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Thread: Manga: Shin Angyo Onshi

  1. #1

    Manga: Shin Angyo Onshi

    Since the anime was released earlier this year, I've been pretty much in love with this series...

    Just wondering if anyone here is also reading it?

    I've just read up to volume 5 chapter 11...

    Here's the thread on the anime if interested...

    In an ancient kingdom of the Far East called Jushin, there were royal secret agents called Angyo Onshi, or Amen Osa. With the power imbued inside their Mahais, they were able to summon armies of soldiers to their aid. These Amen Osa were sent by the King to all parts of the land to protect commoners from corrupt governors, dangerous outlaws, and monsters of the wild.

    But Jushin has fallen into ruin. And now, one man, Munsu, still wanders the land as an Amen Osa in search of the man who destroyed everything he once knew and loved...

    A Korean import to Japan that is published simultaneously in both countries. The themes become more mature as the plot develops. The manga is of the fantasy and action genre. The manga draws inspiration from ancient Korean government, Korean classical literature, and Korean folktales, and the author hopes you'll come to appreciate Korean culture while you're enjoying the art and the story.
    Last edited by Munsu; Sun, 03-18-2007 at 11:20 PM.

  2. #2

    Shin Angyo Onshi

    I have the movie but havent watched yet. I adore the manga. Very good fantasy,the main guy rocks,its so good to see a main that doesnt have super powers in mangas like these.

    I havent read since chap 9 though,forgot that there were some new chapters out.

  3. #3

    Shin Angyo Onshi

    Yeah it is awesome, you should watch the movie... great action...

    But you should read the manga from the beginning afterwards anyways, since a couple of good chapters were skipped, some somewhat important to the story...

    I wish more people would read this...

  4. #4

    Shin Angyo Onshi

    Its pretty famous in EG forums.

    Have you read Island by the same manhwaga? Its great but sadly only 7 vols.

    Of course i read the start of this mahwa.

    I wish he had used the same dark art style as in Island for Shin Angyo.

  5. #5

    Shin Angyo Onshi

    nope i haven't read it...

    got direct download for it by any chance?

  6. #6

    Shin Angyo Onshi


    If you have the chance it much faster downloading it from #lurk.

  7. #7

    Shin Angyo Onshi

    Part two of chapter 11 was just released, don't have a link at the moment, hope it is good since we were left on a cliffhanger last time...

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Hakeem_21
    Its pretty famous in EG forums.

    Have you read Island by the same manhwaga? Its great but sadly only 7 vols.

    Of course i read the start of this mahwa.

    I wish he had used the same dark art style as in Island for Shin Angyo.
    I just finished Island, it was pretty good... But it ended too soon. At the end of the final volume the writter said something that there may be more Island being done, and I think this was mentioned in 2001. So far I haven't heard anything of a sequel, have you?

  9. #9
    I havent heard anything of Island iether which is sad. Cause its was great, artwise and storywise. I dig the serial killer pyscho who is the main.

    Its sad they finished the manhwa cause a jap manga company wanted them to do a crappy short story. Apparently they coulndt say no so they had to end the thing that made them famous...

  10. #10
    Well, at least I'm hopeful that once they finish up Shin Angyo Onshi, they would go ahead and do the sequel for Island. But Shin Angyo Onshi > everything they might do anyways, so I'm happy with it at the moment.

    Anyways, up to where have you read? I've read up to chapter 12b, and it was a great chapter, though it was pretty much a cocktease. The upcoming chapters should be great though.

  11. #11
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Well, I just gave this a shot based on your recommendation in another thread, and I just finished chapter 7. At first, I found the scans hard to read, so getting into it was a little hard, but then I read up through chapter 7 in a short matter of hours.

    It's a really great manga. It ties into legendary/historical fact, and manages to avoid a lot of the cliches typical of a series with similar plot layouts. Munsu is not very trusting in his companions in the beginning, and rightly so. Who would really trust a person they just met that tried to rob them or nearly killed them? The strongest member of his team is his bodyguard, despite that he was once a very prominent fighter. Sando is also very interesting. The first mention of her plays her off as a 'princess' in need of rescuing, but she turns out to be quite aptly described as a Slayer.

    I like the general formula of episodic chapters, unrelated often, with larger chapters moving the story along dramatically. It reminded me of the way Cowboy Bebop was laid out, and is a method I'm quite fond of.

    I'm hooked.

  12. #12
    Finally, after 9 months someone has seen the light. Damnit, took you long enough to start reading this awesome manga.

  13. #13
    Well I decided not to be lazy and get on irc and try this out. Why didn't you say anything about this earlier Bud? In all seriousness if anyone is still waiting to take a look at this do so, it really is that good. So far I like the little author's notes at the end of each story and he does a good job at adding his own touches to them.

  14. #14
    Well, after Bud annoying me for quite a long time, I decided to read it, and god damn!
    This has been awesome so far, I just read through volume 5, still got some chapters to go.

    Munsu and Sando are fucking awesome, winning combination, very well drawn out and made so far. Also, Aji Tae is a very cunning person indeed.

  15. #15
    Genin yallo's Avatar
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    Dammit... even Kai is hooked now. Is it really that awesome? Somehow the manga covers are quite "provocative", with Sando being so scantily clad. Make me suspicious about the content inside.

    But I've been resisting taking a trip down to the manga rental store for months ever since I watched the OVA and saw Bud's recommendation. Hmm. Maybe I will drop by some time soon and pick up Vol 1. ^^

  16. #16
    Just go download it, those sweatshops aren't paying you enough for you to be wasting your money on manga.

  17. #17
    Genin yallo's Avatar
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    Heh, that's quite true, they ain't paying me enough alright.
    *stomps off to #lurk*

    But that being said, if I do get hooked on this, I'll probably end up buying the manga. I just don't like reading manga off a computer screen. =| Especially an awesome manga.

  18. #18
    Yes yallo it really is that awesome, even though the covers are quite provocative the content inside isn't really like that, but yeah most of the girls are lightly dressed. Go and download!

    Chapter 12 Talk
    Just read chapter 12abc, this is an interesting story with Ondal, fascinated by him from a young age and wanting to meet this person, and when she does he saves her, than the instant connection from being siblings. We get to see Munsu's sword, I hope he takes it back, he looked so badass before the fall of Junshin. I wonder what kind of Mahai he'll get, he has the 3 horse 'Phantom Soldiers', probably go up to a six horse (2 Mahai's), just taking that from Hwang.

    Man, this is going to be annoying waiting for chapters to be released.

  19. #19
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Finally read the 1st volume (3 chpts?). Enjoyed it. Will keep on reading.

    I'm all caught up now. Can't wait for more releases.
    Last edited by Honoko; Tue, 09-05-2006 at 07:09 PM.

  20. #20
    Yeah, I've been following this manga too. It's been pretty good so far. yallo, you better start stitching those nike's at a higher rate so you can buy this.

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