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Thread: Manga: Shin Angyo Onshi

  1. #81
    Last edited by kAi; Mon, 06-04-2007 at 10:01 AM.

  2. #82
    ANBU Captain fahoumh's Avatar
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    Arrghh...this chapter was such a tease!

  3. #83
    Volume 13 Chapter 20G

    Start of a new volume.
    Last edited by kAi; Mon, 06-04-2007 at 10:01 AM.

  4. #84
    ANBU Captain fahoumh's Avatar
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    Last edited by kAi; Mon, 06-04-2007 at 10:01 AM.

  5. #85
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    What an amazing chapter. Kae Wol Hyang and Munsu's relationship a very beautiful thing. He sacrificed so much for her and she's willing to let herself be fooled by him.

    Finally some insight into what Aji Tae is. From what they said, it was my understanding that he is hybridized with some incredibly evil force. "The Devil" under his Aji Tae's definition of one. Is it that he wants to destroy the world so this evil force can know it's own name? That confused me a little.

    Lastly, confirmation that Munsu trained Marlene. I thought it was kind of odd, so I looked back through the chapters she's appeared in. She has never seen Munsu's face in present day. There was line to Sando "I should like to see his face..." but I imagine her reactions would have been quite different had she known it was the old teacher she was apparently quite fond of. Also looking at the point where she fought Sando alone, after her attendant Hart was killed, Marlene's sword burst into what looked like flames and she batted Sando away with a shockwave. It seems very likely now that once she meets again with Munsu, Marlene will be the one to face off and hold off the now powered up Sando during the final confrontation with Aji Tae.

  6. #86
    ANBU Captain fahoumh's Avatar
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    Volume 13 Chapter 20 Part 10

    End of Volume 13
    Last edited by kAi; Mon, 06-04-2007 at 10:02 AM. Reason: Changed the direct link to website.

  7. #87
    Why Sando whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?! I loved you! XD

  8. #88
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    What Aji Tae has done to Sando (he even calls her Chun Hyang...) can never be forgiven. I'm confident Marlene can kick some sense back into her. The short comedy relief of Miss Hwang's own assassins narrowly missing her with a giant axe was funny though.

    Luckily, Munsu seems to be closer to coming out of it. He's already returned to the state where he wonders about hallucinating like he did in the beginning. I bet the rage of seeing Aji Tae bring down Jushin or the grief of reliving his mercy-killing of Kae Wol Hyang will bring him out of it.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Mon, 06-04-2007 at 02:03 PM.

  9. #89
    theres something i don't far munsu had previously made a few claims how his love was an illusion or that it was one sided.

    From the looks of things so far, it really doesn't look like it was one sided at all? maybe theres something else that happens later on, but so far i can't really see what he's always been uneasy about whenever he mentions his love life.
    it is always the darkest before the dawn...

  10. #90

  11. #91
    Nice, I decided to catch up today... so I get an extra chapter to read for my efforts.

  12. #92
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Wow, that chapter explained a lot in the last few pages. But leaves just as many questions. When did Aji Tae replace the king with himself? Why is Munsu the only one who sees it as it is? What is happening to Kae Wol Hyang?

    For the last one anyway, I would guess that the reason Munsu isn't dead and the marks over Kae Wol Hyang's body indicate the curse that transferred her disease to Munsu didn't work properly. I'm guessing Aji Tae did it intentionally, no idea why, but it doesn't seem anything he does is unintentional.

    At least it's also clear why Munsu punched Yeong Sil in the face when they met again in the present.

    Good news is that it looks like we'll get a full account on the Fall of Jushin. Unfortunately, I've heard that this flashback continues into volume 16, bringing the total number of parts to this chapter over twenty. It'll be a long way off until we see the conclusion to this arc, and even longer to get back to the present.

  13. #93
    ANBU Captain fahoumh's Avatar
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    Wow, I was hoping for background information when I first started reading, but I would have never guessed they'd go into this much detail. Am I the only one who's anxious to get back to the present?

  14. #94
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I really want to get back to the present (and see what happens with Hwang, Marlene, and the rest of Munsu's future allies against Aji Tae), but at the same time, the length of this flashback shows how deep Munsu is trapped within the mandragora's hallucination. But, since it's not just random, and certainly not as happy as it is supposed to be, it shows that Munsu will be able to work his way out of it.

  15. #95
    ANBU Captain fahoumh's Avatar
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    Yeah, I guess you're right....I'm interested to see exactly how he'll break out of it.

  16. #96
    Volume 14 Chapter 20 Part 12

    Might as well chalk this up as the "Golden Age" arc of SAO.


  17. #97
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Well, we skipped discussion on Part 12, and Part 13, but here's the first release in some time. This closes volume 14, but don't worry, Chapter 20 continues long into volume 15!

    Volume 14 Chapter 20 Parts 14-15

    EDIT: Two truly beautiful chapters. I see why it took so long, the art is exquisite. Must have taken them forever to edit. There was a tremendous deal in these two chapters, so I'll wait before discussing them more.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Mon, 10-08-2007 at 09:58 PM.

  18. #98
    Honestly, if Aji Tae never had any brainwashing on Sando, I would call the author a dumbass. To completely 360 a person's personality that much is silly if there is no outside influence directly controlling what she thinks.

  19. #99
    After all this time, the final leg of the journey is here. This is the beginning of the final volume, where things start off with a bang, in which Munsu shoots mean looks at Cloud, and then Haohmaru jumps in!
    Also, lots of people start dying off abruptly.

    Volume 17 Chapter 21 Part 6


  20. #100
    Well, the whole thing has now been done and we have our conclusion.
    Munsu finishes up badass!

    Will let everyone read! but you can get the rest of it at mangatraders.

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