his name they would ask him "hey, you a noble??"
    I'm not saying he's a noble, but even if he was, he is not carrying the name of a noble house. So the other shinigamis would have no idea, only hearing his name, that he belonged to any noble family.

    With all the obsession about the noble families, it needs to be remembered those four families probably became noble families because of the high reiatsu - not the other way around. So, in the distant past, they were most likely just families like any other, but with their high spirit powers, they raised themselves above the ordinary populace.

  12. #32

    The 4 noble families

    Sorry guess i wasn't clear on that. Waht i ment by the chick was the fireworks chick Ganja's sister.

  13. #33
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    The 4 noble families

    Ichigo doesn't resemble Kukakku. 0.o

    In any case, I agree with Kraco.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  14. #34

    The 4 noble families

    Just some common sense:

    Who's family crest is attached to the flying cape Ichigo wears?

    Why does he get to wear it?

    Where did Luke and Leia get their power?

  15. #35
    ANBU FrogKing's Avatar
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    The 4 noble families

    ^Dude , is that a theory or a spoiler? If that was a spoiler, then that'd be lame that you would post it here w/o warning. In not, then nice theory.
    Currently watching: One Piece, Black Lagoon, Bleach, Death Note, Suzumiya Haruhi,
    The 12 Kingdoms, and Soukou no Strain (kinda)


  16. #36
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    The 4 noble families

    Seems to be jsut a half-assed theory. The cape Ichigo wears is Yoroichi's. She leant it to him if I'm not mistaken, that's why it has her family crest on it.

    Ichigo gets to wear it because he needed a way to get up to where Rukia was. Yoroichi explained this to Soi Fong I think (I know she does tell her something about the cape).

    And Luke and Leia get their powers...from the force, I guess. Perhaps their ablitliy to use the force well came from Anakin, but that's pretty irrelevent.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  17. #37

    The 4 noble families

    Wait, the Shiba weren't destroyed?

    So all that alluding to the shame of a family falling juxtaposed against Ganju and that dead guy that Rukia killed was just... nothing?

    As for my theory; I don't think Ichigo is anyone reincarnated, if anything he has a second soul running around inside him (sorta like the Kyuubi in Naruto, though I'm sure SOMEONE will be offended by the comparison) which is the only forseable way I can tihnk of to explain how you have Ichigo AND another thing inside him that is all hollowed and stuff.

    In anycase, the point is that wether he IS reincatnated or not, Ichigo has nothing to do with the organised noble families in Soul Society.

    As to the acctual question, obviously you have the... god I suck at remembering names.

    - Kuchiki
    - That famliy the cat was part of, though I'm sure that bee lady mentioned something aobut it getting disgraced when cat lady left. (Though interesting that the bee lady was part of a clan devoted to serving the head of the intelligence unit, and now that she IS the head, wether they have another clan devoted to her, or her clan itself has risen to prominance.)
    - Captain of 1st squad is an obvious choice, though no proof as of yet.
    - I can then only guess that either Shibas are still noble (not likely) or that healer lady person (which is purely guesswork but she'd be my best bet)

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